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Funniest line in game?


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Just for a change I thought I'd nah it's smuggler, you guessed it. Lower level from the class questline. (redoing smuggler on PTS)


Smuggler ~ "Amply rewarded" is my middle name.


NPC ~ Your parents must have been fascinating people.

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Just for a change I thought I'd nah it's smuggler, you guessed it. Lower level from the class questline. (redoing smuggler on PTS)


Smuggler ~ "Amply rewarded" is my middle name.


NPC ~ Your parents must have been fascinating people.


Comedic from the start.

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Hold on, I'm still downloading the ships manual (or something to that effect)

~Mako during space combat


I failed a bonus objective because of that line. Awesome. Purely awesome. Especially if you've played Bounty Hunter and know how you get the ship.

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Imperial Agent class story line on Corellia with the doctor as my companion.


We have been captured and are being interogated. A soldier slams a rifle butt into my companions face and he says "Hah! I've done worse than that to family!"


I nearly fell out of my chair with laughter.

Kaliyo on Nar Shadda in the Promenade:

Hey ugly! Twenty creds if you lick my feet?

He said he'll do it, spare me twenty creds?


Omg...I'm freakin dying here. Oh man....it hurts. Although I'm kinda mad at Kaliyo now. I never heard her say that at all :mad: She had some other really good ones on Nar Shadda...but she never said that one.

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Nar Shaddaa, two slicers in the Duros Sector talking on the street:


Slicer 1: "So, what do you think of my new implants? Pretty flashy right?"

Slicer 2: "Uh, yeh, they're...(gulp) Who did you say installed them again?"

Slicer 1: "Some guy. Self taught. Gave me a sweet deal"

Slicer 2: "Uh-huh."

Slicer 1: "I'm telling you, these street docs are the way to go. They don't waste time or money on "professional" training, so they pass the savings on to you."


The way it's delivered by both guys is just hilarious. And when you look at his implants, it's both eyes, chin, cheeks etc...

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Not necessarily funny but something that shows companion personality at its best. SCORPIO is the IA's final companion and she's made it more than clear on several occasions that the only reason she hasn't killed you yet is because of a restraining bolt, and her goal is to get rid of that bolt as soon as possible.


During a torture scene, one of the torturers looks over at SCORPIO while the IA is being beaten and electrocuted saying "That damn droid keeps looking at me." Then, at the end of that scene, SCORPIO says to the Agent "Three hours and 17 minutes longer, and you would have succumbed. Now I know."

That was one of those "Holy ****" moments.

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Not necessarily funny but something that shows companion personality at its best. SCORPIO is the IA's final companion and she's made it more than clear on several occasions that the only reason she hasn't killed you yet is because of a restraining bolt, and her goal is to get rid of that bolt as soon as possible.


During a torture scene, one of the torturers looks over at SCORPIO while the IA is being beaten and electrocuted saying "That damn droid keeps looking at me." Then, at the end of that scene, SCORPIO says to the Agent "Three hours and 17 minutes longer, and you would have succumbed. Now I know."

That was one of those "Holy ****" moments.


That's... Really creepy.

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I love Guss Tuno's "I healed you with Jedi power!" claim, after he's just healed me... with a kolto pack.


Yeah he cracks me, Other day on ilum he just randomly shouts out "Hey sith im not a jedi i just dress like one" dunno why but it made me laugh.Or one of his convo's

his lil rant about how he failed patience training in jedi order cause it was being taught by a 4 year old in a bathrobe.


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Its not really the line its self but the mental response it brings about. Vette on Druman Kass: "Something about this city rubs me the wrong way."


Always expect my sith warrior to respond with "So how about i rub you the right way."


Also on Druman Kass


Droid" Why do organics do such horrible things to each other."


Character response: "Oh it's easy, we just pretend our enemies are droids."


Droid: "Oh i think I'm going to be sick."

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In the Sith Inquisitor torture quest, after you shock Alif once, you can make him sing a song (can't remember the lyrics sadly). After that, you have a choice to shock him again to which the SI says, "You need to project your voice!"


Some of the SI's lines are just classic.

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Not sure if these have been posted yet, but.....



"If this thing eats us, you're fired!" - Master Orgus Din


"You should see my OTHER personality" - Inquisitor replying to being called crazy.


"That was just a dream. There were all these different holocrons, and each one had a different flavor of ice cream!" - SI in response to questions about talking in his sleep.


"I owe it all to my lightning reflexes and crackerjack timing." - Smuggler, first convo wheel in the game.


"I like killing cultists. Makes me feel like I'm tidying up the galaxy." Imperial Agent on Hoth.


"Be sure to bring your holocamera and record it." - Warrior just before the final showdown.


"If only we could sell tickets!" - Darth Vowrawn in response to the line above.



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When you're picking up Black Box on tattooine, the quest giver is like can you believe all the stupid my crew it! That requries so much paperwork! or something along those lines


You have an options to say

"I'm certain I didn't say "please, expendable worm, tell me about your life.""

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Fun thread.


Every Mako says "We need upgrades!" in her serious, tired tone, I just nod my head and go, "Yes, yes we do." Even when I'm in all purples. :D


There are so many good Kaliyo moments.



If you marry Kaliyo, she sends you an awesome mail where she is proposing a getaway for the two of you, and in a PS adds that I could bring Vector along in a jar with air holes if I want. Lmao! I also loved her companion quest called "It's just some guy" - the one where she's caught sleeping with that dock worker on your ship. I had to replay that one before the end just to see all the stuff she would say!



I also love M1-4X and his over-the-top propaganda against the Empire. He tells many great stories about his feats while going on his morale-boosting hit missions. I won't list any particulars so as not to ruin it for anyone, but there was one occasion where you could respond to his story by simply saying "Hilarious!" I believe I got points for saying it, too. :)

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Allow myself to be the record-breaker again:


Somewhere along the SW line on:



Balmorra. You have to go over and kill this Agent Rylon's son (Who's a complete idiot, NO NOT ME. HIM!). So about halfway through the convo after I kill his interrogator he's like:



Prisoner: Please don't kill me! I promise not to tell anybody!


SW: You must think I'm an idiot.


Prisoner: Fine, fine! You're an idiot... just please don't kill me!


SW: Do you really take me for a fool?!


Prisoner: NO! AGH! *Dies with a lgihtsaber through the body*


Vette: What a pathetic waste of human space.


SW: I completely agree.


(Dialogue not exactly as displayed, but best as I can remember.)

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Not sure if these have been posted


"That was just a dream. There were all these different holocrons, and each one had a different flavor of ice cream!" - SI in response to questions about talking in his sleep.





WHAT?? ice cream holocrons?? When??? Where?? I have a level 50 Inquisitor, I thought I caught all the good lines!!

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From the Smuggler story line: "NOT IN MY CANTINA!"

The in-game delivery is priceless.


There's an Imperial quest on Balmorra where the cantina proprietor says the same thing.


And yes, having SCORPIO out during missions turns up a lot of "whoa" moments.



Allow myself to be the record-breaker again:


Somewhere along the SW line on:



Balmorra. You have to go over and kill this Agent Rylon's son (Who's a complete idiot, NO NOT ME. HIM!). So about halfway through the convo after I kill his interrogator he's like:



Prisoner: Please don't kill me! I promise not to tell anybody!


SW: You must think I'm an idiot.


Prisoner: Fine, fine! You're an idiot... just please don't kill me!


SW: Do you really take me for a fool?!


Prisoner: NO! AGH! *Dies with a lgihtsaber through the body*


Vette: What a pathetic waste of human space.


SW: I completely agree.


(Dialogue not exactly as displayed, but best as I can remember.)


The version where you don't kill him is pretty hilarious too. "So... if you erase my memory, I won't be such a pathetic loser, right?"

Edited by Soultranna
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