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Its not BWs fault, completely.


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So, they cater to the masses (i.e. whiners) and let everybody in all at once, and now the servers are swamped. I lost internet connection, my modem has the hiccups today apparently. I've lost connection 5 times, and each time I have to queue up, allow it to try and log in after waiting in queue, get the error telling me that it has to log me out, re-queue up and log in after waiting in queue for a second time. So far this has happened 5 times so far today.


I realize that its my ISP or modem having the issue, not BW. But its just frustrating that they had planned for a certain way to do things, to allow a nice flowing ease into launch. And then let the whiners control their actions and get everybody in all at once, and now we have really bad queue wait times because so many people are jumping to get in at once.


THIS, is why companies should ignore complain posts and just do things the way they planned. Because it ALWAYS comes back to bite them and always makes things worse for themselves AND their customers.


I didnt put in my preorder code in until December 3rd. I had thought I would have gotten 1, maybe 2 days of early access, and I was happy with that. THATS how it should have been.

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And how is this the fans' fault...?


Well i think it might be the problem with...




Multiply that by about a thousand...

Bioware changed their plans and now people keep getting kicked off.


Admittedly. They should have the server capabality to hand an extra 100k people...

Its not about making another 300 servers like people keep crying for its about improving the servers capabilitys.

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I have only had about 2-3 disconnection issues since Tues. Not too shabby at all. What is slightly irritating however is the fact that I have to wait in queue (roughly 700 players ahead of me) nearly an hour to play a game that I am paying for. They need to fix this, and put a population cap on the servers. This is not acceptable. :mad:
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I have only had about 2-3 disconnection issues since Tues. Not too shabby at all. What is slightly irritating however is the fact that I have to wait in queue (roughly 700 players ahead of me) nearly an hour to play a game that I am paying for. They need to fix this, and put a population cap on the servers. This is not acceptable. :mad:


I havent had a disconnect until tonight and now ive actually given up and am playing poker xD

Playing for about half hour and then the game just shuts down. Like completely, no warning or anything. CBA Queuing 40 Minutes again...

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I had the same issue. Logged in this morning, no issues all day till about 8 minutes ago when suddenly the game crashed, froze my comp...and all the above 'queue time stab stab' stories, became my reality. There HAS to be a system put in place for people who have ALREADY BEEN online, to not need to wait in a queue behind all the whiners and crybabies who turned this login time into clusterf@#ck.
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First of all, they didnt let "everyone" in, they are still doing waves. Secondly, I have seen no server issues since I started on Tuesday.


Maybe it's you. Maybe it's a bad server.


But really, quit just making things up out of the air.

It's impossible to 'make things up out of the air', sir.

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You have made the claim: BW abandoned the rolling early access model.


You have provided the following evidence: <none>


The fact that you got in as a december 3rd means nothing. As a december 1st, I have not gotten in, a fact which explains another (but completely seperate) issue, which is that BW is not completely letting people in based on preorder date exactly.


From what we can tell they are trying to get the early people in earlier but its not going to be in an exact order. In short, they are continuing the rolling access, with a slight preference to earlier preorders.

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It's people like the OP that make me realize why America is a country deeply in debt.


At some point, Bioware has to let everyone play. At that point, there will be queues. Pushing back entrance only pushes the problem away for a short while. If you really believed staggered access had anything to do with preventing queues, you must believe credit cards are free money too.

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You have made the claim: BW abandoned the rolling early access model.


You have provided the following evidence: <none>


The fact that you got in as a december 3rd means nothing. As a december 1st, I have not gotten in, a fact which explains another (but completely seperate) issue, which is that BW is not completely letting people in based on preorder date exactly.


From what we can tell they are trying to get the early people in earlier but its not going to be in an exact order. In short, they are continuing the rolling access, with a slight preference to earlier preorders.


As it should be. The earlier the preorder, the earlier the access. FFS I only preordered back in...October I think, and only did the beta twice in November, and I got my early access BAM on the 15th. HOW? I have no idea. WHY? Also no idea. I am not complaining about that whatsoever, it just seems to me, they did not fully think through the log-in and queue system, for those who have already been IN the game since the early release. ESPECIALLY if we were literally in game DC, bam 3 min later back up and running, only to find ourselves in an almost hour long queue. Me no likey.

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hmm. The thoughts in this thread are very..emotional somewhat true and then not


bottom line is at some point the servers have to be opened uo to handle the capacity of what they were designed for. That means initially you dont allow more characters to be created than what it can handle


As play time dwindles due to intial craze you raise that number of log ins to account for alts, ppl with jobs, students etc...


not so hard


no excuse for queues sorry. use my model above


GL and I really look forward to playing this wonderfull game and am patient

Edited by Fedaykan
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Server queues have nothing to do with the player.


The phrase 'We didn't anticipate these numbers' doesn't wash when they have pre-order numbers available to them, know how many players a server can hold and allocate players who joined a guild to the servers themselves. Are the queue times currently excessive? Not really. They're annoying though. Considering the game hasn't launched I think they'll have to do something to fix it. Players who have been allocated with their guild won't just up and reroll somewhere else, so throwing more servers in won't necessarily fix it. Character transfers for an entire guild to a new server might work.

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First of all, they didnt let "everyone" in, they are still doing waves. Secondly, I have seen no server issues since I started on Tuesday.


Maybe it's you. Maybe it's a bad server.


But really, quit just making things up out of the air.




lurn to reed



I said it was my modem or ISP about the crashing, that wasnt the complaint. The complaint was the sheer volume of people who are in already that shouldnt be (myself included). Hence no queues.


Thats the point of the post.

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It's people like the OP that make me realize why America is a country deeply in debt.


At some point, Bioware has to let everyone play. At that point, there will be queues. Pushing back entrance only pushes the problem away for a short while. If you really believed staggered access had anything to do with preventing queues, you must believe credit cards are free money too.


You're compairing apples to muscle cars. What does one have to do with the other? Free money? What?


And I dont believe there will be all those queues if they did stagger it from 7 days down to one. At least not until after the launch. If they only did 2 or 3 waves a day instead of 6 and 7, there would be 1/3 the amount of people in game. Tomorrow still under half. The next day about half..etc etc.


My point is, they're causing more problems by allowing apparently everybody but you, into the game.


Sure they should have more than enough servers to handle it. Or maybe better servers or whatever. Sure there shouldnt be any issues at all. But there is (not me, other people are having in game issues). If they had staggered it like they originally planned, then they could work out those issues, instead of spending all their time on the phones telling people the same thing they've been saying for months and catering to people whining and crying about not being in game.


That was my point. Since you obviously 100% missed it.


Now give me that free money you were talking about, since you apparently believe there is such a thing. You must be the one guy handing it out.

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So, they cater to the masses (i.e. whiners) and let everybody in all at once, and now the servers are swamped. I lost internet connection, my modem has the hiccups today apparently. I've lost connection 5 times, and each time I have to queue up, allow it to try and log in after waiting in queue, get the error telling me that it has to log me out, re-queue up and log in after waiting in queue for a second time. So far this has happened 5 times so far today.


I realize that its my ISP or modem having the issue, not BW. But its just frustrating that they had planned for a certain way to do things, to allow a nice flowing ease into launch. And then let the whiners control their actions and get everybody in all at once, and now we have really bad queue wait times because so many people are jumping to get in at once.


THIS, is why companies should ignore complain posts and just do things the way they planned. Because it ALWAYS comes back to bite them and always makes things worse for themselves AND their customers.


I didnt put in my preorder code in until December 3rd. I had thought I would have gotten 1, maybe 2 days of early access, and I was happy with that. THATS how it should have been.


72 hour queue to get to the game, trumpes your hour to connect to a server. Just shut your mouth.

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Wow, 2 min ago I was 327 in queue, suddenly I am able to log back in. Interesting...


You have queues atm because BW has server populations set intentionally low. They will raise them all come launch day, but as for now they want to spread all the pre-orders over as few servers an possible. Fewer servers means less likelyhood for low pop servers to have to combine. Less low pop servers means less overhead.

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Why is it that people *still* expect initial releases of software to be flawless. You can't roll out complex software and systems like this, whether it is enterprise software or an mmo, without having issues. It is literally impossible. Quit buying mmorpgs if you can't take it, perhaps a console system is more your style.
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I have only had about 2-3 disconnection issues since Tues. Not too shabby at all. What is slightly irritating however is the fact that I have to wait in queue (roughly 700 players ahead of me) nearly an hour to play a game that I am paying for. They need to fix this, and put a population cap on the servers. This is not acceptable. :mad:


You don't think they have server caps. Why are you in a queue then? The problems is that everyone and their dog wants to play as long as they can. So no one is logging out at all since they know that they won't be getting back in.

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