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Level 50 dailies - Takes hour to find a group for heroics


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Only 2 months or so, already it is almost impossible to find a group for the level 50 daily heroics. Frequently I feel like in a ghost town. And yet half of the marks for dailies require a group. Very frequently, can't even find just one for heroic 2+. I guess everyone is getting disappointed, maybe spend some time with alts, then we all leave.


I have done many dailies in WoW but they never ask you so much for a group in dailies. It is usually like 10% or so in total, so you can skip them with minimum loss, but SWTOR, this is terrible. 50% (12 marks) are group quests. And you can only get epic mods and enhancement by doing them. What a failed design. Why should I wait for hours to do my dailies? Why should I depend so much on luck to find a group to do my dailies?


The heroic 2+ should be made soloable for players trying to gear up, and heroic 4 be adjusted to be able to 2-man. These dailies are supposed to be the most important step of gearing for fresh level 50 and if they fail to work as intended, many many level 50s are going to ignore the game and leave, just like you ignoring them.

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The ilum H2 mission is soloable without a problem ;) never tried the Belsavis one solo. But there you can do the H4 Mission solo with dieing two times ;)


As for the mods you can get there well imho they are not really interesting because the stuff you get with warzones or flashpoints is much better.

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Only 2 months or so, already it is almost impossible to find a group for the level 50 daily heroics. Frequently I feel like in a ghost town. And yet half of the marks for dailies require a group. Very frequently, can't even find just one for heroic 2+. I guess everyone is getting disappointed, maybe spend some time with alts, then we all leave.


I have done many dailies in WoW but they never ask you so much for a group in dailies. It is usually like 10% or so in total, so you can skip them with minimum loss, but SWTOR, this is terrible. 50% (12 marks) are group quests. And you can only get epic mods and enhancement by doing them. What a failed design. Why should I wait for hours to do my dailies? Why should I depend so much on luck to find a group to do my dailies?


The heroic 2+ should be made soloable for players trying to gear up, and heroic 4 be adjusted to be able to 2-man. These dailies are supposed to be the most important step of gearing for fresh level 50 and if they fail to work as intended, many many level 50s are going to ignore the game and leave, just like you ignoring them.



I can't agree with that change.


There should be a few quests that are dailies and also require a group.


You have enough dailies that also give badges and credits that are solo and while WOW may not have asked you to group for them this is what makes SWTOR different.


You have 3 dailies that ask for a group to do. One of which as still be soloed if you put in a little extra time and have the gear for it. Plus you get the rewards for being grouped which SWTOR is rewarding you for doing unlike WOW which puts a penalty on you for grouping.


It's a decent even trade and when you do happen to get a group for the H2+ and H4 your reward is greater than the solo content.


I don't think any of them should be changed to the extent you're talking about.

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I got confirmation that BW is working on a LFG tool. Should be out soon, and if not I might be. lol Keep your head up!


Which will do little to help the OP, since most people just aren't 50 yet. My own guess based on my server and 3 different guilds is that only about 30% of the playerbase are 50 or at least play their 50s and aren't continually leveling alts.

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Level 50 dailies - Takes hour to find a group for heroics FOR ME


yea, largely depends on your server I guess, Mine, Nadds Sarcophagus is pretty hrad to find group for anything other than Poisonous Strat. Belsavis have to wait on Guildies. I can feel your pain.

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Level 50 dailies - Takes hour to find a group for heroics FOR ME


Level 50 dailies - Takes an hour to complete for me.


If you're having a hard time completing them my suggestion is to drop a level or two and farm there till you're properly geared up. Or even better, do Warzones, Champion bags are pretty much free nowadays.

Edited by darthtoph
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No need to change the difficulty of the Heroics, they are easy enough already. I already duo the Heroic 4s without a healer or CC... Powertech + Sniper.


Here's the thing though... you need to make friends. An extensive friends list makes putting groups together easier.

Edited by Xneco
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The ilum H2 mission is soloable without a problem ;) never tried the Belsavis one solo. But there you can do the H4 Mission solo with dieing two times ;)


As for the mods you can get there well imho they are not really interesting because the stuff you get with warzones or flashpoints is much better.


There is no way in heck I could solo the Ilum H2. At least not with my heal spec. I have no issues two manning it though. Usually someone else looking for it.


The H4's I never bother with. I figure they are time inefficient. My goal is to get the most dailies done in an hour or so I can so I can get to PvPing. I can knock off 8 Belsavis comms and the 7 on Ilum in just over an hour. Would love for them to fix Defending the Shipment someday.


You CAN solo the H2 on Belsavis though. Anyone can. Really.

Just need to die once, maybe twice doing it.

Edited by islander
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There is no way in heck I could solo the Ilum H2. At least not with my heal spec. I have no issues two manning it though. Usually someone else looking for it.


The H4's I never bother with. I figure they are time inefficient. My goal is to get the most dailies done in an hour or so I can so I can get to PvPing. I can knock off 8 Belsavis comms and the 7 on Ilum in just over an hour. Would love for them to fix Defending the Shipment someday.


You CAN solo the H2 on Belsavis though. Anyone can. Really.

Just need to die once, maybe twice doing it.


If you are an invis class the H4's are absolutely the most efficient dailies.

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Darkness in Ilum maybe soloable for some classes but it is too hard for fresh 50s because it is the spawn type mobs, which is hard to control with cc, and if it takes too long to kill, the patrol will bring a big group to you. If it is a static group of 2 strong 1 elite, it maybe soloable if you are skilled and have decent gear, but not for everyone.


My point is, you are not supposed to have to wait damn long for any sort of endgame daily quests. If you need to spend so much time just waiting for a group to do dailies, I am very sure that many players would get sucks and it won't take long for them to get tired and cancel their subscription. Dailies are supposed to be either just fun or simple and short, like taking q quick breakfast, shouldn't accompany any sort of frustration, otherwise you just don't want to eat them anymore.

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People do level 50 heroic dailies everyday?




Clearly I PvP too much....


Depends, if you don't care to accumulate any PvE gear, then keep on doing what you do :)


I basically want the rakata gear for the occasional PvE Flashpoint/Raid I might do. I still PvP about 50-60% of my gaming time every day. I just crank out dailies first.

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The heroic 2+ should be made soloable for players trying to gear up, and heroic 4 be adjusted to be able to 2-man. These dailies are supposed to be the most important step of gearing for fresh level 50 and if they fail to work as intended, many many level 50s are going to ignore the game and leave, just like you ignoring them.


Why don't we just remove the mission and have the npc give you free upgrades? :rolleyes:

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