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Funniest line in game?


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Makeb story arc with the Jedi Knight. Speaking to Dr. Oggurobb after saving him from the sanctuary, I commented that Toborro with his droids would be as bad as the Empire.


The Doctor's response: "More profitable than the Imperials, one would hope. Honestly, we don't know how they support themselves."


I just found that line hilarious. The deadpan, brisk delivery of it tickled my funnybone.

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This was on Makeb while I was levelling my smuggler.


My smuggler hosts a speech of sorts for a crowd and out of nowhere a man goes (My smuggler is female)


Guy: "I love you!"

Smuggler: "You, too, sugar."


I honestly did not see that coming. It made my day. :)


Another one came later on. I had just saved a mayor and her assistant from Isotope-5 droid:


Assistant: "That was a droid, ma'am."

Mayor:"Here I was thinking it was a shiny wookie on stilts wearing turbo lasers for a hat! "A droid", indeed."

Somewhere along those lines. :)

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The smuggler has some great ones. This thread has been going long enough this has probably already been posted, so sorry if it has.



To Spar after managing to get her to say "hello":


"Pretty soon we'll be braiding each other's hair and talking about boys."


That one made me chuckle. Especially as neither my smuggler nor Spar actually have any hair.

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My Fav so far, from Balmorra-

(this is roughly it)

(after hearing Vic's recorded explanation for taking the entire security detail of the listening post and choosing to aks dorne what 235R is)

Trooper: Dorne, do you know what Regulation 235R is?

Elara: Yes sir, but it makes no sense, regulation 235R is a requisition for digging field latrines.


Most hilarious line I have yet crossed.

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A conversation with Gault aboard the Mantis. He's telling my (male) Bounty Hunter about Hylo Visz and how she broke the blockade of Coruscant, explaining that she didn't do it out of kindness, but for a huge stack of credits.


Bounty Hunter (as per my choice of replies): "She single?"


Mako (from somewhere in the ship): "I heard that!"


Just got a good chuckle out of that one...

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Only ever happened once. At some random point on Coruscant I sent Kira to sell junk.

In response, I got "Eat lightsaber, jerk!"


May have been posted before, more for the awesome delivery.

FemBH "Look what I found in the swaaaamp!"


Paraphrasing, but something like "I love assassinating assassins. They're always so surprised."


Also a sequence with Agents that I find hilarious.

Keeper tells you take Kaliyo with you, but to be careful because she has a habit of betraying her employers. If you try to get Keeper to clarify, his response is basically a comically rushed "We'll discuss that later 'kaythanksgottagobai! *click*" that ends the cutscene.

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This doesn't qualify as the funniest, but Guss Tuno cracked me up with his resurrection line: "I will name my first child after you." Made me laugh out loud. Just one of this thoroughly enjoyable moments in the game.
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I don't recall seeing this one in here yet, but during a conversation with Doc he says "Do you know how hard it is to do surgery without anesthetic? And it is even worse when the patient doesn't get any either."
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This doesn't qualify as the funniest, but Guss Tuno cracked me up with his resurrection line: "I will name my first child after you." Made me laugh out loud. Just one of this thoroughly enjoyable moments in the game.


I envy the lucky lady who gets to be Guss' wife...

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Ah, Tishujen is not so bad... Loved Mako's line in the BH quest:


"You can only date your brother so long before things go wrong."


And even cuter was the sequence with the Imperial intake desk official :"Did you come here just to see me?"


Looks like BH gets a lot of fun stuff. COOL!

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BH: They [White Maw pirates] sound like my kind of people.

Gault: Maybe you'll finally meet that special someone who shares your passion for making craters.:rolleyes:



Trooper: If you stab me in the back I'll shoot you in the face.



NPC: Ah! One of the republic's greatest heroes, just the kind of person we could use to bring some wisdom and perspective to the discussion.

Trooper: *pulls grenade* This is my wisdom. *pulls blaster* And here's my perspective.

Edited by Loc_n_lol
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This was on Makeb while I was levelling my smuggler.


My smuggler hosts a speech of sorts for a crowd and out of nowhere a man goes (My smuggler is female)


Guy: "I love you!"

Smuggler: "You, too, sugar."


I honestly did not see that coming.


On my male smuggler, is was a woman from the audience.


Girl: "I love you!"


Smuggler: "Right back at ya, gorgeous."

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I don't know if this exchange has been posted yet, but it had me laughing so hard my ribs were hurting:



Moff Broysc: It was you, Sith, wasn't it? You dared to liberate the Admiral! Have you lost your mind!?

Quinn: He calls me Admiral Malcontent. He seems to think that's my real rank and name.

Moff Broysc: Don't you know he's the one who lost us the Battle of Talay?

Quinn: Broysc's earliest command, before I was born.

Moff Broysc: It was his blunder that allowed the escaped Jedi to flee Taris before the bombardment!

Quinn: Ancient history. Broysc wasn't even born.

Moff Broysc: He sabotaged the Glory Space Station for crying out loud!

Quinn: I have no idea what that even is.


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not sure if its been posted but its from balmorra on the smuggler: "its so hard to be humble, knowing how great i am."


I think it's one of her canned lines, and will play again in similar responses.


I played my Smuggler today, and while it was not a LOL, it gave me a giggle when a Senator on Belsavis was wondering if she could "move" goods to his estate :)

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Forged Alliance Part I Spoiler (sort of):


Darth Arceus: If I could carry a tune, I would sing all day.



Made me chuckle.


It's Darth Arkous. Arceus is a pokémon.


One of the exchanges from Pierce's story:


Pierce: Wouldn't want to be Lorant right now.


Warrior: The Captain's made her bed. Now she has to lie in it.


Pierce (with great voice acting and a facepalm): With Moff Galvan! There's an image I didn't need.



Edited by Darkelefantos
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Obviously the Bounty Hunter handwave is still the greatest, but after reading through all of this thread, I'm quite surprised this background conversation from Belsavis hasn't made it in:


Imperial Scientist: "These experiments the Republic's been conducting--xenophobia, genocidal conditioning... I can hardly believe it."

Imperial Scientist: "I know. It's ghastly, unethical..."

Imperial Scientist: "You know, I had this same idea years ago."

Imperial Scientist: "You--wait, what?"

Imperial Scientist: "Yes. I didn't have the backing or the resources to pursue it, but the hypotheses were there."

Imperial Scientist: "Never thought the Republic would beat me to it. Didn't think they had it in them."

Edited by Luinthoron
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It's Darth Arkous. Arceus is a pokémon.


Fixed. Maybe reading the subtitles on occasion might not be such a bad idea after all.:o


Another one from a Sith-Inquisitor companion on Corellia:


Talos Drellik: He[Thanaton]'s running! That can't be a legal move!


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Unintentional hilarity:


Iresso, who's just waxed poetic about getting married to my toon, when click selected immediately offered:


"I know the armor is nice, but this staring thing is getting a little weird."


Ah, sweet Felix, marriage chafes already?

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