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Force Camo as a poor man's stealth


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Considering an alt for those nights when grinding pvp dailies just isn't fun and was considering a stealth class so that I can avoid trash as much as possible.

I hate trash!


How effective and practical is force Camo in this regard?

Im sure operative or assassin have more practical uses of stealth but I don't want to count out the marauder if this is a feature that gets some play when questing and doing dailies

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as it only lasts 4 secs, and a ~1 min cd, i recall it being 45 secs but cant remember, if theirs an elite pat you dont want to fight it will allow you to walk by... but its really gimp, assassin would be ideal if your a melee kind of person and want the full stealth experience.

Mara leveling involves LOTS of trash lol

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Camo is a 4 second stealth that doesn't break combat. It's a threat dump for PvE and a target dump/get away button in PvP. If you're looking to play a stealth class Marauders are not for you.


Also a bit fun to Charge + Force Crush + Stealth, then pop up next to someone and 5k smash their face :D

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Force Camo is very useful for many things, but skipping mobs in PvE is not one of them. Sorry.


This is incorrect.


You can dodge ONE group every 45 seconds.




That's actually better than having to deal with the garbage for ~15 seconds.




At least we get some sort of stealth. Sure, Assassin/Op get full-on stealth, but at least we don't have to deal with every group of mobs we see like other classes do. Sure, these classes probably AoE massacre everything at once and don't care, but you get the idea.

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This is incorrect.


You can dodge ONE group every 45 seconds.




That's actually better than having to deal with the garbage for ~15 seconds.




At least we get some sort of stealth. Sure, Assassin/Op get full-on stealth, but at least we don't have to deal with every group of mobs we see like other classes do. Sure, these classes probably AoE massacre everything at once and don't care, but you get the idea.


It seems SUPER finnicky to me. I've tried using camo to sneak through small groups and usually end up pulling them regardless.


From my experience, it only works to lose threat, its not a full stealth. (Except in PvP)

Edited by miliways
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Force Camo is very useful for many things, but skipping mobs in PvE is not one of them. Sorry.


At one point while leveling I tried to Force Camo past a pack of mobs my level in a tunnel.

Since it doesn't effect a companion like real stealth I dismissed comp.


Proceeded to engage Force Camo and hug the wall. That is when I discovered it was not stealth at all. It was merely a trick to get me to fight 5 mobs without a companion.


Never tried again.

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It's also only broken prematurely by stealth probe. damage do to you will not break it.


At one point while leveling I tried to Force Camo past a pack of mobs my level in a tunnel.

Since it doesn't effect a companion like real stealth I dismissed comp.


Proceeded to engage Force Camo and hug the wall. That is when I discovered it was not stealth at all. It was merely a trick to get me to fight 5 mobs without a companion.


Never tried again.


It stealths your companion if you use it prior to engaging in combat.

Edited by ShiroRX
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I'd swear I tried that...that was about 2 months ago and my memory isn't so good nowadays.


I do it every day during Ilum dailies to bypass a mob of those little lurkers or w/e outside the Jedi Temple cave entrance. Not like it matters, companions can't aggro mobs; they can gain threat if currently engaged with their master, but won't proximity aggro anything.

Edited by ShiroRX
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I've used it WITHOUT a companion and still pulled mobs.

Then it wore off before you were out of range. Just use it with Predation and you can skip packs of mobs. I do it all the time when soloing the Imperial Heroic +2 daily in Belsavis (where you kill the Jedi) to skip those first few groups.

Edited by PenoNation
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Force Camo is very useful for many things, but skipping mobs in PvE is not one of them. Sorry.




I have skipped many, many, MANY mobs with force camo. I can't tell you how many fights i have avoided by popping Camo and running straight through a pack to get to a quest boss or to get out of a building or w/e. In fact, the only reason I was able to do my daily missions at 50 to get my Rakata earpiece and implants and not lose my mind is because Force Camo allowed me to fight a very minimal amount of enemies (Yes, I solo'd all of them, except for Old Enemies and Poisonous Strat).


TL;DR - Force Camo is incredibly useful for skipping mobs. You're doing it wrong.

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Force Camo is just barely enough to skirt a group without aggro'ing. But, you need to time when to start it just right or you may aggro. Get too close before you use it = aggro. Start it too soon = aggro on the back side. So, it definitely requires getting your spacing and timing down. If it lasted 6 seconds it would be fine, but as it only lasts 4 seconds, you need to be precise. Edited by -Vexus-
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