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$5000 computer + SWTOR


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The engine is at fault. I have a quadcore I5 and a radeon HD 6870. In the big tuesday Ilum brawl when the fps drops to 5-7 fps CPU load stays the same (hovering between 30%-50%, no core maxed) and the gpu load (Which you can observe with gpu-z or similar tools) goes DOWN, even the vga fan spins down. Usually when a game is at the limits the load goes up :D

My guess is that the engine is waiting for data, I don't think the game is I/O choked (Game on 2TB7200 drive and OS on a SSD) so it might be a client/server issue

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I've been running three monitors since AMD came out with Eyefinity a few years ago, and I can tell you it breathes new life into every video game you play. You can see everything happening around you. It rocks for PVP because you can respond super fast when you see it all coming at you from a mile away.


I just spent about $1600 to build a new PC and all the parts were bought from NewEgg. I have virtually the same setup as him except with dual MSI R6950 Twin Frozr III 2GB video cards in Crossfire mode. Most times I max out at 111 FPS, but I can literally drop down to 30-40 FPS in certain areas. This was the same situation with my older computer.


I can run them side by side and get the exact same drop in FPS in certain areas, which really leads me to believe its either the servers causing the lag or the game engine causing it. Whats the point in having a super computer to play this game if you get the same FPS in certain areas as you did on your 4-5 year old PC? Something just isn't right.


Strangely enough, I get very little performance increase when I play WoW on this new computer, which is just one more reason to stay away from that game. I wish you luck with your custom PC business, but if word gets out you are charging $5000 for a very obvious system that costs under 2k to build, then business isn't going to last for you. Don't rip people off, it's just not right. ;)

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I'm using an onboard video card and I get a steady 30 FPS on fleet and in WZ. That may not seem good to you 100 FPS people, but 30FPS looks just fine to me. :)


Yes that is fine, just like black and white tv and vhs was until you did see how much better it could be.

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you couldn't be more wrong, check out Tomshardware's system builder marathons where they compare a 500$ - 1000$ and 2000$ gaming computers overclocked and show a price to performance ration. Sure the 500$ computer dollar for dollar is the better buy but it doesn't mean that the 1000$'s computer isn't better it just means that the 1000$ computer isn't double the performance for double the money.


But... that was exactly what I said.


Re-read my comment: You don't gain much past $1500. Tom's hardware (which is only reasonably respectable nowdays) builds their $2000 systems with needless perks like RAID and watercooling. You can ditch that and cut a good $300 alone. Point stands --reinforced by your statement-- that you don't get a "beastier" machine by paying more than ~$1500.

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A $5000 computer is very, very easy to do.


Over the top for sure, but very easy to do....especially if you watercool.


Some of those fittings for watercooling can cost $20 each.


(I have yet to watch the video, so I don't know what he has)

Edited by Skoobie
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It may not "beat" WoW but it sure as hell will beat this game.


I just can't wait for the drama here when Guild Wars 2 releases.


I can't wait for the drama that will be there when GW2 releases.

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I have a 6970 which i got for 275 dollars. 150 dollar amdx4 960T. 8 gigs of ram for about 80 bucks. mobo was about 60. and 65 dollar psu. dvd rw/cd drive i ripped out of an old pc but its 30 bucks and a 75 dollar harddrive. all thrown in a custom case I made for free. Total price=$735. I get the exact same fps this guy gets everywhere. Granted i use only one monitor. This is more than enough for me. anything above 60fps is useless. I get random drops sometimes but never under 60fps. So 5k is pointless for a pc. you only get a 30% increase from adding sli then every time you had another gpu it is pretty much pointless- <5%. so running quad gpu's is pretty much useless unless you are using more than 1 monitor in which a single gpu should handle fine.
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It may not "beat" WoW but it sure as hell will beat this game.


I just can't wait for the drama here when Guild Wars 2 releases.


You and me both.


SWTOR is fun 1-50 due to the story which is great but I really can't justify paying ~15$ after that.

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The engine sux, the rig is not to be looked upon.

Biodrones will tell you otherwise.


Oh yawn. "I have a $5000 rig and have never experienced any of these problems." There, happy?


Threads like this are designed for nothing more than creating a flame war full of "MY ANECDOTE > YOUR ANECDOTE" nonsense.

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At a few points in the video he mentions major drops in FPS and this is in the starting zone.


I really want to see this in action during Fleet primetime with about 150-200 people and some Ilum/wz action as well.





he actually says micro stutters a few times, and occasionally goes to 30 fps.


He is also rendering on 3 monitors maxed out. So not seeing an issue here.

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Go to remember, this was posted in december. We have had a few patches which have helped performance issues since then. Im sure it runs loads better.


It runs like a dream on my 7970, but ilum and the fleet I still have major drops, until the engine is tweaked abit more. not matter what system you run this game on. Ilum and and the fleets will still have issues.

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I bought my computer in December during a sale at my local Micro Center. I got a model that had been used as a in store display and paid $456. I upgraded the power supply and added 4gb ram. I have spent just under $600 and have a computer that runs this game with absolutely zero problems. Spending $5000 does not guarantee that you will get a good computer.
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I bought my computer in December during a sale at my local Micro Center. I got a model that had been used as a in store display and paid $456. I upgraded the power supply and added 4gb ram. I have spent just under $600 and have a computer that runs this game with absolutely zero problems. Spending $5000 does not guarantee that you will get a good computer.





My computer is a Best Buy special Gateway I got for $500. Only modifications I've added are an beefier power supply and a $150 gfx card.


Game runs like a dream on max settings.

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I bought my computer in December during a sale at my local Micro Center. I got a model that had been used as a in store display and paid $456. I upgraded the power supply and added 4gb ram. I have spent just under $600 and have a computer that runs this game with absolutely zero problems. Spending $5000 does not guarantee that you will get a good computer.


Stop talking. That IS a good computer no matter how you slice it. TO think otherwise is just ignorant.


He's probably running on significantly more details, etc, not to mention at least THREE times your resolution.


You probably don't even know what fps drops look/feel like. He was running with "zero problems" as far as a layman is concerned, but for people who actually notice stuff like fps drops and so on (ie, 99% of people out there don't), then there are "problems".



Please stop spouting ignorance.

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My computer is a Best Buy special Gateway I got for $500. Only modifications I've added are an beefier power supply and a $150 gfx card.


Game runs like a dream on max settings.


Your experience has zero relation to someone running triple monitors etc etc. And I bet you don't even know what an FPS drop or micro stutter looks or feels like.

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This post was to point out how 5K won't give you the outstanding performance you might think (with swtor). Showing just how bad the engine and coding really is. Dropping from 110+ frames down to 32 is something that shouldn't happen on a beastly PC like that :)


You realize that money spent -> graphic quality is not a linear equation right?

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You probably don't even know what fps drops look/feel like. He was running with "zero problems" as far as a layman is concerned, but for people who actually notice stuff like fps drops and so on (ie, 99% of people out there don't), then there are "problems".


Congratulations on being 1% of the consumer base and enjoy being completely ignored.

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Stop talking. That IS a good computer no matter how you slice it. TO think otherwise is just ignorant.


He's probably running on significantly more details, etc, not to mention at least THREE times your resolution.


You probably don't even know what fps drops look/feel like. He was running with "zero problems" as far as a layman is concerned, but for people who actually notice stuff like fps drops and so on (ie, 99% of people out there don't), then there are "problems".



Please stop spouting ignorance.


And it is tools like this that will blindly spend 5k on a machine that they haven't the first clue how to maximize the performance.


Using triple displays in am MMO is a waste for the most part.

FPS = Yes

Fligth Sim = Yes

Driving Sim = Yes

MMO = waste of electrity, money, visual space. Unless you are running multi-box.

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