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WoW end is near.


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As far as I can see, Wow's killing it self by releasing a panda expansion, I mean come on really? I know they're in Warcraft 3 but still... plus they're gonna ruin talent tree's with the new one. i got to admit I loved TBC, not much of WOTLK but Cata was good :).




Alonsus was full, after a year break I could hardly see anyone in the capital cities or doing bgs or anything


Love how it's killing itself, yet you buy all expansions. lol.

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As far as I can see, Wow's killing it self by releasing a panda expansion, I mean come on really? I know they're in Warcraft 3 but still... plus they gonna ruin talent tree's with the new one. i got to admit I loved TBC, not much of WOTLK but Cata was good :).


Well a part of it is true but you have to count that with MoP blizzard will implement a better graphics engine and more content.

Yes panda may be for kids but since the first Warcraft they was here even if marginally they do existed nothing of new there are tons of other race that aren't yet implemented in wow they could go on for dens of years with content they only boring things that the dev team seems has lost a bit of its enthusiasm since all the new content have the same feeling

Edited by Crissbplayer
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IMO the only thing that will kill WoW is Blizzard...they keep dumbing it down more and more, giving away epics, the simplization of the talent trees, (just like swg did) is what's going to kill it. players like choice...pigeonholing classes to be all the same with just different animations is what kills it for me.
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Love how it's killing itself, yet you buy all expansions. lol.


I bought all expansions because I actually liked playing WoW with my friends until I saw SWTOR coming out, I left WoW alot of the times because it got boring then you do what everyone normally does, looses interest then gains interest again and buys the expansions and stuff.

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IMO the only thing that will kill WoW is Blizzard...they keep dumbing it down more and more, giving away epics, the simplization of the talent trees, (just like swg did) is what's going to kill it. players like choice...pigeonholing classes to be all the same with just different animations is what kills it for me.


True many people will dislike its simples because they loved the complexity of Vanilla like i did but i like the story/Lore of wow that is why even if it won't play much of it i will still buy MoP

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After playing for 3 days, i can be sure wow will take a heavy beating from swtor. This game is amazing. Good job bioware.


Thank you on behalf of all mmo players. You bring light and hope to this dark genre. :D


except for the backlash of decemberites come subscription day if this is not up to scratch- you will see a huge influx of players leave thanks to this fiasco of the last few days- WE WILL NEVER FORGET!

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That's 2mill subs.. so about 30,000,000/month or 90mill/per qt. in lost revenue. 360mill/yr...


Sorry, my bad thought you meant $2 million dollars loss. Not subs.

But even so, a cash cow is a cash cow. and until the operating costs outweigh the profit they won't just stop.

The 2 million who left will mostly be the easy leavers, so to speak. Any MMO has different levels of players. The "I am not complete until I have 5 toons with 397 gear, a legendary staff and 150 rare mounts!" through to the "Ooh I need to make 5000g to buy a slime pet in the Auction House! It's cute!" players.

These will leave quickest, the drop will slow as it hits the medium to hardcore players.


In my opinion WoW is dying, but only in the way a 50 year old man is, he knows his best days are behind him, but he can still have a good life and some fun along the way. He's seen countless teens with potential come along and try to be bigger, just to see them get a 16 year old pregnant and go work in a supermarket. Maybe TOR is the one that will make it through, maybe not.

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This game wont end WoW, but it will attract a lot of WoW people, because the basic structure of the entire game is very similar, making it very easy for WoW players to understand the SWTOR mechanics.


I wish they had stepped away from the gear-is-everythingtrend though. The materialism in MMO's are getting out of hand IMO.


Raiding is another issue (for me). It simply takes up too much space in modern MMO's for my liking.


But I am still gonna play SWTOR, and will try my best to avoid raids, as they tend to quickly get monotone to me, and puts me too sleep while fighting. I want challenges rather than a routine job.

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nothing will ever kill wow.... look at uo and eq theyre servers are still up and they never had close to the playerbase that wow did. wows servers will be up until the end of the internet.


However, eventually the majority of the playerbase will move on.... but i doubt they will ever dip below 1mill subs....

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I already left WoW, it's just too damn boring now. I got sick of how simple they made the game. Which is why I'm excited that SWTOR has many of the aspects I loved about classic WoW.


SWTOR uses EXACTLY the same formula as WoW. Don't kid yourself about that.

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Pro-tip: roll on a less populated server.


i Remember TBC time with 3 hours of queue and crash every 2*3 but nothing has discouraged me to log in again even if the server would crash again 5 min later.

Every new game/new zone can cause crash they put queue because if too many player log in the same zone at the same time the world server of that zone crash

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WoW end is near? AHA even with panada's being introduce WoW will never die until blizz wants it too. Tbh i hate the PvP on this, its lame and boring, nothing like arena that gives rewards ect is by far the best pvp Aspect of wow, Without experiencing something like that in a Game theirs noway i can stay, Its only a Matter of months till this dies, if something dosnt change ill give it 4months till ppl get bored.


Don't get me wrong, leveling seems WAY WAY WAY more interesting then WoW by Far, But once you hit Max level Will it be like better then WoWs? I doubt it

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WoW end is near? AHA even with panada's being introduce WoW will never die until blizz wants it too. Tbh i hate the PvP on this, its lame and boring, nothing like arena that gives rewards ect is by far the best pvp Aspect of wow, Without experiencing something like that in a Game theirs noway i can stay, Its only a Matter of months till this dies, if something dosnt change ill give it 4months till ppl get bored.


Don't get me wrong, leveling seems WAY WAY WAY more interesting then WoW by Far, But once you hit Max level Will it be like better then WoWs? I doubt it


Good question well we will see when we will be at lv max

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Will it kill WoW? Probably not, Will it give compitition that Blizzard wants and what BioWare stats it wants to do, most likely.


WoW is far from dead, but SWToR appears to have a strong build to stand toe to toe to the giant, granted I love WoW (hate elves, Troll ftw!) and I know I will love ToR. I know myself well enough to admit it and enjoy both games probably play this one more, already have 6 85s and only 1 geared and bored...

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