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If I'm a BM trying to get my 3 daily wins, why would I stay if we're getting killed?


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in pvp there is always a loser. if you can't accept that then you should not pvp. they can nerf whatever you want, get rid of premades, give everyone the same gear...in the end you will still lose if you are outskilled. and then what? complain to god?

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But, back on topic:

"Winners never quit and quitters never win." - Vince Lombardi




And let us be honest if they did then Football would die, who wants to watch a game you already know who is going to win?


You guys ignore the problem, that one side wins and is virtually guarantied a win next game.

You have better equipment and that alone ensures more wins over the less geared.


He is EXACTLY RIGHT about why the Republic does not play or win. The balance is so far in the favor of Imperials that what is the point of even attempting to que?


You can troll all you want but the fact speak for themselves.

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in pvp there is always a loser. if you can't accept that then you should not pvp. they can nerf whatever you want, get rid of premades, give everyone the same gear...in the end you will still lose if you are outskilled. and then what? complain to god?


No MAKE THE GAME TALENT BASED. You can not complain about much then.


Giving one side a edge or a player the edge is not realistic as you see the results here.

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Dont stay, leave, and dont come back. This isnt the game for you and stop screwing it up for everyone else.


Actually this is exactly the game for him. Simply because there is nothing which fosters faction, guild or whatever pride. Just face it, we live in the world of WoWDonald's pvp. Just have a look at Ilum. Basically you cannot conquer even an imperial outhouse - nor to speak of pushing a border or even win a planet. So, if everything is static and nothing is to lose...why should a guy like the op care?

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Its pretty hilarious that this is getting debated as it is.


If you're really this concerned about micro-managing your time used to play this VIDEO GAME....how can you honestly say you're having fun?


You aren't having fun. You are either:


- Working hard to make sure your $15 was well-spent.


- Afraid some other nerd is going to /lol at you.


Either way, you have serious problems that require professional consultation, not from the swtor forums.

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If I'm a BM trying to get my 3 daily wins, why would I stay if we're getting killed?


HERPTY F-ING DERPTY MATE, obviously, for FUN. Why do you even play this game? To complete 3 warzones everyday? To farm up your full battlemaster set? Then what? Are you gona say 'If I'm a BM with full battlemaster gear, why would I go to warzone?' And dont give me this 'I enjoy winning warzones and showing off my full battlemaster to noobs on fleet' bs. If you really wanted to win those warzones so bad, you would get a proper premade and steamroll pugs in 6 minutes instead of whining on the forums.


Pathetic... l2hf seriously

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Hey kenton, i will try and answer your question.


If you are asking for reason to stay in the match from the game point of view, well obviously there is none if that the reason only you join is to complete daily.


But why not try just to make the best out of the game what you can?


Every lost game earns valor aswell, maybe not so much but you can still get medals helping towards next valor rank or mount, and now here comes my biggest point:


People will respect you


You know what the best wins are? The ones where you turned from what looks to be a loss, to a win.


It may be your server have premade that kills everyone but your act will only inspire to more leavers and then ultimately it will make everyones game bad. Then all games you join will be lost when every ppl have same attitude.


PVP is not easy and you cannot exepct to win everytime. I am healer and some games i am so much focused that i cannot help my teammates, but i try any way and instead of yelling at the new ppl coming into the pvp scene i try to learn them tips so we get better.


In the end i cannot tell you what to do, and if you only aimed for bm to just get 3 wins a day then that is what you will do, but then you must also understand that people will not respect you. I just hope that you can see outside your need and see the bigger picture here on what your act involves and as a BM i think that one should set and example to the rest.




-Steele, valor 68

Edited by Steele_dk
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i fully support exactly what youre saying, and cant believe you've got these kind of responses.


im 59 and 50% valor. UNTIL you get 60, it really is a case of you can win or lose, just get medals and ilum buff and youve got a good amount of valor grinded. but what once you hit 60? its ALL about wins.


there are plenty of matches that i want to leave, the team is awful, or we've been put up against 2 premades or whatever and its clearly going to be a loss and once im in it only for the wins there will be no incentive to carry on playing.


its not like we dont like pvp so only want to rush through it, we wouldnt of invested this amount of time in getting the valor if we hated pvp and ONLY stayed in matches we won.


dont blame this guy, or me, coz i can see myself doing it a fair amount when i hit 60, blame the fact the only way to get BM bags is WINS rather than participation like it is with other bags

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This is already changing come 1.2, so why continue this argument? How about being a tad more constructive and debating how Bio should design the incentive structure come 1.2?


The thread was honestly meant to be constructive. It was stating why this system is flawed... then people start telling me I'm bad because I lose games against premades? These are the people who aren't BM's yet and don't realize that the system is broken.


I love the PvP and when I'm finished with my BM dailies I move to my Republic character and PvP.

Edited by Kentontudor
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I normally run in premades - but I do PuG a lot - and yes, one player can make a huge difference.


a) if you are known and respected, PuGers listen and usually perform at their best

b) nothing is more satisfying than beating a known premade with PuGs

c) you make friends and maybe, you will end up in premades - if you are good.


And even if you get slaughtered - I just try to improve my rotation skills - but giving in, rolling over is just not cool.


And in the end, do you really save some time???

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I normally run in premades - but I do PuG a lot - and yes, one player can make a huge difference.


a) if you are known and respected, PuGers listen and usually perform at their best

b) nothing is more satisfying than beating a known premade with PuGs

c) you make friends and maybe, you will end up in premades - if you are good.


And even if you get slaughtered - I just try to improve my rotation skills - but giving in, rolling over is just not cool.


And in the end, do you really save some time???




1) I agree that beating a premade with a PUG is satisfying. Do you not think I stay until we're down 3-0 in Huttball? Of course I stay and help my team. But if my team is not trying to compete and not listening, then I'm not going to waste my time getting killed.


2) Arsenal Mercenaries have very little impact on Huttball if I'm solo queueing... I can control the middle, but I can't run the ball and jump around half the map like Marauders, Juggernauts, and Sorcerers.

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It's well known on my server who quits over and over and screws people into losing matches, which then net you absolutely nothing for wating in queue..


new system = vote kick.. if i see them im voting them out and i wouldn't doubt others will do the same

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Today i was jumped 3 vs 1 in open world pvp

I killed one before they killed me

I enjoyed it

I suppose you would just sit there and wait for them to kill you because you are going to die anyway?


If im in a warzone that is losing, i try to humiliate the enemy team


"Yeah, you are winning, but i ninjad your door you morons"


Or "fancy premade huh? Well, voice coms wont save you from PHYSICS! /knock off a bridge/into a fire/acid"


I play to prove myself. I can always get better, as its impossible to be perfect. You dont need to win to be awesome.


In WAR there was a chosen on my server who always charged into full enemy groups. Not to kill them all of course, he couldn't do that. But to try and see how much damage he could do before he died. After a while people started to actively try and avoid him.

Because he could be smart, and attack from the rear, and kill a healer or two before anybody even noticed him. Having him around was a danger.


I want my presence on my team to demoralize my enemy when the match starts. Before it becomes apparent which team is going to win i want the enthusiasm for being in that warzones sapped from them just seeing my name. I dont honestly care if i win or lose. I get enough wins for my dailies in the course of the day. What I care about is taking the situation ive been given, and then being able to look back when all is said and done and be able to tell myself "I couldn't have played that any better"


The people who hop warzones for 'wins' use winning as a metric because they would have to admit how bad they are if they started using their own performance as one. Its the only explanation. That or they just dont like pvp.


I'm quoting this from 8 odd pages back because it is something I can relate to!


WZ's can of course be infuriating, being rofl stopped by 4 BM's in a pre-made is a complete pain in the arse, but that doesn't mean I'm going to quit out the first chance I get. I'll find their healer and harass him, from start to finish. You can be damn sure I'm not going to roll over and at least make things challenging for them.


Besides, it's not the first time we've targeted the key player in the pre-made and made his life hard that the pre-made has given up, it's not worth their time, which actually gives you an idea about the quality of some players!



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I sincerly hope they implement vote kicking so that one can only vote to kick inactive players, otherwise the flaming discussions are going overspill these forums until there are no other posts and all it will amount to is feeding the hatemachine.


Implementing a bully-system where the strong can punish the weak at will and laugh at it seems an especially retarded design decision. Where as getting rid of afk/inactives is a good thing. Very, very thin line here - which I'm sure BW is going to implement 100% wrong.

Edited by Anyankin
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I sincerly hope they implement vote kicking so that one can only vote to kick inactive players, otherwise the flaming discussions are going overspill these forums until there are no other posts and all it will amount to is feeding the hatemachine.


Implementing a bully-system where the strong can punish the weak at will and laugh at it seems an especially retarded design decision. Where as getting rid of afk/inactives is a good thing. Very, very thin line here - which I'm sure BW is going to implement 100% wrong.


Agreed... if the ability to kick fresh 50's is enabled... I will quit this game. It's not their fault they are out geared. It would be a disgrace.

Edited by Kentontudor
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Does no one read Gabe's Q and A's? Some bullet points:


- Bags and the emphasis on win requirements will be removed in 1.2.

- 14 additional objective based medals will be added to the warzones to facilitate team-based play.

- Gear will be directly purchased from now on at all levels. The value of commendations has been increased.

- A votekick system for idlers will be implemented, requiring 6 votes out of the 8 players present in the warzone. A two minute warzone debuff timer preventing that player from requeuing will be placed on the offending player.


See more here: http://www.swtor.com/blog/community-qa-feb-17th-2012


Expected release date: March.


So yes, the OP had a point. More so for Battlemasters, but even for those beneath that level, if you still had your dailies and weeklies to finish, leaving a warzone and trying to join another one was the equivalent of saving you three hours of gametime for every bag the quest rewards provided. It was unquestionably and undeniably the fastest and most efficient method of gearing up. If a player doesn't feel like wasting their time when better means at improving their character are available to them, I don't really see the problem. Bioware made the mistake of designing it that way and thankfully they've acknowledged their mistake and are working to correct it.


I'm quite confident that placing all the emphasis on commendations, objectives and medals will ensure that very few people leave warzones early. After all, they'll only be hurting themselves in the new system.

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Does no one read Gabe's Q and A's? Some bullet points:


- Bags and the emphasis on win requirements will be removed in 1.2.

- 14 additional objective based medals will be added to the warzones to facilitate team-based play.

- Gear will be directly purchased from now on at all levels. The value of commendations has been increased.

- A votekick system for idlers will be implemented, requiring 6 votes out of the 8 players present in the warzone. A two minute warzone debuff timer preventing that player from requeuing will be placed on the offending player.


See more here: http://www.swtor.com/blog/community-qa-feb-17th-2012


Expected release date: March.


So yes, the OP had a point. More so for Battlemasters, but even for those beneath that level, if you still had your dailies and weeklies to finish, leaving a warzone and trying to join another one was the equivalent of saving you three hours of gametime for every bag the quest rewards provided. It was unquestionably and undeniably the fastest and most efficient method of gearing up. If a player doesn't feel like wasting their time when better means at improving their character are available to them, I don't really see the problem. Bioware made the mistake of designing it that way and thankfully they've acknowledged their mistake and are working to correct it.


I'm quite confident that placing all the emphasis on commendations, objectives and medals will ensure that very few people leave warzones early. After all, they'll only be hurting themselves in the new system.



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Because even if you lose you can still get more valor if you win and being a BM, why stop there? Obtain level 100 then maybe you would have the right to leave warzones.


I am for one of never leaving a warzone, I love PvP and that is why I log on is to play win or lose, I do my best, almost always top damage and kills, because I give a crap about my team mates and I notice that they are also trying to get in "wins"


Heck I was in Alddaran an we were down by I would say 2-1 cannons most of the match so we got down to 100 points to there 350 abouts and I solo capped one turret fighting off 2 reps, capped the turret and the same time my teammates capped the other one, as they split up to defend, and one healer came to me, we 3 capped them and won the match.


Not saying this happens everytime but it just what I think can happen so I never give up.

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