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Ilum kill count


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when there's 2 ops. which one get credit, kill blow or tag first? when i solo, i get credit in all situatiion.


as a healer, sometimes i do not get credit if i just heal & do not hit the opponent. sometimes i get credit doing nothing. do i need to be in 30mtr range from the kills?


thx in advance.

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nobody can enlightened me?


i'm playing on different timezone. have to wait at 3am to get soem action. i think my ilum weekly less than 30 from player kills. can you imagine collecting 120 armament with at least 20 players doing the same thing?


i wouldn't be bothered with ilum if i could buy BM with wz comm.


thx again.

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Ok heres how it works. You only get credit for a kill if you are directly engaged in combat with the enemy player [ normally through an ops member ] . To assure i get credit i usually hit my class buff to my ops group every little while during a fight. Edited by Chrisbox
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