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WoW end is near.


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we need both a strong WoW and a strong SWTOR and strong others.


we need healthy competition.


we don't want a monopole like WoW had ans still has.


monopole leads to lazy devs , lazy devs lead to crappy contents, crappy contents lead to frustated customers.


frustated because they can't leave to play another game because the competition is worst.


competition pulls everyone up.


we don't want a Microsoft/Windows phenomena in the MMORPG market. it's bad for us, the customers.


so no, don't wish for game A to kill game B, wish for A & B to compete and share the market.


Lazy devs? are you joking? if anything, Activision spends more and MORE momeny daily to increase the game's productivity. Now that, in every way, means that they are trying to make the game more liquid, and as such turn it into shot, but dont be fooled by the number of people leaving. The game isn't outdated, it eats into the simple human pyschology of more is better, and untill another game comes even CLOSE to it, there won't be any competition. On that note, don't forget about Titans, which will be the only game that can possibly match WoW, because guess what, its made by the same company!

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Wow has about 10 million subscribers. Think about that for a moment and realize how many that actually is.



That comment is my reality check, whenever I see someone posting it and believing it, its time to log off the forums again.


Why ? well because subs included (free trials / free gift months / world wide world user (play by the hour asian subs)


wow can't even muster 3-4 mil EU/US people and after next month Swtor will have more subs on those markeds (that is respectfully the marked they fight for)...


leave asia to f2p mmo's and wow.. and let us enjoy swtor in peace.

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Wow has about 10 million subscribers. Think about that for a moment and realize how many that actually is.


But, reading forums here, Ive noticed that the average age seems much lower here than in wow, swarming with immature kids screaming "me play now!!!". Its utterly pathetic.


The only thing here which differs from wow tho, is the amounts of 12 year old fanbois who wasnt born to see the story on release. "we are all adults here I see alot", Fk no, this place is swarmed with immature fanbois who barely reached puberty.


Says the one that has got "The wow killer who commited suicide through staggered launch." as his signature...

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It will be hard for a new MMO to actually hurt WOW. So many have the potential, but most gamers nowadays dont have the patience to see them through.


Few server crashes, lag, or unpolished raiding a week after launch drives them back to WOW.




wow did not have a followable, attractive story. this game has it.


the rest, does not matter.


ah, of course, due to having all features wow has (including complex talent trees), it will also bring powergamers from wow too.


but, its appeal to masses eclipses what wow could ever ever be. good star wars cinematic storytelling.

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The moment i saw blizz forcing 1 year subscription offering free diablo 3 i sensed that company's worries about losing subscribers. soon after that they released wow in Brazil. Another attempt i think.


So yes i think they're worried. But i don't think swtor alone will kill wow, PANDAS will.

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That comment is my reality check, whenever I see someone posting it and believing it, its time to log off the forums again.


Why ? well because subs included (free trials / free gift months / world wide world user (play by the hour asian subs)


wow can't even muster 3-4 mil EU/US people and after next month Swtor will have more subs on those markeds (that is respectfully the marked they fight for)...


leave asia to f2p mmo's and wow.. and let us enjoy swtor in peace.


You are actually extemely incorrect with your estimation mate. Subs don't include free trials, there are very people under free months, and as for 'play by the hour asian subs' well that's just the most unacceptably discriminatory thing you could say. the game has a very large user base, and even if its not 10 million, it is easily 8. but all that is beside the point anyway, no other game has come even relatively close to 2 million, and SWTOR can't match that in 5 months time, when all the top WoW players reach 50 and realize, it isn't WoW.


All that said, this game is great fun for levelling, thats it.

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The moment i saw blizz forcing 1 year subscription offering free diablo 3 i sensed that company's worries about losing subscribers. soon after that they released wow in Brazil. Another attempt i think.


So yes i think they're worried. But i don't think swtor alone will kill wow, PANDAS will.


Actually, those are just simple money-making strategies, which WoW has used for many many years. it started with the free 10 day trial, and it now encompasses the many celebrity advertisements that they sponsor.

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Will this hurt WOW, come on... Man they finally paid Chuck Norris to do a dam commercial, and there rendering freaking pandas... WOW is not over but its not on top anymore eitheir. I know we all hate to say it but COME ON :)




WoW is still the top dog but maybe not for long. Blizzard have sat in their ivory tower believing they are untouchable but that's not the case now. SWTOR hasn't even launched yet so let's discuss this same topic in 3-6 months.

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Actually, those are just simple money-making strategies, which WoW has used for many many years. it started with the free 10 day trial, and it now encompasses the many celebrity advertisements that they sponsor.


Not to mention entising kids, to buy mounts and pets..... then have them parade around SW with them, like they actually earned them from a major raid instance.... :eek:


Hope I get to buy a kung Fu Ewok pet..... joking, honestly... although...... a nice giant Kimogila would be nice (ahhhh those where the days.....) :p

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Actually, those are just simple money-making strategies, which WoW has used for many many years. it started with the free 10 day trial, and it now encompasses the many celebrity advertisements that they sponsor.


Moneymaking strategy or not. Forcing someone to pay the game one full year is a tactic to keep a subscription base, that's what i think. They could just make more pets or mounts. :)

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Wow has about 10 million subscribers. Think about that for a moment and realize how many that actually is.


Former wow-killers are today, dead. Nothing for a long future will damage blizzard more than the obvious boredom which makes players unsub, I know I´m one myself that does not play wow anymore.



WoW is bleeding subscribers, if you like it or not, it's still true. But instead of trying to convince you with my own arguments, that are only going to be discarded as baseless accusations or wild speculations. I'll just post a link to what the fellows at PCWorld think on the subject.




Personally I couldn't care less. I stopped playing shortly after Ulduar came out and haven't looked back since. I'm very glad that SWTOR is putting the RP back in MMO, the very reason we know and love Bioware games so much.

Edited by Acetabularia
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After playing for 3 days, i can be sure wow will take a heavy beating from swtor. This game is amazing. Good job bioware.


Thank you on behalf of all mmo players. You bring light and hope to this dark genre. :D




Actually, they already were planning on releasing a new game anyway. I had a Blizzard rep come to my campus and she was like, "yeah I can't go into details but we have an untitled release in our future meant to replace WoW. And we are looking for new talent." So, if anything, Blizzard already figured WoW was towards the end of its lifespan anyway.

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I agree that Blizzard seems to have some problems atm maintaining subs, but I dont think for 1 second that it has something to do with swtor. They are not plainly stupid enuf to judge a new mmo before it even has launched which is basic common sence.


The problem is customers getting bored these days. As ive said earlier Ive quit myself.


Some of you repeat the term "grindfest", that isnt really there anymore at all and it proves that most of you havent got a clue.


The reason why I stopped playing is solely because WoW seems to be developed these days for the casual player only, everything is piss easy.


But when I read that some1 thinks that swtor will have like 4 million subs next month Im more or less just laughing, it takes years to establish a big playerbase.

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In the end WoW and SWTOR will prop become ='s or rivals against one and other and there's nothing like a good bit of rivalry between to company's to bring us a better product and for them more subscribers that's i wish for is of swtor to give wow a good run for its money
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Actually, they already were planning on releasing a new game anyway. I had a Blizzard rep come to my campus and she was like, "yeah I can't go into details but we have an untitled release in our future meant to replace WoW. And we are looking for new talent." So, if anything, Blizzard already figured WoW was towards the end of its lifespan anyway.


Just the crap bs as usual, some1 from blizzard tells a random nobody Blizzards secret plans.

I lold.

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WoW is bleeding subscribers, if you like it or not, it's still true. But instead of trying to convince you with my own arguments, that are only going to be discarded as baseless accusations or wild speculations. I'll just post a link to what the fellows at PCWorld think on the subject.




Personally I couldn't care less. I stopped playing shortly after Ulduar came out and haven't looked back since. I'm very glad that SWTOR is putting the RP back in MMO, the very reason we know and love Bioware games so much.


Hahahaha so the 10 million players playing the game are...munchkin?

You need to realize, that every game has different types of players. Casual, hardcore and semi hardcore. The one who have left, are mainly the old hardcore, now reminiscent players, who miss the 'good old vanila days' because they are just not as good in the current scheme of the game. Even if WoW was to reach 5 million players, it is still the worlds most successful game ever. This isn't a simple minus and plus sum. Its the people who were less dependant leaving, but the old still staying.


And I haven't even mentioned the subscriber spikes that happened due to games like Warammer, AION, Age of Conan amon others, all of which ended up rejoining the game.

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