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So if SWTOR runs on the Heroengine then.....


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Give them time. :)


If they wanted to put in all the stuff that we'd love to have in the game, we'd probably still be waiting for the game now. :)


MMO's need to be given time to build up steam, then the improvements start rolling in. Once they're comfortable with how the game runs, then we'll probably start seeing additional features. There's a lot of stuff which needs to be resolved before they start bringing in extra's which could end up causing more headaches for players, even if you've got a system that can run all these fancy features with ease, if they introduce it too quickly then it becomes more of a hindrance than a benefit. :)


the day they finish this game i'll be playing Titan or "insert random new MMO here". Missing stuff would not be so bad if the current stuff was working properly and entertaining.

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You have no evidence of money spent in any department at EA/Bioware.


You cannot make this claim in any way, shape or form.


Money spent on voice acting does not have a hard affect on the development process.


Until you can prove your assertion that they "wasted" money on voice acting I suggest you leave your ridculous comments to yourself.


Whoa whoa whoa..


Chill out fan boy. I didn't mean to step on your mother's grave.




Actually it's a semi-public forum so I'll leave my "ridiculous comments" wherever I so choose.



And actually it's pretty apparent that more detail was given to the story in this game than any other aspect which is why a lot of the game is very lack luster. Like the completely static planets and NPCs, the copypaste of WoW/EQ's combat system, talent system, and so on and so on and so on.


The proof is in the pudding my dear boy and it is painfully clear that the only real purpose Bioware had with this game was the story, which to be honest isn't THAT good, but better than what most other MMOs offer. Everything else about this game is really rather bland which logically leads one to assume that they spent all of their time and efforts on the story and very little on the actual game.


But really there's no reason to be so rabid just because you disagree, especially when you likewise have to evidence to dispute my claim.

Edited by HavenAE
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I think it has always been dark and gloomy in Dromund Kass. Not seen the sunrise or any thing else.

Also not seen any weather changes at all.


i was being sarcastic because it's the only planet with rain and lighning.:rolleyes:

Edited by xShadow-
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Um, no. I'm saying is that some are expecting 2012 tech. When it would have been impossible to make a game starting in 2008 with 2012 tech unless they happened to have a time machine handy.


Umm, you do realize that every game is developed on what's available when it begins its development, right? That which we consider "2012 standards" started its development in '08 or '09.

Edited by Mannic
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Umm, you do realize that every game is developed on what's available when it begins its development, right? That which we consider "2012 standards" started its development in '08 or '09.
I do realise that. I was commenting on people expecting TOR to be using the latest versions of the game engine.
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Umm, you do realize that every game is developed on what's available when it begins its development, right? That which we consider "2012 standards" started its development in '08 or '09.


That is not entirely correct.


I dont care to elaborate because of NDA and confidentiality laws.

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So, by extension, if people would start to realize that this MMO is not going to compete with 2012 products, its a 2008 product and should be compared to the feature sets, end game, etc... for that time period... that answers a lot.


Most games that start developing now, won't be ready for 2-5 years. There are no 2012 products, just 2008-2010 ones


You'll have to wait until at least 2016 to see 2012 products.

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"It was an artistic decision."


What language is that? I'm sure it's not English.


It sounds more like Bollocks, to me.


Nd nobody has provided a link to where they said it, either...which I requested fairly politely a few pages back. Instead, it'all all flames, DOOM DOOM DOOM and misinformation/irrelevant tangent posts.

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"It was an artistic decision."


What language is that? I'm sure it's not English.


It sounds more like Bollocks, to me.


Maybe this is easier for you to understand. It was cut because there were more important things to work on.


Weather, day/night, all that other crap is just irrelevant fluff. They will have time to add that crap later.


If you are going to quit a game because there is no day or night cycle, you have more issues than the game, I'm afraid.

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Maybe this is easier for you to understand. It was cut because there were more important things to work on.


Weather, day/night, all that other crap is just irrelevant fluff. They will have time to add that crap later.


If you are going to quit a game because there is no day or night cycle, you have more issues than the game, I'm afraid.


Pretty much. The meaningless **** that people complain about continues to baffle me, especially when the most important part of the game--combat--remains so awkward, unresponsive, buggy, and (especially in PvP) slow.

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So these game developers are basically developing the game from a standard of 10+ years ago.


They are on the right track, but some of these things should of been in since release.


I played Asheron's Call and we had rain and snow for as long as I can remember. So why now in what the 5th generation of MMOG's be without certain "quality of life" aspects of an MMO?




In EQ1 you could make it rain with a Dr00d! :eek:

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Bioware doesn't have the current hero engine, they bought a prototype of the hero engine, and then had to develop the rest of it themselves.


This is coming from the guy who created the hero engine. Most of the problems with the hero engine, are because of Bioware's programmers, not the hero engine.


This information has been spewed to the player base time and time again. During the middle of beta, they added in features that existed in the relatively latest editions of HeroEngine. They have access to the latest stuff. Period. They may not choose to USE all of it, but claims they don't have it are patently false, based directly on the feature set of the game client. When HE adds other features, including a fully funcitonal native OS X client, watch how quickly BWA starts to offer those features, too.

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Right, but the OP is specifically asking about dynamic weather.


The OP listed things the HeroEngine is capable of asking why they weren't in game. It was a design decision they made many years ago to make the worlds more static in appearance. They never said there was going to be dynamic weather, so why would anyone expect there to be. Afterall, this isn't SWG.

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I stopped at "An anonymous BioWare Mythic employee". If they cannot stand by what they say by revealing who they are and let their experience speak for their credibility. Anything they say should be taken as fiction.


Not so fast there... just because someone stays hidden when they say something, does not instantly invalidate the information they are revealing. I have specific opinions on the whole situation that definitely changed during the year I tested the game, and the more I learned about it, and BWA.

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The OP listed things the HeroEngine is capable of asking why they weren't in game. It was a design decision they made many years ago to make the worlds more static in appearance. They never said there was going to be dynamic weather, so why would anyone expect there to be. Afterall, this isn't SWG.



Or any other MMO released since 1999, apparently.


Dynamic weather adds a lot to games, the last thing SWTOR needs is to feel more static.

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Link re: claim that it was an artistic decision please.


It may also have something to do with wanting to make sure servers are running smooth, graphics issues are taken care of etc. prior to implementing it. I can just imagine the QQ-post tsunami over "every time it starts raining my compueter blows up!!!!!" or other such things. IT BEARS REPEATING: IT HAS ONLY BEEN 2 MONTHS.


1. They had SIX YEARS from concept to launch. They don't get the benefit of the doubt anymore. However...


2. The fact that it was an artistic decision came out during beta. Those forums have been archived, including the lengthy discussions that took place about it. It is a perfectly valid decision, intended to solidify a particular story telling mood.


3. It is, however, a cop out, and an insult to MMO gamers. If you want a set mood, do so only in interior spaces. Not external spaces in an allegedly living world.

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