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WoW end is near.


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I played EQ at launch. It was new, it was exciting and I had never played anything like it before. I played it for a long time but left for EQ2, same game, same races, just a newer graphics engine. I didn't play for long.


I played WoW, I still do occasionally. Unlike EQ, which I played on US server (I'm in EU), WoW was more EU friendly and I've become great friends with my guildies over the years. The content is huge, the dungeons and quests expansive.


Also, I play EvE. I enjoy EvE because it's different again. No level system, no kill 10 rats, hand in quest, get new quest. PvP in EvE is a thing of beauty (when not in a system wide blob with 999 other ships) and is player skill dependant.


I want SWTOR to be different, I want it to be new and innovative. Will it be?


Let's give SWTOR a chance.

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Cmon... Im sick with WoW but can u deny their worldwide, mamoth-number of subscriber success? The guys won, they know it, they made a bet and got back a stash of cash that can feed em till they die.


Ofcourse they wont last forever, they declining numbers show that. It will take years though to actually die or turn cost-ineffective to maintain the game.

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WoW is killing WoW with stupid things like cross realms LFG and the most idiot thing ever: LOOK FOR RAID. I hope BW dont copy this idiot ideia. I would quit the next day.



SWTOR is a new breath and a new hope. I really want complex, difficult and epic things to achive.

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People have sank YEARS into these characters, time and sweat and money into leveling gearing pvping and raiding and so forth to just give up something that has in essence part of your soul is not an easy task.


I sunk over 5 and a half years into my character on WoW. But quitting for SWTOR was an easy decision - SWTOR is just a better game, and has learned a lot from WoW's mistakes. I value my character, sure - but I value the time I spend playing more, and if I get more enjoyment from another game it's not difficult to jump ship!


And I think I'm just bored of the WoW setting. Nearly 6 years of the same world is too much when there's no real story left. It's not really Blizzard's fault; they're working within the limitations of a game that is many years old now. Without a complete overhaul, I think it's clear that the decline will soon be swift.

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Cmon... Im sick with WoW but can u deny their worldwide, mamoth-number of subscriber success? The guys won, they know it, they made a bet and got back a stash of cash that can feed em till they die.


Ofcourse they wont last forever, they declining numbers show that. It will take years though to actually die or turn cost-ineffective to maintain the game.


World wide numbers? lol they are much closer to 5 mill worldwide (2mill NA /EU) than 10mill. Check this out.


Edited by BCBull
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I think your all looking at it wrong. At the end of the day WoW was a GREAT game, the first MMO that brought together an entire generation of MMO gamers in the same place. There's no doubting the success of WoW and the standard they have set for all future MMO's to strive for.

So looking for a WoW killer is the wrong thing to do, it doesnt deserve to die, we should just appreciate the quality of a game like SWTOR, thanks to the standards Blizzard have set. Some will stay with WoW, LOTS will enjoy SWTOR, either way its a great era for gamers :)

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As a conclussion nothing can really kill WoW. Not even SWTOR.



SWTOR will have a healthy playerbase, so will WoW do.



Yes Veterans in WoW got sick with imbalances and ****, so the same probably will happen with SWTOR.


The thing is that both games are well polished and major. Both will live. And they dont share the same IP and world which is a huge difference unlike, rift, aion, warhammer where everybody owns an axe and a sword.

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Even if it does kill WoW, which I doubt would happen, too many people, too much time invested. Blizzard will come back with something. Worlds of Starcraft, a Diablo MMO, whatever. They have shown that they are just too good at predicting the market to fail at this. If TOR does take the top spot it will not hold it for as long as WoW did, something else will come along, probably from Blizzard and knock it off it's perch.

Personally I'm just waiting for Planetside 2. I like a game to require actual skill.... (dons flameproof cloak...)

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I think Blizzard may be dropped from activision and declare bankruptcy in the near furture (2-3 years if not sooner). That sounds crazy I know, but Blizzard has wildly inflated there reported subscription numbers for sometime now. The 2 million they lost this year was much much more damaging than people think. Check out the link


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Love the game, got in yesterday around 7pm and finished off Korriban and loved every second.


Only thing I can ask for is chat bubbles and UI customisation as that is what I am used to, but me and my mates were on Skype so it was no big deal, but doing Flashpoints with other randoms I think the chat box is not sufficient on it's own.


All in all though, awesome. Can't wait to get home from work and get started on Dromund Kaas! :eek:

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After playing for 3 days, i can be sure wow will take a heavy beating from swtor. This game is amazing. Good job bioware.


Thank you on behalf of all mmo players. You bring light and hope to this dark genre. :D


Who cares? This is a Star Wars the Old Republic forum. Not a World of Warcraft forum.

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I think Blizzard may be dropped from activision and declare bankruptcy in the near furture (2-3 years if not sooner). That sounds crazy I know, but Blizzard has wildly inflated there reported subscription numbers for sometime now. The 2 million they lost this year was much much more damaging than people think. Check out the link



Huh? What?

World of Warcraft Operating Costs: $12.75 million

World of Warcraft GAAP Net Revenue: $289 million


Anything that makes $276 million over a 3 month period is not going to worry about a $2 million loss over a year.......

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I sunk over 5 and a half years into my character on WoW. But quitting for SWTOR was an easy decision - SWTOR is just a better game, and has learned a lot from WoW's mistakes. I value my character, sure - but I value the time I spend playing more, and if I get more enjoyment from another game it's not difficult to jump ship!


And I think I'm just bored of the WoW setting. Nearly 6 years of the same world is too much when there's no real story left. It's not really Blizzard's fault; they're working within the limitations of a game that is many years old now. Without a complete overhaul, I think it's clear that the decline will soon be swift.

I couldn't agree more. I feel exactly the same. It doesn't matter how many years I've spent playing a character; once I've simply run out of steam with the game, then its dead to me.


Although I don't think WoW will die just like that - there are still millions of relatively new players who haven't reached that point, and there's a fairly constant stream of new players still joining, so I doubt that any other game could kill it (that's a bit of a silly idea IMO).


I played Counter-Strike for about 6 years before WoW came out, but despite the game itself not really changing much, it eventually "died" for me. WoW came out a short time later and I chose to fill my spare time with that instead.


If I end up playing SWTOR for 4-5 years and then get bored with it, I doubt that it'll be down to anything that BioWare may or may not do to the game :)

Edited by Tixall
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I remember when people said that about War online..

And Age of Conan..

And Aion..

And Rift..


Those are the most noteworthy ones and 2/4 of them have gone f2p (Aion soon to go f2p) and War online has just died off completely, they are merging even more servers, rift isn't anything of a WoW killer either, from what i've heard it's still kept a decent player base atleast after the initial wave.


I can see WoW basically killing itself off, it's copping a lot of hate for MoP atm which I can't see why besides the storyline (Which i've never cared for, at all.) but all i hear from every expansion and every patch is this and exactly this..


"We hate change!" "You've done nothing"


Hopefully it pulls out some subs from WoW because it would be nice to see some other mmo's being filled up

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Huh? What?

World of Warcraft Operating Costs: $12.75 million

World of Warcraft GAAP Net Revenue: $289 million


Anything that makes $276 million over a 3 month period is not going to worry about a $2 million loss over a year.......


That's 2mill subs.. so about 30,000,000/month or 90mill/per qt. in lost revenue. 360mill/yr...

Edited by BCBull
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It will be hard for a new MMO to actually hurt WOW. So many have the potential, but most gamers nowadays dont have the patience to see them through.


Few server crashes, lag, or unpolished raiding a week after launch drives them back to WOW.


Last night my Wow server had 200 people on it. I'd call that dead.

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As far as I can see, Wow's killing it self by releasing a panda expansion, I mean come on really? I know they're in Warcraft 3 but still... plus they're gonna ruin talent tree's with the new one. i got to admit I loved TBC, not much of WOTLK but Cata was good :).


hard to believe never see a server with less then 100 k ppl


Alonsus was full, after a year break I could hardly see anyone in the capital cities or doing bgs or anything

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