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Do You Like SWTOR In It's Current State? YES/NO


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1: Too hard to find groups. Grouping tool required, doesn't have to be a one-click "dungeon finder," just needs to be an interface to say this is what I'm trying to do, this is how many people I need, this is what roles they need to fill. Dungeons & Dragons Online is a great example.


2: Expertise. AKA the wrong way to handle PvP itemization.


3: Crafting lottery.


4: Bugs.


I could go on, but these are the fundamentals. I'm still here because 1.2 looks promising and that speaks of a dev team that's actively working on things that matter to the community.

Edited by Rigsta
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There is a lot to like, there's a lot of really great work in there but they've simply not learned any of the lessons that other MMO's have learned.


BioWare is way, way behind other MMO's on the technical front, they may boast a large staff but aside from huge and rather pretty environments, it's tough to see how they're getting much done.


It's choc full of annoyances and *bad* design decisions - not decisions you might debate, we're talking absolutely basic, critically simple and extremely important design features which are textbook example of what *not* to do.


I have no faith that the people in charge will make the necessary changes, they're dogged in their 'old-school' views and practices.


Add-ons saved a certain other MMO for me, without the features they provided (many glaringly obvious, key features which the game lacked and the devs CBF working on). I'd have only played that game for months without them - but they were always a bandaid.


MMO's have generally come a long way, several have tried to be innovative in their own ways but have gone off the rails for, yes, not learning the mistakes of their predecessors.


SWTOR is a WoW clone - you're in denial if you choose to believe otherwise, the Hero Engine was reverse engineered, a great many of SWTOR's subscribers came from that game and over the course of years, along with Blizz, learned a great many lessons - all of which have been ignored here.


There are so many really good lessons the entire industry should have learned from other games / MMO's, it's a tragedy that BW seems to've had its head in the sand (or more reasonably, were really hard at work on their own projects - but same result) the entire time.


They stated during Beta that the game would be wildly successful even with a pretty moderate subscriber base. They're not trying to be the best, there's no desire to innovate, they're happy to just have the franchise chug along - which is fair enough really, lots of people will love it for years but ultimately it'll end up feeling like any favourite series of games or movies, strung along and milked for as long as they possibly can, for every cent they can squeeze out of it.


I would love to be proven wrong (no, not by debate - by how the game develops).

Ultimately though happy subscribers vs unhappy subscribers is an irrelevant distinction - either way the company gets its money.


We're just a few months in and I appreciate that making a game like this is a truly mammoth undertaking so although I'm not happy with the current state (and also because I'm holding out for server transfers, and am very grateful for Aussie servers), I'm going to hang onto my subscription for a while longer.


I really would love to see SWTOR become the game it should be and I'd like to see BioWare be the ones to get it there.


I'm really not filled with confidence though.

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No for the following reasons:


1) they need to make people age verify. ( I know. I know. Age doesn't necessarily equate to maturity) But seriously some of the behavior I see displayed on these "pvp-rp servers" is diplorable and discouraging to the point it drives down the population. Plus its hard to accept that people behind such behavior are grown men and women. If not age verify then some sorta solution. I can live without having to see general chat being used to spew some of the most ignorant, disgusting, offensive and obnoxious comments I have ever had the displeasure of reading. oh and if you are courageous enough to pose a question pertaining to the game you're almost immediately met with discourse, ridicule and trolling. ( Nothing like arguiing with someone half my age who's mouthes I would typically wash out with soap were they to make the same comment in my physical presence.) It would be nice if general chat were used for information and maybe even some actual rp.



2) PVP.

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Yes. I think the story is very interesting and more realistic than other games. It is nice to not have to read a novel to understand the mission and get the story. I also like that you can choose the personality of your character based on the choice responses. :D

Thinks I hope get better.....It is frustrating to find a group to do flashpoints, and that there are not enough people on the servers (merge some of them together to build up more population?):confused:

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Yes. Does it also need work? Definitely. I think that the entire community and even Bioware can agree to that.


I do however feel like BioWare is putting focus on some of the wrong areas. Fixing population problems, class faction and trade skill imbalances, stimulating the in-game economy, and several other core gameplay issues are far more important than updates delivering largely fluff content.


However, the way it is is just fine, perfectly enjoyable game. Better than most MMO's even a year into their release.

Edited by ihazcheezburger
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Current state of warzones after patch 1.2 is tragic.


No reward for losses, makes noobs leave the warzones more than ever. In a way this ruins gameplay and triggers the people to leave more than before.


Really not happy with this change.

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It is an enjoyable game. There are some aspects of the game that need improvement, but it is only four months old.


I blame the problems less on BioWare than the nature of the modern video game industry. Games are enormous investments, hyped for years before release. Release dates are set in stone months in advance. Beta testing seems to be as much an exercise in public relations and expectation management as, you know, testing and improving the game.


Fans of George R. R. Martin's work had to wait like six years for his last book because that is just how creative endeavors work. You cannot put them on a timetable halfway through development and expect to get a totally polished product.


Thank goodness video games can be incrementally improved over time. If only the same was true for books and movies rushed through development.

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hell yes

i love this game


instead of getting stuck up on how this game has this or that game has that and this game has neither but instead has this and blah blah blah, I have tons of fun playing the game and treating it like it is... something new.

The forum community i could do without, the game however i love.

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