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armstech re rate


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I've been leveling a scoundrel with armstech. Geez the re rate is low. I am comparing this to an armech and cybertech I have on different toons.


With armor and the cybertech stuff I seem to have a pretty high success rate with re, my guy who is 25 is in all blue crafted armor and I still have a decent amount of cash. Same with cybertech, always have blue armoring and mods at level with extra cash.


My armstech guy on the other hand has not been able to re a shotgun ever up to level 20.


Just seems like the success rate is way low compared to armormech and cybertech.


Finding the skill way too expensive and too hard to keep blue gear up to my level.


Very strange.

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Success rate on weapons which can be RE-ed (i.e. everything except scatterguns/vibroknives) is the same as for the other professions.


I have every single techblade, 9-50, RE-ed to Redoubt blue. A few were somewhat annoying, but others popped a blue within 5 tries and the correct blue within 10-15 tries. The level 50 one took 17 REs to get the Redoubt version, for example. Nothing out of the ordinary.

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I'm working on it also, seems to be 5-40 tries for a blue and usually within 20 of epic. Thats if you're not too picky about what you get.


Level range doesn't seem to affect it too much of chances. It took more tries to get a 29/33 weapon to tier 2 than it did a L50 one.


Its just random.

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Success rate on weapons which can be RE-ed (i.e. everything except scatterguns/vibroknives) is the same as for the other professions.


I have every single techblade, 9-50, RE-ed to Redoubt blue. A few were somewhat annoying, but others popped a blue within 5 tries and the correct blue within 10-15 tries. The level 50 one took 17 REs to get the Redoubt version, for example. Nothing out of the ordinary.


Looks like it is not getting fixed this week based on the patch notes:


Armstech has so many items you can not RE. I gave up and just did barrels till the nerf made that too frustrating. Wait for a patch, save your mats as it is just an exercise in futility for most items right now.


THIS is why a pure RNG system sucks.

People hit an unlucky streak and think it's broken, then start spreading around to everyone else. The people that are lucky/normal just shrug it off and usually say nothing, while the people that are unlucky re-enforce each other sure the system is bugged when it's not... just streaky (as Pure RNG is).


The current RE rate isn't broken, just not working as intended (someone else pointed out the distinction in another thread). It feeels broken when you're on a loosing streak and then people complain so they're going to try to address that.


I hope it's not just going to be [note totaly made up numbers here]: Instead of Having a 10% chance per RE try we're boosting it to 13%.

That won't fix the streakiness. People will still chime in after every patch claiming "It's broken" or "They stealth nerfed it"


Instead I hope it's "You have 10% chance to RE your first time, then 12% chance your second time, then 16% chance your third try, then 24% chance your fourth try etc etc etc. So you have a progressively greater chance at success untill you're guaranteed a 100% chance to get a RE by your 5th try. (Again numbers totaly made up but in the end if you keep trying there SHOULD be a point of guaranteed success whether it be your 5th 10th or whatever)


Edit: NOTE: I agree Shotguns and Vibroblades ARE broken... I tried REing my share of them too before coming to the boards :p but so far what I said applies to everything else in Armstech.

Edited by Jerid
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THIS is why a pure RNG system sucks.

People hit an unlucky streak and think it's broken, then start spreading around to everyone else. The people that are lucky/normal just shrug it off and usually say nothing, while the people that are unlucky re-enforce each other sure the system is bugged when it's not... just streaky (as Pure RNG is).

I think the odds are so low for RNG that the probability for success are really low. It is broken in that the probability of success are beyond reasonable expectations even for low level green to blue crafting. I have done 107 (green to blue) barrels and 83 (blue to purple) implants since the 1.1 patch and the proc rate on Re-Engineering is horrid, zero new patterns. At first I thought it was just me until I read about it here. The odds are so stacked against you would think we taunted the Crew Skill developer he smells funny, his mom dressed him and we laughed at his family jewels. The nerf was uncalled for. The odds were not so bad when the game went live. It has been changed, it is hard not to notice such a sudden change. I stopped trying except for another 16 (green to blue level 43) barrels when some one posted it was fixed (it is not). I'm just glad I got some purple implant recipes pre-nerf.


Face it they want the Crew Skills to be a money sink, they succeeded. It is not going to be fixed two patches after they finally admitted it was an issue. There is no given date and no mention of it on the test realms forums as fixed. Don't expect it any time soon either.


I'm going to sit on my mats and wait other than the purple I can craft already and count myself lucky I maxed my trade skill the first week.

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I don't have a problem with the current RE chances. I don't like the already known schematic though.


Truth be told it usually takes less than 60 tries to get the next grade and to be honest, it doesn't take that much mats for anything except for the orange recipes with alloys.


1 day of belsavis dailies shiould pay for everything to need to do to attempt make 20+ re attempts for L6 grades.


Looking back as i tried to make a purple L33 rifle for an alt, i just queued them up 25 rifles, mass re, make another 25 rinse and repeat. Took about 75 tries to get a purple. Fact that I wasn't fussy about a particular purple for an alt weapon helped a bit.


Yes it took time to actually craft and re, but total effort was less than 10mins in total to do the mouse clicks (probably a lot less)?


In terms of money, i craft/mission every time i'm on and rarely manage to sell anything on GTN and i'm still making credits, just from pvp and crafting. Lets face it, nothing else to do whilst you're queuing up for wz's.


TL: DR - I like the current system. It takes so little effort to RE and I like the fact that sometimes it can take long (and other times short) to get what I want, but I don't like the schematic already known tough.

Edited by Ugugg
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I think the odds are so low for RNG that the probability for success are really low. It is broken in that the probability of success are beyond reasonable expectations even for low level green to blue crafting. I have done 107 (green to blue) barrels and 83 (blue to purple) implants since the 1.1 patch and the proc rate on Re-Engineering is horrid, zero new patterns. At first I thought it was just me until I read about it here. The odds are so stacked against you would think we taunted the Crew Skill developer he smells funny, his mom dressed him and we laughed at his family jewels. The nerf was uncalled for. The odds were not so bad when the game went live. It has been changed, it is hard not to notice such a sudden change. I stopped trying except for another 16 (green to blue level 43) barrels when some one posted it was fixed (it is not). I'm just glad I got some purple implant recipes pre-nerf.


Face it they want the Crew Skills to be a money sink, they succeeded. It is not going to be fixed two patches after they finally admitted it was an issue. There is no given date and no mention of it on the test realms forums as fixed. Don't expect it any time soon either.


I'm going to sit on my mats and wait other than the purple I can craft already and count myself lucky I maxed my trade skill the first week.


Flip a coin 1,000,000 times and it comes up heads everytime on flip1,000,001 you still have a 50/50 chance of it coming up tails. It's pure RNG, I have had to break 40-50-60 greens to get a blue then the very next green has popped first try. I am definitely not a fan of this system as skill has no baring on results but it's working fine.

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It shouldn't be easy. But what you get out of it for not being easy could be a little more interesting. It's worthwhile as-is but not very exciting to finally get that purple.


Shotguns and vibroknives have been broken so long, I wonder if it isn't by design. That said, they should at least msg you when an item doesn't have anything to RE for.

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Success rate on weapons which can be RE-ed (i.e. everything except scatterguns/vibroknives) is the same as for the other professions.


I have every single techblade, 9-50, RE-ed to Redoubt blue. A few were somewhat annoying, but others popped a blue within 5 tries and the correct blue within 10-15 tries. The level 50 one took 17 REs to get the Redoubt version, for example. Nothing out of the ordinary.



I have the redoubts on all techs as well and I'm working on the veracity purples. Nothing like seeing "you already know that schematic" a dozen times as you go through 40 blue lvl 50 tech blades....


(And yes, I'm still trying to get something other than the damn presence blade.)





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I think the odds are so low for RNG that the probability for success are really low. It is broken in that the probability of success are beyond reasonable expectations even for low level green to blue crafting. I have done 107 (green to blue) barrels and 83 (blue to purple) implants since the 1.1 patch and the proc rate on Re-Engineering is horrid, zero new patterns. At first I thought it was just me until I read about it here. The odds are so stacked against you would think we taunted the Crew Skill developer he smells funny, his mom dressed him and we laughed at his family jewels. The nerf was uncalled for. The odds were not so bad when the game went live. It has been changed, it is hard not to notice such a sudden change. I stopped trying except for another 16 (green to blue level 43) barrels when some one posted it was fixed (it is not). I'm just glad I got some purple implant recipes pre-nerf.


Face it they want the Crew Skills to be a money sink, they succeeded. It is not going to be fixed two patches after they finally admitted it was an issue. There is no given date and no mention of it on the test realms forums as fixed. Don't expect it any time soon either.


I'm going to sit on my mats and wait other than the purple I can craft already and count myself lucky I maxed my trade skill the first week.


Ok seeing you like being snarky and dismissive of others, I'll do the same.


Let me translate YOUR post for YOU.

I ran into bad luck so the system must be broke (never mind the fact that there are other people here saying they are not experiencing the same results). Now I'm going into a conrer and pouting refusing to participate till they change it.



Go talk to a statitician about how signifigant your 200 attempts are.

Until you're in the thousands of attempts, you're going to be subject to Streaks.

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I've been leveling a scoundrel with armstech. Geez the re rate is low. I am comparing this to an armech and cybertech I have on different toons.


With armor and the cybertech stuff I seem to have a pretty high success rate with re, my guy who is 25 is in all blue crafted armor and I still have a decent amount of cash. Same with cybertech, always have blue armoring and mods at level with extra cash.


My armstech guy on the other hand has not been able to re a shotgun ever up to level 20.


Just seems like the success rate is way low compared to armormech and cybertech.


Finding the skill way too expensive and too hard to keep blue gear up to my level.


Very strange.


It costs a load of credits to try and proc weapons into the stats you want, not to mention you can re-proc the same stat and have it say you already learned it instead of discovering a new one. Spent a million credits trying to proc a particular weapon and gave up after that, not to mention all the materials I used for it.


The weapons are not worth it, it is by far the worst profession out there at the moment as they are all under Tionese level.

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I have the redoubts on all techs as well and I'm working on the veracity purples. Nothing like seeing "you already know that schematic" a dozen times as you go through 40 blue lvl 50 tech blades....



That I can completely understand, since I've RE-ed my share of earpieces with very specific versions in mind and I have enough Presence versions to make me cry.


The problem with the Veracity techblade, in addition to RE chances being low across the board, is that there is only one version which is worth crafting. But that applies to any single tanking piece, no matter which profession it comes from.


I personally haven't bothered RE-ing the level 50 one to epic because my pet tank is using an augmented blue and I can solo the Ilum/Belsavis heroic 2s just fine. When I started adding up opportunity costs, based on my previous RE success rates, I realized that there wasn't a good enough reason, other than selling to people who are OCD about gearing their pets.

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