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Our bald, mean, ugly sphynx cat.


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I'm speaking, of course, of Aric Jorgan. Jorgan is our cat. And hasn't he become something totally different, over the levels?


He started out as an unwilling adoption, a feral, hissing monstrosity. And has since, blossomed into the kind of dude you'd trust with watching your back. In the beginning, we all thought the same thing: "What a jerk." But over time, we learned that his hard and cruel exterior was because he was committed to doing the best job possible - and part of that is whipping green troopers into shape, no matter how harsh.


Now depending on who you are, you either agree with it, or look at it as a reason to hate the kitty - however, you can't deny that he's been committed to following our orders ever since, and is, in fact, an excellent soldier.


So here's to our hairless, angry, nasty cat. Jorgan, you're one of the best companions ever!

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Eh, I hated him for months, he was squishy and he would complain every time I made a dark side choice. I used Vic the first few months.... until recently pulling Aric out again and giving him a chance...


Now that I have him in a full set of Tier 1.2 (pvp & pve mixed) Eliminators gear, he hits very hard.


Him + Me = Massive DPS = Win.

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Elara's not bad. But Catman has improved the most in my eyes. I did the good soldier yessir stuff in beta, and then when live rolled in I gave Jorgan the snarkiest responses I could. Somewhere along the line, I started to like the gruff yet competent cat.



I even made him the squad XO, as I felt he'd earned that position through both his history, length of time in the squad (compared to Elara), and by that point his displayed trust in my leadership. The rockier early stuff makes a lot of sense once you get more backstory out of him.



Frankly, the Republic military needs more mean soldiers who don't coddle the troops and are honorable.

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So here's to our hairless, angry, nasty cat. Jorgan, you're one of the best companions ever!


Yes indeed. My partner started a Trooper recently.


She said "Aric is a JERK.". I said "It's for your own good, he's your Commandbro."


And it's true. There's a surprising amount of gold under the dross for our companions- regardless of which ones you dislike.

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I like the guy, I didn't find him to be much of a jerk in the beginning, but a little whiny when he was demoted, but the guy did grown on you.


full on romancing him in my playthrough.


I'm not even a cat person, yet I own two real life cats...and he behaves like them...demanding to get your attention, ornery when he/they don't get their way, then snuggles up with you to get warm and fuzzy.



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His voice is to die for.


Other that, I thought he was rather grumpy at the beginning, but he definitely grew on me.


Combat-wise, you're only going to be disappointed if you use him as a tank. He's a DPS kitty, and he does pretty well if you give him appropriate gear. I have him, Elara, and Tanno geared out and I switch them depending on what spec I am, what I'm doing, and whom I'm grouping with.

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Ah Aric, underneath that gruff exterior is a gruff interior.


As a shield vanguard I normally use Elara, but catboy comes out whenever I'm farming old heroics or flashpoints for orange gear. I gave him one of my old rifles instead of the assault cannon and I like it a lot better.

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Elara's not bad. But Catman has improved the most in my eyes. I did the good soldier yessir stuff in beta, and then when live rolled in I gave Jorgan the snarkiest responses I could. Somewhere along the line, I started to like the gruff yet competent cat.



I even made him the squad XO, as I felt he'd earned that position through both his history, length of time in the squad (compared to Elara), and by that point his displayed trust in my leadership. The rockier early stuff makes a lot of sense once you get more backstory out of him.



Frankly, the Republic military needs more mean soldiers who don't coddle the troops and are honorable.


I was in the us army, the real millitary needs that too.

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