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If I'm a BM trying to get my 3 daily wins, why would I stay if we're getting killed?


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You're making assumptions about why a BM leaves. In general, I leave when we're losing and noone will even listen. They are not trying to get better or learn from you. They are there to farm kills and see numbers pop up on the screen. If the team is losing and trying, I dont' leave.

I look at what people are doing and if they listen to anyone or seem to care at all about the objectives first. I refuse to waste time in a game where people only care about the chart at the end and medal farming.


No, I'm not making assumptions about reasons why you leave. I'm making a blanket statement about the OP and HIS reasons for leaving. And frankly that still isn't convincing to me. I still strikes me as incredibly selfish to leave a warzone before its finished. Now are the other people being selfish trying to score extra medals instead of winning? SURE. I would agree with that, but then set a better example, be a leader, and if you can't lead them, get a group of people together you can lead and win, but it seems incredibly selfish to me for a really good PvPer to leave just because they're losing even if other members of the team aren't playing to win. I know I've learned tons staying in matches that were lost causes. When I see members of the other team who did really well and beat me down, I'm the first person whispering them after, asking their advice (and for operatives asking them to stab me in the face less please :D).


Have I been guilty of seeing us down 0-3 or 425 to 130 and medal farming? Yeah. I'm guilty of that, I think we're all guilty of that at one point or another, but that still doesn't mean it's not an opportunity to learn.


TL;DR If BM players are complaining that people aren't trying to win or that other players aren't good enough, take it upon yourself to teach and help other people get better to give yourself some competition, otherwise qq somewhere else.

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No, I'm not making assumptions about reasons why you leave. I'm making a blanket statement about the OP and HIS reasons for leaving. And frankly that still isn't convincing to me. I still strikes me as incredibly selfish to leave a warzone before its finished. Now are the other people being selfish trying to score extra medals instead of winning? SURE. I would agree with that, but then set a better example, be a leader, and if you can't lead them, get a group of people together you can lead and win, but it seems incredibly selfish to me for a really good PvPer to leave just because they're losing even if other members of the team aren't playing to win. I know I've learned tons staying in matches that were lost causes. When I see members of the other team who did really well and beat me down, I'm the first person whispering them after, asking their advice (and for operatives asking them to stab me in the face less please :D).


Have I been guilty of seeing us down 0-3 or 425 to 130 and medal farming? Yeah. I'm guilty of that, I think we're all guilty of that at one point or another, but that still doesn't mean it's not an opportunity to learn.


TL;DR If BM players are complaining that people aren't trying to win or that other players aren't good enough, take it upon yourself to teach and help other people get better to give yourself some competition, otherwise qq somewhere else.



I'm never rude in game to my own team. I tell them the correct strategies and what needs to be done to win.


But great strategies can only take you so far when you're going up against a well geared team. And that's a fact.


Not one time in this whole thread have I ever stated why I leave WZ's. I've never left before a game started because of my team, and I've never raged on my own team because they suck.


But when someone is not playing the objective or simply not trying to play the objective, it gets very frustrating. And when I'm down 3-0 in a Huttball game in a matter of minutes, I'm going to leave a game because as a Battlemaster... I'm clearly not there to farm Valor or Medals.

Edited by Kentontudor
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I am Battlemaster Sniper , only have 2 pieces of Battlemaster because well i got 4 bm commodations in over 56 bags...


But i often see Geared Battmelaster players who can't play pvp for ****. It's so apparent all they did was farm ilum lol.


they get out damaged by half champ half centurion player and dont even do any objectives.



Actually playing to win in Huttball usually has me low on medal count and dam done. You can tell on the charts who was a medal farmer if they're dam is way high. I dont' consider myself the best, but I've been whispered by people to tell me they think I'm good and like seeing me on their teams.


But I get medals and dam in Alderaan usually since that involves killing for objectives. But most pvp is Huttball, and those that play to win dont' seem to do well on medals and dam compared to those that ignore objectives.


And for some illogical reason, I can score 3 goals and make the scoring pass for the 3 other goals and get no objective points.

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No I don't care about pride if what I'm working to achieve (A Battlemaster bag) is probably not going to drop anything anyways.




Edited after seeing responses to the thread:


So the guys saying that I need to L2P and that I'm part of the problem as to why I'm losing (which I'm obviously not talking about EVERY WZ)... Probably the dumbest comments I've seen if you've actually played lvl 50 PvP. It's IMPOSSIBLE to solo a premade of 4 decent Champion geared players. IMPOSSIBLE to solo 3 decent Champion geared players. And VERY HARD to solo 2 decent Champion geared players.


I'm just saying... If there's no penalty for leaving, why would I waste 10 minutes in a warzone where I know that I'm going to lose while I could be ... A) trying to win a warzone that counts towards my daily or.... B) Leveling an alt


Don't trade your way to BM next time. Don't focus so much on gear acquisition. Don't cry so much because you're not getting what you want.


If you're a battlemaster thats leaving because you aren't winning the game, you're not a PvPer, you're a gear grinder. Move along.

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Don't trade your way to BM next time. Don't focus so much on gear acquisition. Don't cry so much because you're not getting what you want.


If you're a battlemaster thats leaving because you aren't winning the game, you're not a PvPer, you're a gear grinder. Move along.


Once again... someone claiming that someone is not good at PvP. Great argument!!!


Well you know what! I think you're horrible at PvP because you actually do sit through a Warzone where you're getting destroyed. You're the sucker.


Take this to another thread. Not mine.


Move along.

Edited by Kentontudor
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All this QQ about someone leaving. You know when someone leaves, someone else comes in. Kinda like if you die, they have to wait for the gate to open again to come back. So no difference really for someone who leaves or someone who dies. Actually then you might get someone who wants to play the game with you. Everyone wins.


So people complaining about people leaving are just really scapegoating the loss to the ones who left...though you were already losing the game before they left. Or your QQing cause your feelings are hurt that they left you.


I dont 'think i've actually ever cared when someone left the game.


If we're losing...we're losing...let them leave. I understand why they left. If we're winning people still sometimes leave. I dont' care. I'm not going rage like some of the people thinking now we're going to lose!

Edited by Seurot
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I'm never rude in game to my own team. I tell them the correct strategies and what needs to be done to win.


But great strategies can only take you so far when you're going up against a well geared team. And that's a fact.


Not one time in this whole thread have I ever stated why I leave WZ's. I've never left before a game started because of my team, and I've never raged on my own team because they suck.


But when someone is not playing the objective or simply not trying to play the objective, it gets very frustrating. And when I'm down 3-0 in a Huttball game in a matter of minutes, I'm going to leave a game because as a Battlemaster... I'm clearly not there to farm Valor or Medals.


So this entire topic was pointless flame bait? Good to know.

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I'm never rude in game to my own team. I tell them the correct strategies and what needs to be done to win.


But great strategies can only take you so far when you're going up against a well geared team. And that's a fact.


Not one time in this whole thread have I ever stated why I leave WZ's. I've never left before a game started because of my team, and I've never raged on my own team because they suck.


But when someone is not playing the objective or simply not trying to play the objective, it gets very frustrating. And when I'm down 3-0 in a Huttball game in a matter of minutes, I'm going to leave a game because as a Battlemaster... I'm clearly not there to farm Valor or Medals.


No sir, you are rude the minute you leave the game with the unspoken message "Sorry you all suck, I'm out" You can say you're not "Raging". And maybe you're not quitting out of anger, but convenience, but the only thing you're doing is damaging the person who's going to log into that WZ after you leave and the rest of the team who won't get to learn from your talents and wisdom on good PvP.


When you're down 3-0 in huttball to a superior team, use it teach. What went wrong? Where could you have improved? Did the team make mistakes and get out position? Was the healer too effective and not focused down? Did we not root / stun / CC the ball handler effectively when he was on our side of the zone? As a battlemaster presumably you have HUNDREDS of more warzones under your belt than most other PvPers.


Maybe we will agree to disagree on the matter, but I find you and the action of quitting, particularly for you, as a BM and someone who I would think then enjoys PvP in general, extremely selfish. PvP in a team environment is not just about YOU and YOUR wins. It's about the TEAM and the players on that team getting better so that maybe they can reach BM someday and get better. Selfishness is selfishness no matter what defense you try to give it.


And on a semi related note that I think would help alleviate some of these problems, give the winning team 2X value on its medals for comms and valor. Now this could lead to another problem where you might have more premades steamrolling pugs but it might also encourage more people to farm medals less and play to win since getting 4 medals X2 value would be better than getting 7 medals and losing. Just a thought that I recognizes introduces its own problems but maybe its a starting point for a possible solution...

Edited by Silver_Rain
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The answer to the OP's question is: You shouldn't.


SWTOR's pvp system not only rewards queue-hopping, but encourages it. In addition, the randomized queuing and the complete and utter lack of meaningful and dynamic OWPvP quickly kills the pvp spirit of any real pvper.


That's right, if you're queuing every day for pvp, and you still enjoy the system, you're not a real pvper. You can deny it all you like, but the flaws in this system are so glaring and blatant that if you're not complaining about them, you're part of the problem.


As it stands, the only reason I still pvp is because it's a changeup from doing the same pve quests I've already done 3-4 times.

Edited by Greyfeld
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No I don't care about pride if what I'm working to achieve (A Battlemaster bag) is probably not going to drop anything anyways.




Edited after seeing responses to the thread:


So the guys saying that I need to L2P and that I'm part of the problem as to why I'm losing (which I'm obviously not talking about EVERY WZ)... Probably the dumbest comments I've seen if you've actually played lvl 50 PvP. It's IMPOSSIBLE to solo a premade of 4 decent Champion geared players. IMPOSSIBLE to solo 3 decent Champion geared players. And VERY HARD to solo 2 decent Champion geared players.


I'm just saying... If there's no penalty for leaving, why would I waste 10 minutes in a warzone where I know that I'm going to lose while I could be ... A) trying to win a warzone that counts towards my daily or.... B) Leveling an alt


Just wondering, what do you plan on doing once you have full battlemaster gear and thus have no means of progression? Quit? Or play because you enjoy the game?


If your answer is keep playing because you enjoy the game, then thats also the answer to the question you're asking in the OP. If your answer is quit then whats the point of even playing in the first place?

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If you're behind in a game, you're not going to win it by the heroic effort of a 'leaver' for sure. Otherwise that guy would never have left.


So while it sucks to see people bail on a winnable game, you should realize that you were never going to win with these quitters and your chance of winning is actually slightly improved after they leave, in that it is possible someone really good replaced that guy which makes a comeback possible. If those quitters stayed in your game, you'd expect them to just AFK or do some useless stuff which guaranteeds the game end in a loss.


There was a game where the score was 220 (enemy) versus 100 (us) in Alderaan when we just capped a second turret. So we're clearly behind the whole game and I'm pretty sure quite a few guy left throughout the game. At that point I realized if we don't cap the third turret we can't win, so I attacked the last cannon by myself which wasn't defended and ended up winning. Now of course this is one of those fairy tale story endings, but think about this game if the 'leaver' stayed. Do you really expect someone who quit early to actually launch a last ditch solo effort against the last cannon? No, that guy's going to just be chilling at the only cannon you have (we were behind the whole game) getting Defender points. So there really was no chance your team could've won with those quitters. Sure you can easily lose more badly but it's not like you lose Valor for losing terribly compared to a close game.

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Just wondering, what do you plan on doing once you have full battlemaster gear and thus have no means of progression? Quit? Or play because you enjoy the game?


If your answer is keep playing because you enjoy the game, then thats also the answer to the question you're asking in the OP. If your answer is quit then whats the point of even playing in the first place?




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Bunch of non-competitive ******* in this thread. The gear grind is one of the only things that ruins pvp for me in this game(my first mmo). I'm fine w/ fighting people better geared, but pansies like the OP that quit if they're not winning is simply ridiculous. Obviously you quiters never did anything competitive in your life...don't see sports teams pack it up and leave when their down a few points. Play to win the game no matter the score.
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Can't wait for ranked WZs...dont' even care if I'm last, just want an actual competition instead of you quiters trying to get gear instead of playing the game.



I really don't care if you hate me for quitting or not, but AMEN to rated WZ's that actually mean something.

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Bunch of non-competitive ******* in this thread. The gear grind is one of the only things that ruins pvp for me in this game(my first mmo). I'm fine w/ fighting people better geared, but pansies like the OP that quit if they're not winning is simply ridiculous. Obviously you quiters never did anything competitive in your life...don't see sports teams pack it up and leave when their down a few points. Play to win the game no matter the score.



Shaq quit playing for the Magic and was traded to the Lakers and won 3 Championships.




Eli Manning refused to play for the Bengals (don't quote me on the team) and he's won 2 Super Bowls in NY.


-Just saying

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Shaq quit playing for the Magic and was traded to the Lakers and won 3 Championships.


Eli Manning refused to play for the Bengals (don't quote me on the team) and he's won 2 Super Bowls in NY.


-Just saying


Shaq was good, but he's no team player. He (and that other Laker) were ME first and the team second. That Laker team is an example of a group of really selfish people being able to win with overwhelming talent and why there are salary caps, rookie salary rules, 1 year college draft rules and others.


Eli Manning's father (former NFL QB Archie Manning) refused to let Eli play for the San Diego Chargers for one reason, Ryan Leaf. Leaf was thrown into the fire as a rookie to start at QB without any pro experience and was helped very little by the team with his transition to the NFL. He then got hurt and was never really the same. He's the reason why a bad team will make a bad player.


But, back on topic:

"Winners never quit and quitters never win." - Vince Lombardi

Edited by KilmarFyrewynd
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Shaq quit playing for the Magic and was traded to the Lakers and won 3 Championships.




Eli Manning refused to play for the Bengals (don't quote me on the team) and he's won 2 Super Bowls in NY.


-Just saying


That's akin to dropping your premade for another, not quiting in the middle of a game...

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If I"m in a warzone that is going to lose I generally try to work on getting better.


Now if I"m in a warzone where people quit and then we come back and win, I put every player that quit on ignore. Same deal with the people that run their mouths and then have terrible stats. So as someone else said it could hurt you in other ways, like if world pvp is ever cool.


The system for the bm bags though is a terrible one, to the point that whoever thought that one up shouldn't be asked for future ideas. I agree with that completely.


My biggest issue with it is if you quit a match, someone else has to take your spot instead of getting a fresh warzone. So it's the screw the next guy attitude you dudes have that makes me not want to have you in my group in the future.


If you don't want to lose, there is always the option of becoming one of those people that will only que in a premade and never leave the pack. Everyone that pugs is going to take their lumps, if you quit you are still sticking someone else with your spot instead of a fresh warzone, regardless of how you rationalize it.

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Shaq quit playing for the Magic and was traded to the Lakers and won 3 Championships.




Eli Manning refused to play for the Bengals (don't quote me on the team) and he's won 2 Super Bowls in NY.


-Just saying


The Giants went 9-7 this season and lost their first game. If Eli had quit the team when they were 0-1 they'd never have won the super bowl.


-Just saying

Edited by EternalFinality
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One of the best warzone battles I was in was a Civil War in a team of 7 undergeared pugs - we had 8, but someone didn't like what he saw and left. We capped left and then proceeded to get stomped - in fact the Imps got cocky and started fighting off the turrets and we managed stealth cap the right turret; Imps threw everything at us and it was a nonstop slugfest at the right turret, with us knocking people off, healers healing their butts off and just general mayhem ... occasionally, people would log in to be the potential 8th, and then log off - that happened maybe 2 or 3 times. Yet somehow we managed to defend the right turret long enough to get the win. Hands down the best WZ experience I've had to date, with an undergeared pug, a little creativity and perseverance (not to mention Imperial hubris) Edited by Lohengrin
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If your team is getting killed you should stay out of respect of the other players playing it! Your team probably could use a battlemaster to help them get medals for valor like you had to do. So you should stay, because you would hate someone quitting mid match if you were stuck at 56 valor.
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Use the /whine command next time.















7. SWTOR would be 100% better if the PVP was talent based and not gear based. FACT!

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