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commendation need tips plz.


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I've searched through the forums and found hints and bits here and there. So yes, I'm a fresh L50 Sentinel and yes, I did save up for gear and while I didn't open 6 bags at L50, I at least got 4... getting my fifth later on tonight. ;)


Are war zones the only way I can get commendations? I hear people talking about dailies and did look around Ilum. I am not looking for an easy way out but I can't play 50 hours a week either. Family, job, band... life...


I would appreciate if someone could help me out with some tips on how to efficiently get some commendations.

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In addition, trading in Warzone Commendations is the only way to get Mercenary Commendations


This is untrue. Mercenary commendations can be acquired from chests in the Outlaw's Den on Tatooine (free-for-all PvP zone) at a rate of 80 per 2 hours - four chests, each containing 20 comms, on 2-hour independent timers.


While it is not particularly efficient to only farm these chests, it becomes the most efficient method of bag farming if you park yourself in the Den, and drive quick circuits while you're waiting for your next match queue to pop.

Edited by jellosandwich
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Every day you can win 3 warzones and kill 30 enemies in Illum. If you suceed in either of these you get a bag, if you suceed in both you get 2 bags. Once a week you can kill 150 enemies in Illum and complete 9 wins in warzones for a 3 bag reward respectifully. So if you were diligent you could get 20 bags a week from quests. Espeically since wins/kills for daily quests also count for wins/kills for weekly.


The final place to get bags is from the pvp vendor. Each bag costs 200 and 200 mercenary and warzone commendations. An average win nets you about 80 commedations and an average loss nets you about 50 commedations. You could say the average warzone averages you about 65 commendations. :)


So lets say,you played the minimum and you loose half your warzones and win half...each day you'd make about 400 commedations. In a week you'd make about 3 1/2 bags worth as each costs 800 warzones.


The best tip I can give you is buy centurian set pieces first and buy champ accesories so you can quickly close teh expertise gap people will have on you. Then when you max out slowly replace the centurian set pieces and weapon to champion everything on your ultimate goal of getting to valor 60 and access to battlemaster set.

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Every day you can win 3 warzones and kill 30 enemies in Illum. If you suceed in either of these you get a bag, if you suceed in both you get 2 bags. Once a week you can kill 150 enemies in Illum and complete 9 wins in warzones for a 3 bag reward respectifully. So if you were diligent you could get 20 bags a week from quests. Espeically since wins/kills for daily quests also count for wins/kills for weekly.


The final place to get bags is from the pvp vendor. Each bag costs 200 and 200 mercenary and warzone commendations. An average win nets you about 80 commedations and an average loss nets you about 50 commedations. You could say the average warzone averages you about 65 commendations. :)


So lets say,you played the minimum and you loose half your warzones and win half...each day you'd make about 400 commedations. In a week you'd make about 3 1/2 bags worth as each costs 800 warzones.


The best tip I can give you is buy centurian set pieces first and buy champ accesories so you can quickly close teh expertise gap people will have on you. Then when you max out slowly replace the centurian set pieces and weapon to champion everything on your ultimate goal of getting to valor 60 and access to battlemaster set.






Ok, cool and thank you for the help! I won't do the same mistake on my next char but yeah, for now, I have to live with that reality with my JK.

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You get the PvP daily and weekly missions from the terminal in the republic fleet. It is in the walkway over by where you can purchase your PvP gear. There are two types: Warzone and Ilum PvP. For Ilum you get kill x number of opponents, for warzone you have to win x.


The daily missions give you a choice of a BM bag or a champion bag (you need to be valor 60 for the battle master, so I would go with the champion bag for now).


The weekly missions give I believe 3 bags and a choice, or 2 bags and a choice, I forget and I just finished one. Either way more than a single bag :)

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I've searched through the forums and found hints and bits here and there. So yes, I'm a fresh L50 Sentinel and yes, I did save up for gear and while I didn't open 6 bags at L50, I at least got 4... getting my fifth later on tonight. ;)


Are war zones the only way I can get commendations? I hear people talking about dailies and did look around Ilum. I am not looking for an easy way out but I can't play 50 hours a week either. Family, job, band... life...


I would appreciate if someone could help me out with some tips on how to efficiently get some commendations.


U can get the daily quests in the Fleet, its in the pvp area from one of the terminal quest box things. 3 warzon wins will reward u with another bag. just as if u saved up the commendations to buy a bag. also 9 warzone wins a week will give u an extra 3 bags. Same for Ilum quests 30kils/armaments will give u a bag and 150 3 bags. if you do your dailys u will get 2 bags a day at a minimum.

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