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Bioware Wen are we gonna get more char slots?


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Have to agree. I want to play all the alts, do all the stories, and do a number of them both dark and light without looking to another server. Will be a great filler after all content has been cleared and gear is maxed out while waiting for the next expansion. Edited by Blackardin
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Please moar.


I want to level both advanced classes on both factions.


I have one slot left and I can't decide if I want to do a Gunslinger or Shadow. :((


Will pay in hugs.

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I am pretending the thread title here is "When are we going to get more character slots?"


That said, I agree. More are needed. And to prevent people just making a bunch of mules, I have an idea.


The following are per account, per server:

As default, allow 8 character slots.

As a character reaches Level 50, allow one additional character to be created.

Maximum of 16 characters.



8 level 1-49

12: 4 level 50's, 8 level 1-49.

16: 8 level 50's, 8 level 1-49.


This creates enough flexibility to make a varied number of characters and keep them lower level, but prevents having 15 level 1 toons as banks.

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I want more character slots, I have 3 level 50 characters, 1 marauder, 1 juggernaut and 1 mercenary healer. wanted to do each advanced character class and light / dark side on either, was going to do some female characters for the voice acting.

only 8 character slots




please alter for all your loyal fans

16 character slots FTW :D


Either add in as a pay for x number of character slots


legacy system, upgrade per character slot costing in game credits


as has been suggested. for each level 50 character gain 1 additional slot


you may use some combination - just make it be 16 slots


much love

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According to this Dev statement by StephenReid, "First, you need to be aware of the restrictions on character slots. There will always only be eight character slots available on any single target server for you to transfer characters to, and transferred characters will not 'overwrite' characters with the same name. That's important because if you're transferring characters to 'replace' a placeholder character, you may find that you don't have enough free slots to transfer to.


For example: you have six characters that you wish to transfer to the Dalborra server, on which you have previously created six placeholder characters with the same names as your incoming transferred characters. As those six characters do not 'overwrite' the existing placeholder characters, you will be unable to move all six characters and will actually only be able to move two."


So, they don't appear to be planning to ever implement more than eight slots per server. And since Legacy benefits, such as they are, are limited to a single server, this is more than a little frustrating. If I can't make alts, I won't, which means the lifespan of this game just got considerably shorter.

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Definitely need more character slots. The whole appeal to this game is the storyline. The hook is the legacy system. Now, in order to fully experience the storylines for the many class options you need to be on multiple servers because of character limits. Which negates the whole legacy system. It's confusing and illogical. Just give us more character slots already.
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According to this Dev statement by StephenReid, "First, you need to be aware of the restrictions on character slots. There will always only be eight character slots available on any single target server


Well, I do not think that if StephenReid says something, BioWare is stuck to that statement for eternity. I thought I read somewhere else fairly reputable that they were looking to expand in the relatively near future somehow.

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Well, I do not think that if StephenReid says something, BioWare is stuck to that statement for eternity. I thought I read somewhere else fairly reputable that they were looking to expand in the relatively near future somehow.


I hope you're right. The statement I quoted was issued two days ago, though, so my hopes aren't quite as high as they were last week.


They didn't think through the Legacy system, and the fact that they don't believe we need extra slots per server (or can't figure out how to issue them) just shows how confused they are about it.

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more slots..the BioBot sent me to this thread.


legacy begs for it...it's uses are even more limited without more slots.


can we get more than "we're looking into it" already? the limit is ridiculous

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I googled this question in hopes of seeing a more definate answer before deleting my level 25 Imperial Agent in order to make room for a Jedi Knight. All of my other characters are level 40 or higher and my slots are full. Well, looks like my IA is going away then. The legacy system was such a dissapointment after all the hype it was given, that I had already decided to drop this game as soon as GW2 releases, but in the meantime, gotta have something to play with. Its just too bad that the alt room is so limited.
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I agree that we really need more information on the implementation of character slots. I'm far from a programmer, but it can't be that difficult to alter code to make those necessary changes, can it? Or is it an issue with hardware? If there's somebody in this thread who knows more about this stuff than I do can they please explain, in technical terms, why this might be an issue? Or, even better, can a Dev explain why it would be an issue? Because just saying "we don't intend to do it" or "there are limitations" aren't really good answers. I want to know why, and I'm sure many in the community feel the same way.


The legacy system promotes playing the game through with numerous alts, and yet we have no real way to do that with the character limitations on each server. And while the cross-server legacy sounds nice, it's just not the best compromise. I, personally, have been playing the game since day one of head start. All but two of my characters have all their crafting/gathering/mission skills maxed out, and all of my crafters have several purple reverse-engineered recipes. I have tons of money and resources with which to deck alts out in goodies. And it TOOK tons of money and resources to get all those things. I don't want to go to another server where I not only have no resources, but no friends either. So for me, cross-server legacy isn't an option. I'll stick to my own server, I suppose.


With regards to StephenReid's commentary, that was referring to the transfer system. And upon reading it wholly in context, it doesn't feel like he's implying that they'll never increase character capacity on servers. It's just about character transfers, but that's how I read it (and maybe I'm being optimistic).


With the way they've structured the legacy system, and the very obvious want and need for more character slots per server because of the way the legacy system offers its benefits, I don't see how they wouldn't deliver on this. It's already been said in that Q&A that they're looking into ways to do this, so I'm still holding out hope! :D

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I'm not going to take the time to read this whole thread. I am going to give my 2 cents. I think each time we get a character to level 50, another character slot should open for us on that server. Up to a maximum of 20 slots. That would give us the ability to eventually (If you are REALLY driven) have one of each advanced class.
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I'll just say I don't think we should get any more slots.

I could go into a whole host of reasons why I think this - but as half the posts here are simply "More slots" I won't bore people at this point.

Yer I know, goes against what a few vocal people want, I just feel that 8 is plenty.

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