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Repetition not even the worst part of the game.....


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Obviously you haven't been to the forums in awhile. Considering there are countless threads saying the same thng as the OP. He is in fact speaking for a very large part part ofthe player base. Just because you have low expectations as a consumer and are happy with regurgitated features used 10 years ago doesn't mean he is wrong.


You fanboys crack me up. Have some respect for yourself as a consumer and demand a better product.


You cam enjoy something and still want it to be improved. This game has it's problems, instead of ignoring the issues how about we fix it?


Fanboys are hilarious. They eat up mediocrity and claim it's perfection.


Nothing you can do about biodrones dude. Blind, ignorant and EA's favorite type of customer!

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Honestly, all I'm hearing here is "whine, whine, whine", with a touch of self anointed intellectual arm chair quarterbacking. LOL


Kill mob X is what you do in a MMORPG from the time you slip on that first diaper to the time you kill the king boss of the universe. That is what the game is about, that and the aquisition of friends and gear. Did you not understand that going in? Was it a surprise?


What they've done here is to make leveling the least painful, most enjoyable means of getting to raid level ever created. It is completely self contained, you get to watch a mini series while doing it, your character and the game actually come alive with personality and a realism not yet seen in MMORPGs. It is quick and easy


...yet we still have the complainers.


....but now they are complaining that MMORPGS should not be MMORPGs....


Sorry OP. I'm not buying it one bit. I'm loving the game and the system. I love the story line, the companion aspect, the gear aspect, the planetary concept etc...and the MOST people that you are referring to are doing the same. There are only a handful of whiners, and they are contained to these boards.


Obviously I did not make a good job of expressing my feelings in the OP. If you re-read it, I am saying that I had hoped for a more orginal mission line from a new MMO, but understood it as a long-term MMOer (and by most, I can clarify that I have toons in 2 different guilds, players totalling over 550 in total. This has come up frequently in guild chat and 'most' of the contributors to these conversations agree. I appreciate that this number compared to the total purchasers of the game is minimal, but if national TV can quote % of peope who liked their product with a tagline of as little as 100 people surveyed, I think my comments are valid) . My actual concern was the time-sink that is the laborious running through what are very similar spaceports repetitively. They add nothing to the gameplay or fun experience and my suggestion was that lvl 50s be able to jump on their speeders and improve their gameplay time actually playing, not that they were removed.


If my OP was misleading to that end I apologise, but nothing posted since has changed my mind. The worlds look great, the storyline is enjoyable first time around, the missions I would have hoped hoped to be somewhat more innovative in a game released late 2011, but I have accepted it as a means to an end (raiding), but I do not like the meaningless running through all these spaceports by the time I get to end game, which I think is a waste of time and adds nothing to the game experience. Hopefully that is a little clearer from my perspective, but don't bother flaming, since I last checked, I'm entitled to my opinion and since we have been provided a forum to express our opinions, I shall continue to do so, but, unlike some, I shan't be trolling the boards looking to flame other people just because they don't have the same opinion as me.

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Obviously you haven't been to the forums in awhile. Considering there are countless threads saying the same thng as the OP. He is in fact speaking for a very large part part ofthe player base. Just because you have low expectations as a consumer and are happy with regurgitated features used 10 years ago doesn't mean he is wrong.


It is a fact that people will complain about stuff rather than come on here and post good things.


The loud majority that you claim are speaking is actually a small minority of vocal players. 1.7 million active players of EA's last press release. Lets face it a good majority of these players don't even know this forum exists let alone there is a web site for TOR!



You fanboys crack me up. Have some respect for yourself as a consumer and demand a better product.


You cam enjoy something and still want it to be improved. This game has it's problems, instead of ignoring the issues how about we fix it?


Fanboys are hilarious. They eat up mediocrity and claim it's perfection.


You are 100% correct here except about the fanboy comment. This is a game of great potential and needed about 6 more months of development before being released. I know many of my concerns about the game will be addressed in patch 1.2. Then again I did research and read the developer blogs, interviews and comments on the board.


Most of the comments condemning the game are generally of three types.


Type 1: Fix X or else I will quit. Why on earth would anyone take a person like this seriously? This is beyond childish. Reminds of the playground and the phrase "I'm taking my ball and going home if you don't play the game my way".


Type 2: General complaints. I have yet to see people add solutions to their general complaints. A good example here is the OP. How do they change the questing system to make it feel less repetitive?


Type 3: Doomsayers. These are the players that continually post how this game is failing or sucks. I don't get this type of player why should they care that the game is going to fail or succeed.


A post not done in a constructive way automatically comes off as whiny regardless if it has merit or not!


FYI I consider myself a fanboy but know the game needs improvement. Then again I did the research and found that most of my concerns will be dealt with in patch 1.2...

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