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SWTOR The Hardware Killer


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I posted it and demanding does not equal breaking hardware. And it states it's demanding when running the game on high settings.


SWTOR does not break peoples hardware. It is not possible. People break their hardware or their hardware is failing for other reasons, not software.


Above normal heating over time can reduce the life of your GPU. I have seen it happen more so with cards people get that come factory overclocked. One system I repaired I has to underclock it to normal then things ran correctly. Also if heat is a huge issue invest in some Arctic Silver Thermal Compound or a good well known thermal grease and can will make a difference. Some companies now use stupid foam pads of crap instead of grease and cause issues more so in laptops.

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You've been an IT Tech for 16 years, and you don't know the difference between minimized and maximized app? Do your supervisors know?


Let me assume you're a better network engineer than you are a tech. Say you have an active-passive pair of F5's. They continuously share session state. Do you expect them to run at the same temperature, or would the passive one run cooler?


Hey he runs SWTOR in Icon mode give him a break. :D LOL


This guy is no network engineer, or where he works has a lot of network downtime if he is. :D

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I have had problems with the game messing up my hardware also. My liquid cooling system and fans work fine to keep the tempature down.


The problem comes when I turn on my computer the next day after playing SWTOR the day before.


I have my fans set to flare on when I turn the computer on, then slow down to the normal speed, but after playing SWTOR at least one of my fans does not slow down to the right running speed and makes loud noise. I can then just leave my computer on for a few minutes, then I shutdown. The next time I start up the fans work normally.


I havent been able to figure out if it is the CPU Fan, or maybe one of the Video Card fans, or the coolant pump. Could it be hard drive fans also? I have tried to check which one is not working right, but sometimes the fan will also go back to sounding normal if i lift up the back of the computer alittle bit and drop it for alittle shock. Though when I do it this way the next time I turn the computer on the fan will still be loud.


I use:

i7- 960

Dual 5870s

win 7 64bit


Anyone know what might be causeing this? Thanks

Edited by StarExplorerX
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I have had problems with the game messing up my hardware also. My liquid cooling system and fans work fine to keep the tempature down.


The problem comes when I turn on my computer the next day after playing SWTOR the day before.


My fans flare on when I turn the computer on, but then slow down to the normal speed, but after playing SWTOR at least one of my fans makes loud noise when I turn on my computer. I can then just leave my computer on for a few minutes, then I shutdown. The next time I start up the fans work normally.


I havent been able to figure out if it is the CPU Fan, or maybe one of the Video Card fans, or the coolant pump. Could it be hard drive fans also? I have tried to check which one is not working right, but sometimes the fan will also go back to sounding normal if i lift up the back of the computer alittle bit and drop it for alittle shock. Though when I do it this way the next time I turn the computer on the fan will still be loud.


I use:

i7- 960

Dual 5870s

win 7 64bit


Anyone know what might be causeing this? Thanks



a bad end-user?


a game doesnt make your fans louder... OH WAIT BW must have wrote some code to make random computers fans go louder on restart or whenever...

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Above normal heating over time can reduce the life of your GPU. I have seen it happen more so with cards people get that come factory overclocked. One system I repaired I has to underclock it to normal then things ran correctly. Also if heat is a huge issue invest in some Arctic Silver Thermal Compound or a good well known thermal grease and can will make a difference. Some companies now use stupid foam pads of crap instead of grease and cause issues more so in laptops.


This game DOES NOT make the OPs system overheat, either he has a poorly built system without any adequate airflow or he's playing it in a box. OR as others have pointed out the particular system he has is known for heating issues. Also the stuff you list is not software related, that's hardware related. This game runs fine on a system which is properly maintained.

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If my Toshiba Satellite A665 can run this game for as much as it can... +3 hrs a day.




I get crap for FPS and i have to use a game booster to make it better.


When theres +30 players on ilum my computer almost implodes from the stress but i am still able to do my **** and kill them ***********...


So i say BULL ****!

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a bad end-user?


a game doesnt make your fans louder... OH WAIT BW must have wrote some code to make random computers fans go louder on restart or whenever...


Why did you even post. This is a thread for tech problems. Everyhting I wrote is fact.


Im not interested in hearing your crap talking. It sure did not help anyhting.


The point is it works the hardware a lot more then other games.


I also do not have the problem when I play. I can play 8+ hours straight and it does not do anyhting to mess up my computer. It is when I turn the computer on the day after.


Most likely it is a hardware problem.

Edited by StarExplorerX
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I suggest installing msi afterburner it will work with amd and nvidia cards its on guru3d for controlling fan speed stock drivers will happily let your high end card cook itself with this game to most of the folk saying it runs fine this bug tends to effect only the newer high end cards and systems and even then not all are effected.
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No. Like a couple other posters, you "fixed" the problem by shackling your hardware to avoid the actual issue.


To make the obligatory car analogy: Your car engine was overheating and you blamed it on the gas you were using, but you "fixed" it by taping a block of wood behind the accelerator to make sure it never tried to go too fast. The real problem is --of course-- the fact that your engine cooling sucks, but since your "fix" worked, you assume that you must be right... regardless of the fact that your "fix" and your (incorrect) guess at the cause are not at all related.




You're doing better and that's great. Just don't try to teach others about hardware. I already waste too much time on forums trying to correct people's misconceptions about hardware/software that they learn from people like you.




Best analogy of the problem.

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I havent been able to figure out if it is the CPU Fan, or maybe one of the Video Card fans, or the coolant pump. Could it be hard drive fans also? I have tried to check which one is not working right, but sometimes the fan will also go back to sounding normal if i lift up the back of the computer alittle bit and drop it for alittle shock. Though when I do it this way the next time I turn the computer on the fan will still be loud.


You literally bounce your computer to make your fans quieter, and you're looking at something TOR could be doing to cause fan noise?


Here's a tip: find your bad fan and replace it. This is a pure hardware issue.

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Well... PvP on Ilum killed my old good Geforce 9800GT after 4 years of good work. I rezurected it :) after week it was dead again. I bought new ATI Radeon 4850 on DDR5 and guess what? After 4 days I land on Ilum 2 make some PvP... now my new Radeon 4850 is dead ;)
Radeon 4850s are notorious for running hot even in a well ventilated case. Personally I am very suspicious of the airflow in your case. I would also check to make sure the PSU is outputting the proper voltage under load.



I had no problem with my geforce 9800GT for YEARS.

I don't OC anything.

Temp. on GPU while playing games 55-65C (over 75 while PvP on ilum, 65 on highest in Crysis 2).

And radeon... ye it has ****** cooling system but come on I was playing only 4 days! It had about 65-70 C when I was playing SWTOR and over 90C on Ilum...


No more PvP on Ilum for me.

Wow the last system I built has a 6870 with a phenom II x4 975 and the GPU didn't even run anywhere near that hot after stress testing the system with furmark and prime 95 combined for a couple hours. Something is seriously wrong with your setup if you're reaching those kinds of temps. Oh BTW that system ran SWTOR like a champ even on Ilum. Made me rather sad about my current system's capabilities :( Edited by Tool_of_Society
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You literally bounce your computer to make your fans quieter, and you're looking at something TOR could be doing to cause fan noise?


Here's a tip: find your bad fan and replace it. This is a pure hardware issue.


No that happened when I was taking it off the low shelf it is on, so I could open it to look inside to check the fan.


Not sure if you actually read all of what I wrote, because normally the fans work fine. The only time they dont is after SWTOR.


And it does not happen while I play, it happens the next day when I turn the computer on

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Why did you even post. This is a thread for tech problems. Everyhting I wrote is fact.


Im not interested in hearing your crap talking. It sure did not help anyhting.


The point is it works the hardware a lot more then other games.


I also do not have the problem when I play. I can play 8+ hours straight and it does not do anyhting to mess up my computer. It is when I turn the computer on the day after.


Most likely it is a hardware problem.


you wrote "I have had problems with the game messing up my hardware also"


So "most likely a hardware problem" is a direct contradiction of what you said.


Everyone, a game doesnt make your computer overheat...

A game CANT be porrly optimized causing overheats.


Overheating happens because YOUR system cant handle X amount of load. That is a hardware problem. Every computer should be able to run at 100% usage (minus hardware degradation) and TOR doesnt come close to that.

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you wrote "I have had problems with the game messing up my hardware also"


So "most likely a hardware problem" is a direct contradiction of what you said.


Well it never happened until the day after I played SWTOR for the first time. Yes I played many hours. The next day I turned on my computer it was extra loud. So I turned it off. Then I turned it on and it was back to normal.


Then I played other games and stufff no problem.


Then I play SWTOR again and of course the next day the same thing happened.


So yea SWTOR either caused it, or it shows a fault in the hardware that was allready there, that other games dont show.


Ill add that this has happened since before the game launched. I am really not that worried about it but figured since there is a large thread about other peoples problems that I would add mine.


If you think I made this stuff up you are just not to smart.

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Well it never happened until the day after I played SWTOR for the first time. Yes I played many hours. The next day I turned on my computer it was extra loud. So I turned it off. Then I turned it on and it was back to normal.


Then I played other games and stufff no problem.


The I play SWTOR again and of course the next day the same thing happened.


Fans on stuff like Motherboard Chipsets and Video Cards can and do make noise. And when a card has to speed up the fan because a game, like SWTOR does tax a system more a problem with the hardware can come out. That's not the game, that's a bad bearing in your fan.


My last machine had the similar problem with a northbridge chipset fan running noisy. It appeared while I was playing a game. It was not the game but the bearing going out. It just happened when I was playing the game. It could have happened when I was working on MS Word. Should I have blamed Word for it?


Sorry but there's a think called coincident at play sometimes.

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Fans on stuff like Motherboard Chipsets and Video Cards can and do make noise. And when a card has to speed up the fan because a game, like SWTOR does tax a system more a problem with the hardware can come out. That's not the game, that's a bad bearing in your fan.


My last machine had the similar problem with a northbridge chipset fan running noisy. It appeared while I was playing a game. It was not the game but the bearing going out. It just happened when I was playing the game.



Well what you wrote could be right. I took the part off your message that was totally pointless. You could have left the end messages off.


What if it doesnt happen when I am playing the game, but only when I turn the computer on after I had played that game for the night. I can play SWTOR for many hours. But yea probably could be a bearing.


The fan will work fine with a bad bearing right?

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Radeon 4850s are notorious for running hot even in a well ventilated case. Personally I am very suspicious of the airflow in your case. I would also check to make sure the PSU is outputting the proper voltage under load.



Wow the last system I built has a 6870 with a phenom II x4 975 and the GPU didn't even run anywhere near that hot after stress testing the system with furmark and prime 95 combined for a couple hours. Something is seriously wrong with your setup if you're reaching those kinds of temps. Oh BTW that system ran SWTOR like a champ even on Ilum. Made me rather sad about my current system's capabilities :(



Well maby my old good Geforce died cuz it was old :) He was working great till the end and I never had any issues with it. Like I said temp over 60 C happen me only once... on Ilum PvP.


And radeon 4850 died after 4 days cuz it has very ****** cooling system.


Buf the fact is - I was playing crysis 2 on this radeon and had about 65 C... and in TOR on Ilum it was armagedon.


My voltage is 12.33 V / 12 V but really I had no problem over 4,5 years (I bought my PC 4,5 years ago).

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