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Commando vs Sage for DPS


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So I have been grouping with a Vanguard as a Commando. Its been working really well.

But I havent played Sage and like some of the abilities and am curious about how you guys think they compare.


I have been thinking of going the 17/23 Hybrid spec that many people mention.

Having Telekinetic Throw without a cooldown, and having Telekinetic Wave and Effusion sound perfect to me.

Also Force Quake and Force in Balance sound great.


Anyone have opinions on which is better DPS wise, Assault Commando or hybrid Sage?


Opinions and comments appreciated.



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After playing them both, I still think that the commando has better dps, but the sage has better control of the battle. Sage can bubble themselves and their companion on a short cooldown (for 100% absorption). Commando can only bubble themselves (with 75% absorption), with a longer cooldown. Force lift for a sage can lift multiple targets, but your only cc skill that lasts over 5 seconds on the commando is single target only, again with a longer cd, unless you are using Dorne and her freeze spray, but that is on a longer cooldown as well. Plus, the cc that is 5 seconds - cryo something - is more of an interrupt than cc. If you are doing a dps build, Dorne is an absolute necessity for commandos.


Like I said, they do better damage, but a sage will be more in control of combat - even without 1 point into the healing tree.

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Anyone have opinions on which is better DPS wise, Assault Commando or hybrid Sage?


Well opinions will be opinions until someone finally pumps out a simulator for the other classes. As it stands, I believe, Sages/Sorcs are the only class who has an accurate simulation tool currently that can run thousands of iterations and include fight variables (no spreadsheets don't count).

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Well opinions will be opinions until someone finally pumps out a simulator for the other classes. As it stands, I believe, Sages/Sorcs are the only class who has an accurate simulation tool currently that can run thousands of iterations and include fight variables (no spreadsheets don't count).


With my commando, I "control" the fight with getting everything dead, as quick as I can. With my sage, yeah, the fight takes longer with multiple targets up in the air with force lift, but I don't have as many mobs beating on me (and my healer) at the same time. Luckily, with the sage, the big damage aoe can be done point blank range, unless mortar with commando, where you have to be a certain distance away.


What is the accurate simulation tool for sages?

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Based on my experiences Commando tends to be more burst. But I'd venture to guess overall we're doing the better dps or at the very least they're pretty damn close to one another. But as Khad said, we won't know til someone puts out an actual simulation tool for the other classes. All of our hunches, my own included, mean just about dick without numbers.
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I have to disagree with the burst theory....just from my experience. And it depends on the commando, who's playing it, and how the skill tree is set up. The biggest problem I see, though, is keeping one mob mezzed, and you can't use aoe's around them - which is the same problem we have over here.
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With my commando, I "control" the fight with getting everything dead, as quick as I can. With my sage, yeah, the fight takes longer with multiple targets up in the air with force lift, but I don't have as many mobs beating on me (and my healer) at the same time. Luckily, with the sage, the big damage aoe can be done point blank range, unless mortar with commando, where you have to be a certain distance away.


What is the accurate simulation tool for sages?


That's why you can't base it on that... The closest thing we have in game right now would be the Infernal Council fight and even that's arguably rigged and dependant on gear/skill differences.



Like I said, I don't know of any other class that has a Simulator even close to this yet.

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[W]ith the sage, the big damage aoe can be done point blank range, unlike mortar with commando, where you have to be a certain distance away.


Mortar Volley has a minimum range of 5M and an effect radius of 8M, so if you launch it to minimum distance you still hit anything in melee range around you, including up to 3M behind you.

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