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The current State of Illum


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I find this issue depressing and I have been asked how I would change illum to be interesting but this is not the place for that this is a discussion on whether or not we do the Illum Daliys. Please leave a description on why you feel that way ect.


I personally do not do the Illum dallies and weeklys because of wow un-fun they are. It takes a considerable amount of time to do, I simply don't have 20 hours a week to commit to Illum in its flawed design.

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You have to PvP to get PvP gear. Makes sense. Takes work. It pays off.


Amusingly enough, the fastest way to PvP gear is not really PvPing in the first place, unless "Standing in large groups trading one-sided AoE barrages" is PvP.


Ilum is the apex of what's wrong with PvP. See my sig.

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Fact is, there arent enough repubs to actually pvp in Ilum. When the reps decide they want to come out and pvp, they can maybe field 4-6 players, who get COMPLETELY stomped by the 50-60 imps circling around central assault. It takes maybe 6 deaths for each rep with not one kill on their side to sour it for them and send them running back to warzones.
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Fact is, there arent enough repubs to actually pvp in Ilum. When the reps decide they want to come out and pvp, they can maybe field 4-6 players, who get COMPLETELY stomped by the 50-60 imps circling around central assault. It takes maybe 6 deaths for each rep with not one kill on their side to sour it for them and send them running back to warzones.


What? Firstly it depends on the server, secondly, there are instances, which have more or less Pubs/Imps, and the time of day.


On my server we get completely steam rolled by the Pubs.

Edited by reaperkeepet
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