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WoW end is near.


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I think Bioware has done a great job with TOR and I will most certainly be playing it...hopefully for a long time, but no way will it kill WoW. For example, my local Gamestop which I have the game reserved at, said they are not having a midnight opening for TOR because they only have 10 copies on preorder. In contrast, WoW on opening day, my local Gamestop store had 250+ preorders and had a midnight opening.
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Will it kill WoW? Probably not, Will it give compitition that Blizzard wants and what BioWare stats it wants to do, most likely.


WoW is far from dead, but SWToR appears to have a strong build to stand toe to toe to the giant, granted I love WoW (hate elves, Troll ftw!) and I know I will love ToR. I know myself well enough to admit it and enjoy both games probably play this one more, already have 6 85s and only 1 geared and bored...


Which will be good for both games.


But there is a small chance this game could kill WoW in the U.S. Market. I hope it doesn't so that both companies keep pumping content out to compete.

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WoW end is near? AHA even with panada's being introduce WoW will never die until blizz wants it too. Tbh i hate the PvP on this, its lame and boring, nothing like arena that gives rewards ect is by far the best pvp Aspect of wow, Without experiencing something like that in a Game theirs noway i can stay, Its only a Matter of months till this dies, if something dosnt change ill give it 4months till ppl get bored.


Don't get me wrong, leveling seems WAY WAY WAY more interesting then WoW by Far, But once you hit Max level Will it be like better then WoWs? I doubt it

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Walking away from a character is something that can be hard to do but it is inevitable. For roleplay purposes a character must be retired after time because plain and simply they get to old from years of battling.


EQ1 - 3 years

EQ2 - 4 1/2 years

WoW - 2 1/2 years

SW:TOR - hopefully a few years

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lol of course wow will die off (no mmo lasts forever). It has the same problem as eq1 and eq2 now. There is no low lvl population. If everyone is high lvl, eventually they get bored of raiding and move on to something new. It happened with wow players leaving for rift and it will happen with swtor. The difference would be that rift has no end game content, so a lot of people hit max lvl and quit. It also didn't have an engaging story. The instances weren't bad, and the dungeon finder works very well, but those aren't enough to keep a large playerbase. Well....no I guess wow had less than that when it started and it's doing fine now. Either way wow has peaked. You can't stay top dog forever.

I've played a lot of mmo's in closed beta, and this is by far was the most complete lol. A lot of people seem to forget or just don't know, that wow had tons of beta testing (like all blizzard games) and it was released more broken than this game in closed beta.

I do like the pvp mechanics of wow and rift, but this allows players to not get 1 shotted so it's going to pull in more people just because of the survivability. And for all of us that can actually pvp, who doesn't want to devour some newbs?

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After playing for 3 days, i can be sure wow will take a heavy beating from swtor. This game is amazing. Good job bioware.


Thank you on behalf of all mmo players. You bring light and hope to this dark genre. :D


No every game say's it's the wow killer 10 million subs still it aint gonna die lol

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Th only thing that will kill wow is itself. Bad decisions, lack of evolution. No updates in graphics etc. that will drive customers away.


I think they're doing that with MoP. It drove me and a few others away anyways. And just a year ago I was saying "swtor? Pff probably be the same thing as wow but more lame." then MoP took the more lame trophy along with their lame stories/dialogue/progression/raids.

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If EA and LA want to even have a chance of reaching the kind of success WoW did, they have to copy the one thing WoW did that none of the other MMOs (except a few F2P ones) copied. They need to advertise the crap out of the game. And they have to be memorable commercials.


It's a big factor that seems to be ignored by MMO companies, evidenced by the overall lack of competing commercial. Blizzard still advertises WoW. EA/LA need to advertise SWTOR. I think they will, considering they advertise BWs other games. Time will tell.


They also need to reach into Asia. That's where a majority of their "subscriber" numbers come from. They count an asian as a subscriber if they paid for just one hour of time and quit. <they pay based on how much time they play)

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The thing with WoW is they need a large player base to support content development. Older grindy MMOs and sandbox style games (Eve) can keep their customer base going for longer without as frequent massive updates. World of Warcraft, however, lives on with it's constant content patches. When they'll finally hit the point where the amount of money can't support this frequency in updates, I reckon the game could see a rather quick downfall. The problem I see with Blizzard's update model in the longer run is the pacing of end game content, where the older tier stuff is pretty much obsolete after a new patch is deployed on the servers.


I don't think this will happen anytime soon, though. We are still years away from that point. And then again, Blizzard is clever. They'll probably figure out ways to keep World of Warcraft profitable.

Edited by ledi
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After playing for 3 days, i can be sure wow will take a heavy beating from swtor. This game is amazing. Good job bioware.


Thank you on behalf of all mmo players. You bring light and hope to this dark genre. :D


Never heard that one before ... :rolleyes:


Please, dont worry about thanking them for me, ill do it myself after Ive experienced the entire game from start to finish IF the games quality and fun factor doesnt drop drastically after the mid-levels.


You know, like every single other "amazing" MMO to some out recently has done.

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Don't care if this kills WOW. WOW is dying in any case. Twelve million - oops scratch that - ten million subs and dropping like a rock.


After playing SWTOR from day one of early access all I know is that I could never play WOW again. RIP my lock and little mage. I will miss you but my JC is my new love.


Please all, can we have a moment of silence so that we can listen to the screams of the WOW fanboys on the dying servers.

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