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1.1.4 reduced chance for REing item (?!)


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Sad thing is they acknowledged issues and several weeks later there still no word on when it will get fixed. I would check the public test realm forum but it is down (which is bizarre).


I suspect they like it being as it is as a massive money sink and were hoping that the whining would stop if they said something. To my ears it sounds like "there, there baby; I will make it up to you some day".


It goes to show how much they care about crafting and players in general.

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Sad thing is they acknowledged issues and several weeks later there still no word on when it will get fixed. I would check the public test realm forum but it is down (which is bizarre).


I suspect they like it being as it is as a massive money sink and were hoping that the whining would stop if they said something. To my ears it sounds like "there, there baby; I will make it up to you some day".


It goes to show how much they care about crafting and players in general.


To be fair, there hasn't been much in the way of signficiant changes/fixes since they acknowledged the issue, and I suspect it isn't going to be a simple change of changing "if (random(1.0f) <0.01f)" to "if (random(1.0f)<0.1f)".


Heck, my Kira Carson keeps turning on her "freeze" ability every time she's summoned ever since the patch that supposedly fixed companions turning on/off abilities when summoned. (Though that wasn't actually an issue prior to that "fix".)


I wouldn't really expect any change to RE until 1.2, at the earliest. I suspect the change won't neccessarily make it more common, just less random. I *hope* the change is actually making it some sort of skill. Which then leads to the issue of needing some way to retroactively grant skillpoints towards it. Take every currently known RE'd schematic, add the required skill for all of them together, then divide by 100 = initial "reverse engineering" skill? More? Less? Needs adjusting from craft skill to craft skill? So if you've only RE'd a handful of stuff, your skill starts off at maybe 10 or 50? if you've RE'd a bunch of stuff already, yoru skill starts off at 400? Can't just start off at 0. People who have already RE'd pretty much everything would be SOL.

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Wow... Well it seems every time somebody experiences bad luck a new "is RE more broken'er?" thread is born.


BW you really shouldn't have dropped that "not working as intended" bomb and not been ready to fix it.

Edited by Matty-Wan
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Wow... Well it seems every time somebody experiences bad luck a new "is RE more broken'er?" thread is born.


BW you really shouldn't have dropped that "not working as intended" bomb and not been ready to fix it.


No, I'm glad they did. I'm still RE'ing non lvl 49 stuff, (which seems to have a relatively reasonable rate, at least for blues... and you don't really need purple stuff < lvl 49) but I don't try terribly hard to RE lvl 49 stuff. I'll give it a try now and then, but I'm not focusing on it like I would have if they hadn't said it had issues.


Communication is *never* bad. Now, would I prefer it if they could give us some estimate of when the fix may be coming? Definitely. But I also accept the fact that the fix is probably on the back burner compared to 1.2, so they may not HAVE an estimate.

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The statement by BW that RE rate is lower than intended has a very logical result. More people will encounter longer streaks of "bad luck". Its simple statistics. Does that mean its completely broken and no one will get successes? Of course not! Some people will continue to have "good luck" and get the proverbial first try success. Good for you, have a cookie. But get off this thread with your anecdotal "well it works for me so all the rest of you are whining putzs" crap!


Also dont get too distracted by the term RNG. Its not random. If it were you would have an equal chance to succeed as to fail. Its a weighted RNG. And BW sets the weight and they acknowledge it aint working as intended.


So all those of us who have had exceptionally bad luck (sorry no hard stats here other than the fact I have had any successes blues or purple in about 2 weeks) are asking for is for the devs to pay attention.


You acknowledged its broke so tell us patch to patch whether you fixed it or not.


I for one will not be attempting any more crafting til I have that answer. So Im missing out on a big part of what I love about this game. All the other crap you fixed or addressed in this last patch.......dont care.

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Also dont get too distracted by the term RNG. Its not random. If it were you would have an equal chance to succeed as to fail. Its a weighted RNG. And BW sets the weight and they acknowledge it aint working as intended.


All random is weighted. Equal chance success vs. fail is just random with a 1:1 weighting. Saying RNG simply means there is some % chance of success, some % chance of failure. Could be 50%/50%. Could be 1%/99%. Could be 99%/1%. All are RNG. All are weighted. All are random.

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Numerical data to prove what I said about how every patch people think RE is broken just because they hit a bad streak? Why, certainly. Here you go:

























There are TONS more out there but I got bored copying & pasting.


No response from the OP to the "numerical data" I provided? Shocking.


How many different patches is it that people think reduced the RE rate? Every. Single. One. At that rate nobody anywhere should be getting any schems.

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Now this is a thread i must put some *2cents* into. Not sure if it a patch glitch or bad luck myself, but.... and a big but. I spent two day trying to gather mats and about 10 hours or so re'n the same damn blue and quess what, nothing. Call it bad luck all we want but i find it hard to believe that it is a random thing to sit there all day on the same blue item and nothing then going to another item and the same thing,l nothing. I hate to sound like a troll or a dissatisfied or impatient player or anything but there certainly needs to be a "CAP" placed or something, I understand the need for having a random rate sure I do, but 50?? Hell i counted i tried re'n 50 Overkill Hyperaccalerated Power Generators and not one sinlge Schematic gain. That's just rediculous, tell me all you want to give it up but certainly what is the point of having a profession if you're not gaining anything from it on a "random basis".
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i got 3 hits today out of next 50 REs. Bit better although still below mathematical average for REs. Sample size I got should eliminate RNG input although big problem I have is lack of concrete data from before the 1.4 so cannot estimate actual difference down to precise percent value.


No response from the OP to the "numerical data" I provided? Shocking.

Not at all. I just try to live by a rule "don't feed the trolls".

Edited by Sky_walkerPL
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Well, I posted earlier being worried about a similar bad-luck pattern. Since then (I'm Cybertech) I've RE'd about 5 green earpieces and got a blue (still no purple after 8 blue RE's)... So that seems normal.


But as for armor, I've now RE'd 30 lvl22 Armor pieces, and still no blue. That seems odd, but okay, I can accept that it just hasn't come yet. I saw someone else post about having RE'd 44 (I think) and finally got a blue, so there it is. I wonder if maybe there's a discrepancy between things like armor pieces vs. earpieces vs. other green crafted items' RE return rate...


No response from the OP to the "numerical data" I provided? Shocking.


How many different patches is it that people think reduced the RE rate? Every. Single. One. At that rate nobody anywhere should be getting any schems.


Now as for this bad apple, I usually prefer not to feed the trolls either, but I'm weighing because I feel this is an important issue. You need to understand, Larkie, what a "watchdog" (or any authority, big or small, metaphoric or literal) is, and what their job in society entails. In this thread, an upstanding and highly contributing community member saw something that caught his/her eye, and wanted to blow the whistle on it, JUST IN CASE (key word, hence caps) something fishy was going on that the devs need to see.


Now understand this: a watchdog, Larkie, ISN'T ALWAYS right. Look at any first world county's police: if you were a police officer, and you saw two individuals in the park shouting at and pushing each other and surrounded by a small group of people, you'd probably go up and break up what you think is a fight. Well, what if you go up and it turns out it's just a local drama class practicing some scene for their upcoming play? Oops! You made a judgment call and it wasn't correct, but you were just trying to do your job and help.


Well Larkie, this type of thing is what I see here (except there's no "official" resolution yet, it's still speculation). We're all just watchdogs in our own way, much like the friendly police officer who broke up a drama rehearsal in the park in my goofy example; and since we pay for this game, we want to always be performing our own quality check on the product we keep forking out money for. So yeah, if I ever come across *any*, and I mean ANY, inconsistency, or suspicious result in this game, I WILL go to either the forums and check and see what others have said, and/or post about it myself. And that's what ALL those people you cited in your "numerical data" did... now, of course there was some whining involved, but that's just part of the process. We all have different ways of reporting what we think might be a potential problem. So just look at the big picture, people are just trying to make sure things are running well, even if they do it in a less than "mature" way. Just don't pay attention to them if you don't like it.


So I'm sorry if I've wasted your, or anyone else's, time on this silly tangent, but I think it's necessary to keep things sorted out and remember what our roles in this community are :)


So thank you again to the OP for this post, because I was worried myself after my suspicious "bad-luck" streak with RE'ing over the last couple days. And DO please keep posting, I've actually read (before seeing this thread) your other guides and posts, and have found them very helpful. :)

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@Gnatb Do some research before you start talking out of your ***.


Definition of random as it relates to statistics from dictionary.com.....

Statistics . of or characterizing a process of selection in which each item of a set has an equal probability of being chosen


True randomness means each outcomes has an EQUAL chance of happening.


FAIL! Go back to school and learn some more before posting with the big boys.

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