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A Look At The Old Republic


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People are just to spoiled these days i.m.o. To many games already on the market makes you get bored fast and switch easely to another game. Besides that everything gets boring after a while if you dont have nothing to do besides playing 24/7.


I still like the game very much and cant think of a game that has done better with the questing then swtor. I admit they should focus on making the PVP more interesting though.

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Yes, thay are. Only if thay are disapointed, feel ripped off, and getting obssed playing this game, because bugs, quality of this product and horrible customer service. :) I would personally shut down this game a month ago.


There are so many bugs that there is even a damn town in the game called Bugtown. The proof is right in front of you.

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i'm not sure about everyone else, but i experience a significant amount of lag when i am playing. i am using a laptop so i'm sure that has something to do with it, but i didn't have near as much lag when playing WoW, if any at all. i'm sure some would say stop complaining and buy a desktop with a graphics card or something like that, but i, along with many others i'm sure that play this game on a laptop, don't want to go out of their way and spend $500+ just so they could play this game. But besides the lag, I couldn't possibly ask for a better star wars game.
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Things a Blizzard employee might say.


i'm pretty sure that has nothing to do with being a blizzard employee. the game has major issues right now unless you are on an ultimate gaming machine, which most people don't have so these would be the people affected by the poor gameplay, incredible lag, and many other things

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Begun the recruitment wars has, more people the game needs...


I'd say get a move on expanding the content and put in actual variety in the game if you want to retain your current player base instead needing to produce these recruitment ads. The better your current game is, the more likely your player base will recommend it to others and build your customer base in a more solid fashion.


Recruitment ads/incentives are temporary solutions, more exposure only hook the innocent ones, but it does nothing to retain them.


Improve your game quality asap, lack of freedom and variety is the biggest problem that BioWare should focus on as it is the single thing that is dictated entirely by BioWare's resolve and management.


Good job on making a good game for 2011, now bring it up to speed for 2012, you have 2 months to convince me this game will actually respond in a timely fashion to improve game quality instead of catering to pvp/raiders. Tera's shaping up to be a solid contender for my subscription fees after the first beta weekend, and with more weekends coming up, that game will only get better in my view compared to SWTOR.


Thats the thing BLUEHOLE studio's actually makes changes that the NA players want and they are very active in their forums.


Swtor is not. I almost feel like I am playing a ported over korean game at times where you ask and ask and ask for change and they dont even respond with a legitimate answer and just do whatever they decided to do months before.

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I don't understand the point of this vid at all..


We have heard all this before.


Most of the things they are saying are false. (best our current technology can do? Really?)



It is basically just a bunch of devs patting themselves on the back for what a great job they think they have done.


It's also hilarious to me that I notice framerate drops even in there own propaganda videos.


I wish I could have a real discussion with one of these people and really get to the bottom of what the hell they are thinking.

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Thats the thing BLUEHOLE studio's actually makes changes that the NA players want and they are very active in their forums.


Swtor is not. I almost feel like I am playing a ported over korean game at times where you ask and ask and ask for change and they dont even respond with a legitimate answer and just do whatever they decided to do months before.


its a kind of mmo ponzi scheme. Every new user is 60 bucks of relatively pure profit at this point, while retaining players has significant overhead.


Eventually the inflow dries up and then, collapse.

Edited by Superawesomerman
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I dunno about you guys, but the negative comments are exactly why I clicked on this thread. It is delicious. They are so angry and indignant, and all they can do is roil in these forums upsetting themselves. Bioware could sell tickets to this show!


exactly this!


I come onto the forums here whenever I need a good laugh.

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Felt the amazing fire of seeing the world and doing missions for the first month. Star Wars is better as a less theme park game. Wish there was open space travel to planets and such. Maybe dynamic space dogfighting while traveling. Wish it was more open as a world then linear. I like the voice acting but now I see more content (social as well)and less voice acting would of made this game much better.
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Ich muß sagen, daß ich ziemlich enttäuscht bin von diesem Spiel!

Für ein MMO-RPG hat es erbärmliche Soziale interaktionsmöglichkeiten, stattdessen kann man mit Nichtspieler-Charakteren sehr viel interagieren....hab ich mir hier irgendson Standalone gekauft bei dem andere Spieler nur als Anschauungsmaterial rumhängen?

Individuelle Char-erschaffung? Weder bei der Kleidung noch bei den Skills :mad::(:mad: und schon garnicht im persönlichen Umfeld, wie zum Beispiel dem eigenen Raumschiff!

Star Wars Galaxies wurde für diesen Müll hier beendet, war allerdings um Galaxien und Lichtjahre besser! Allein was den Weltraumkampf und Navigation angeht....

Ihr da von Bioware: habt ihr diese App von irgendeinem Pleite-ArkadenHersteller aufgekauft? Vermutlich ist Müll wie diese Space-Combat der Grund für deren Pleite....

Also Leute: BITTE!!!! Verbessert die aufmachung des Spiels und beseitigt ENDLICH die verdammten Bugs, Errrors, Lags und Disconnects oder gebt uns Star Wars Galaxies zurück!!!!!:mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad:

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Ich muß sagen, daß ich ziemlich enttäuscht bin von diesem Spiel!

Für ein MMO-RPG hat es erbärmliche Soziale interaktionsmöglichkeiten, stattdessen kann man mit Nichtspieler-Charakteren sehr viel interagieren....hab ich mir hier irgendson Standalone gekauft bei dem andere Spieler nur als Anschauungsmaterial rumhängen?

Individuelle Char-erschaffung? Weder bei der Kleidung noch bei den Skills :mad::(:mad: und schon garnicht im persönlichen Umfeld, wie zum Beispiel dem eigenen Raumschiff!

Star Wars Galaxies wurde für diesen Müll hier beendet, war allerdings um Galaxien und Lichtjahre besser! Allein was den Weltraumkampf und Navigation angeht....

Ihr da von Bioware: habt ihr diese App von irgendeinem Pleite-ArkadenHersteller aufgekauft? Vermutlich ist Müll wie diese Space-Combat der Grund für deren Pleite....

Also Leute: BITTE!!!! Verbessert die aufmachung des Spiels und beseitigt ENDLICH die verdammten Bugs, Errrors, Lags und Disconnects oder gebt uns Star Wars Galaxies zurück!!!!!:mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad:


I don't really understand what you just said, but I got this " Star Wars Galaxies zurück". I totally agree with you. I want SWG back and this Bug Ware product shut down. !!! :)

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Thats the thing BLUEHOLE studio's actually makes changes that the NA players want and they are very active in their forums.


Swtor is not. I almost feel like I am playing a ported over korean game at times where you ask and ask and ask for change and they dont even respond with a legitimate answer and just do whatever they decided to do months before.


Try submitting a ticket in game. It feels like they actually send it to Korea by bicycle messenger.

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lets face it, as long as ppl keep paying they dont give a ****, Ilum is still dead (part from maybe 20 min/day), classes and factions still amazingly unbalanced in pvp, they have had massive complaints about this but for 3 months absolutely nothing has happend.


Im done, this game has nothing on World of warcraft.


Never purchasing a bioware product again.

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I dunno about you guys, but the negative comments are exactly why I clicked on this thread. It is delicious. They are so angry and indignant, and all they can do is roil in these forums upsetting themselves. Bioware could sell tickets to this show!


Enjoy it while it lasts, but remember. For every one person raging on the forums, there are probably 20 that left quietly. I don't see alot of fresh meat coming in, so where is your game gonna be then?

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Star Wars™: The Old Republic™ has been an incredible hit, becoming the fastest-selling MMO of all time with over a million players starting their own Star Wars™ saga in the first 24 hours! See for yourself what just a few of these players have to say about their experiences with the game in this new video!



Watch Now


Please call me when you've opened a topic about reaching the fastest freefall ever in MMO history.

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Please call me when you've opened a topic about reaching the fastest freefall ever in MMO history.


Also epicly hilarious, well done sir.


And for those of you thinking we're just "haters" - no, I really wanted to love this game. I wanted it to succeed. I bought a CE and 3 months of gametime out of faith in that.


Literally about 25 days later, I was 50, and out of things to do, but grind valor rank and badges. That was just about all there was to log in for. It honestly felt like "let's go log on and do my SWTOR chores, so I'll be ready when the REAL content comes out!"


I waited for more challenging content. I waited for PvP balances/fixes. Nearing 3 months later and none of it has come.


I don't see them making this dumb-downed game any more difficult.

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I'm not sure if this is worth me getting banned or not,

but seriously,

come on.


Bioware seems kind of insecure about this game :\


Also can't believe people were so thrilled with that video.


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