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If I'm a BM trying to get my 3 daily wins, why would I stay if we're getting killed?


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So you only enjoy pvp when your team is winning, eh? Typical.




So you dont even like your imp character but you play it anyway even though you have no interest in playing it beyond completing a daily.


What will you do when both characters are fully geared? You will only play your republic then.

So why not just stop bothering with your imp now instead of getting frustrated?



You do know that there's going to be future updates and patches right? And more gear? And more content? I don't think I'll ever cap out multiple characters with gear.


But I am however preparing my IMP character for future PvP gear.

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LOL @ the easy mode Marauders and Sorcerers telling me that I can't PvP.


Stay out of my thread if you don't know what you're talking about.


Assuming my class? Really? You power is strong it is.


Boy are you wrong. Im a Vanguard tank fyi.


And easy mode sorc telling you you cant pvp would be ok because your tree is eady mode too!


Marauders/sentinels takes more skill to play then a merc/sorc anyways.


Spam away for your one BM bag. QQQQQQQQ

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Did you just call Marauders and Sentinels easy mode?.....?!?!?



I've got a Sentinel, and I've got an Arsenal Mercenary.


And yes, Sentinel/Marauder is just as easy as any class.




Just because you sit there and wait for a move to come off cooldown, and then hit the button... doesn't mean you're any harder/easier than any other class.


Sentinels are more fun than Mercs too. And yes my main is an Arsenal Merc.

Edited by Kentontudor
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You do know that there's going to be future updates and patches right? And more gear? And more content? I don't think I'll ever cap out multiple characters with gear.


But I am however preparing my IMP character for future PvP gear.



people like you are the reason why developers are taking the easy path - they don't have to make a good, challenging, innovative, fun content - they can just add new tier of gear and call it a day - because there will be enough of you to pay for such "great" content.



can't wait for gw2 where you don't grind for pvp gear, you do it to become better - and that's the fun, not roflstomping someone who spent less time gear-grinding

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Did you just call Marauders and Sentinels easy mode?.....?!?!?


I saw this too. Geared mara's/sentinels are strong in PvP, but they are far from easy mode. My sentinel has far more important cooldowns and abilities to manage than my commando. The sorc comment I will give him.

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people like you are the reason why developers are taking the easy path - they don't have to make a good, challenging, innovative, fun content - they can just add new tier of gear and call it a day - because there will be enough of you to pay for such "great" content.



can't wait for gw2 where you don't grind for pvp gear, you do it to become better - and that's the fun, not roflstomping someone who spent less time gear-grinding



I completely agree with you. But I'm playing SWTOR the way it's supposed to be played. And I'm going to switch to GW2 when it's released. Don't knock me for playing a game the way it's meant to be played.

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I'm just saying... If there's no penalty for leaving, why would I waste 10 minutes in a warzone where I know that I'm going to lose while I could be ... A) trying to win a warzone that counts towards my daily or....



Whow, those kids are dumbest and more and more selfish with each passing year :rolleyes:

Edited by WmongerCZ
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This is probably the dumbest post of the day so far.


How is it dumb? A good player in BM gear can easily lead their team to victory (provided the rest of the team is trying) and turn around what appears to be a loss in the first few minutes, into a win. You quit matches because you're A.) losing and B.) getting killed.


Sometimes the situation is beyond recourse and you're going to lose, but if you're quitting 70% or more warzones because you're being killed/losing, then chances are you're the problem.

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If you're losing because your team sucks and not because the other team is good you could stay and wait for others to leave hoping to get some decent people joining your team. Been in plenty of WZs that completely turned around after people left early on. Even been in Alderaans where the other side held all 3 and completely shut down any aggression but we still won after we got better reinforcements.


You could argue that you're not saving time I guess, but staying in a game for a few extra minutes vs staying in yet another queue hoping you don't get a bad group again is a toss-up imo. I guess it depends on how enjoyable you find the pvp in this game :p

Edited by Airees
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Arguing with you would be pointless until you return to reality so I'll leave you with this



And before you say anything about anything in that video just remember:

1 Button, kicked ***, end of story.


:) BW made a great class didn't they.



And I know I'm right. So good luck turning me.

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PvP gear doesn't suck for PvE, it isn't as good as comparable PvE gear because expertise is useless in PvE and trades a stat that is useful.


PvP gear is much better than comparable PvE gear because of the advantage of expertise in the PvP environment.


There are a lot of threads on this. Expertise is not that good. And with its diminishing returns and the amount of expertise you can get on BM gear, wearing full pvp gear is a bad idea. (i tend to think 5-8% pvp bonus from expertise is probably the sweet spot, but nobody has solid numbers, i would never wear full pve gear in pvp even if it was better though, which some claim it is, because a BM should be visibly a BM somehow, right? I think so :p)


Champion gear with some rakata pieces will be > pure battlemaster. And with how easy it is to get champion these days, bioware pretty much made 'getting BM gear' for its own sake pointless.


And when i say 'sucks' i mean is 'not the way you should be doing things if you know the game mechanics and are planning to hit the best effort/reward breakpoint for maximum economy of time', not 'its completely useless and horrible'

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I completely agree with you. But I'm playing SWTOR the way it's supposed to be played. And I'm going to switch to GW2 when it's released. Don't knock me for playing a game the way it's meant to be played.


that's the problem, it's not the way it is intended and hence why they are making changes come 1.2, too many people abusing the system hopping WZ looking for an easy win.


check out the latest Q&A.

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On topic I say if you want to leave then leave, and to those apposed do you really want him in there afk or trolling the whole match because hes already considered it a loss? You wont get a come back if your teams demoralized.


You won't get a come-back if your team is under-geared and uncoordinated.




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On topic I say if you want to leave then leave, and to those apposed do you really want him in there afk or trolling the whole match because hes already considered it a loss? You wont get a come back if your teams demoralized.


1.2 update, afk is in there too.

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that's the problem, it's not the way it is intended and hence why they are making changes come 1.2, too many people abusing the system hopping WZ looking for an easy win.


check out the latest Q&A.



I hope they add a penalty to WZ hoppers. I really do.



But the question is... why wouldn't I quit if I see a premade of 4 BM's on the other team that are in the same guild and probably on Vent?

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I really don't fault the player for leaving. I fault the poor design. Typically if we are getting crushed and im going to get over 7 medals I will stay. Honestly though once you hit battlemaster you really dont care you just want to finish your dailies for your bags. Only reason I stay is because want to hit 70 valor for the next tier of stuff whenever that might come. To put no downside for quitting is Biowares problem. I mean I dont wanna waste tons of time either, if the option to leave with 0 consequence is there I think many people will take it and I honestly don't blame them. I mean to think people would not leave is funny to me it was always done, almost all current games have a drawback for leaving early. So if there is a drawback and you are willing to take the penalty then more power to you. With 0 drawback of course it will be overdone.




Frankly BW has done an awful job managing their end game. When i think of well implemented end game PvP I think DAoC or WAR... Ilum is not even close to either. And please do not even get me started on the horrible implementation of endgame gear PvP or PvE.


So I apologize the OP is not playing how you would like him to play. The sad thing is he is playing entirely by the rules and based on the current options I find it hard to fault him.


Might he get a bad name... ? Yes he might, but he will most likely have lots more of his own life to lead based on BW horrible end game implementation to deal with the hate mail.

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I hope they add a penalty to WZ hoppers. I really do.



But the question is... why wouldn't I quit if I see a premade of 4 BM's on the other team that are in the same guild and probably on Vent?


The challenge of trying to kill one in the 15 minutes you have before the warzone ends.

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