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Light side, or Darkside? Same old question...


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Good morning. As many of you have seen threads like this, I'll post another one :) I just started an IA, but debating on light side or dark side.


My IA is still level 5, but Ive had a few moral choices so far. Either tell that Dark Agent dude to leave the Evoki alone, or take a bribe and thumb my nose to the Evoki. I chose take the bribe, only because it is dark side and Kaliyo, I hear, hates light side choices(Kaliyo just looks bad*****). Id love to roll with Kaliyo, and when I quest with a particular companion the whole way through, I generally like to keep them appeased. However, taking a bribe as an IA just to score dark side points and win affection with Kaliyo(if I had Kaliyo at that time), doesnt feel like an agent.


My view on an agent is:

A mission is a mission, a target is a target.

Cold and calculated

Not a mindless killer that wracks up Collateral kills.

Doesnt work for money.

Loyal to empire.


So my question is: What kind of darkside choices will I see in the future? Will I be accepting Bribes like in the BH story line? If I went darkside, will I be killing innocent people?


For example, if my mission was to kill a jedi, I would kill the jedi and not accept his plea to live. However, if the quest turned into "Let the hostages go or kill them" (light/dark), Id choose light side there because the hostages would not have been part of the mission to kill the jedi. You see my dilemma.


Any insight would be great as to what kind of light side and darkside choices are in store with the IA, and if I went Light side, when do I get a decent light side companion?

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Kaliyo likes "casual violence" according to her file and, if you go Dark, you'll get a ton of opportunities to please her. I think I killed 20 people in cold blood through the full story-line - good people, bad people, civilians, military, enemies, allies - doesn't matter.



If you want to go with Kaliyo but don't want to make mostly Dark choices, I'd suggest taking Diplomacy as one of your crew skills. You'll get companion gifts *and* whatever light/dark points you want from the missions.


But really light/dark doesn't matter much in the end. I haven't seen any Light/Dark gear I had to have for any length of time. So I'd recommend going with the choices you think will give you the best story. Affection can be handled with gifts/Diplomacy.

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I kind of have the same RP as you, TC.


Both of my Agents are full Paragon, unless directly ordered so by Keeper.


For example, in the starting area I chose all lightside choices, except for Keeper's direct order to kill Nem'ro's adjutant.


It hasn't effected my morality at all though, so far I've only chosen two darkside choices.

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If I did that, would I still have a decent amount of affection with Kaliyo?
Yes, Kaliyo is not all dark side. There are quite a few light side options, which give +affection with her. And if that's not enough, there are always gifts.


Even if she dislikes your choice, it's just a loss of -1 to -3 points.

Edited by Aiwan
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Choices that give affection with Kaliyo usually give +15 or more (+40 or so for big ones) and most choices that she doesn't like give -1 so you're affection will go up easy anyway, plus and gifts you give her (she really likes weapons, kinda likes tech, everything else don't bother). Also she generally likes it when you don't take any crap and when you take advantage of people for your own gain, most of that happens in text decisions other than light/dark decisions so you could go light and still have Kaliyo like you, for example.


As far as you're alignment it's a bad idea to stay neutral, I appreciate your RP dilemma but if you don't choose a side your missing out on the gear that goes with it, primarily the relics that you can get pretty much straight away at Dark/Light I, they will keep up with your level if your alignment keeps up, and Ive not had any relics drop or from quest right up until lvl 40ish, so they're worth getting unless you can craft them and you grind your trade skills to keep up.

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Id like to keep Kaliyo as a companion, but probably go mostly light side, while staying loyal to the empire and thumbing my nose to the Sith.


If I did that, would I still have a decent amount of affection with Kaliyo?


None of the good gear has a light/dark requirments such as centurion/champion and tionese/columi. Besides a lot of the items before lvl 50 are more like Forbidden To Dark I or above or something along those lines. Point is that if you keep in neutral you actually can use more gear than if you take a particular path because you will be able to use all the Forbiden To gears and of course you wont be able to use the light/dark side vendors on Imp Fleet but their stuff is crap anyhow.


As far as companions go you can go only a like 3k points affection if you choose all the correct affection choices. and the funny thing is that it kind a equilizes itself - sometime Kalyo will give you affection for Light choices. For instance the light choices about the holodisk at Fatwa's palace give you affection with Kalyo. Anyhow, you are supposed to actually give them gifts to raise their affection.

Edited by MaroBaro
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Ive played an Operative up to 40 - got a Snipe @ 25 right now.


I played to Kaliyo's desires on my Op and found myself making choices that I normally wouldn't.


My Snipe is doing things they way I want them - Kaliyo be damned.


I have run into only one instance where I got more than a -1 from her in the levels I've played with her as a Companion and it occurred well into what could be called a romance with her so my actions definitely crossed the line (easy to see and easy to ESC out of).


She dings you with -1s for basically being a helpful Agent - following orders and showing respect to the chain of command (and to the Sith).


I guarantee if it was her *** getting shocked to death - she'd be all "Yes sir. Lock and Load sir!" (which may be my favorite of her flavor comments)


Regardless of your choices and her affection ups and downs, she is easily bought with weapons/Luxury/Underworld gifts.


don't sweat it

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I did light side up through 50, and had Kaliyo as my companion the whole time. She does like some light side choices towards 30+, but for the most part loves the evil. The most I've ever lost with her is -40, but right now, with very minimal gift-giving, she's almost capped and I'm only a week into being 50. Really, as long as you're an insulting and greedy douche to most people you interact with, she'll love you for it, even if you are one of the good guys.


That said, the dark side choices seemed much more fun, and I think I would've liked my sniper's dark personality more than his light personality.


Kaliyo dislikes when you talk good about the Empire, which I disliked. I loved saying that I was from the Empire, and I f'king owned because of it.


Also, the relics aren't a huge deal. You can always pick up "forbidden to x side I" relics and be okay. Being light side does help your wallet when buying relics on the GTC, though.

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