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Attacking republic in Open World is griefing?


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Here is a little sarcastic ABC for ya,


It's hard to sound even remotely sarcastic when you are making a fool out of yourself. Learn to read, or better yet, learn to finish reading something before jumping to quickposts and conclusions.


"Real talk."

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@ OP, First off I will be blunt and straight to point so you are warned.


If you choose to go to a PvP server, then PvP will happen. I do not care what planet it is, or if you don't understand that. If it says "Contested PvP" then by all means take that as serious as it has been warned.


I find the lack of understanding and complaining going on by you OP hilarious. What you expect no PvP on a PvP server? Here is a little sarcastic ABC for ya,


A. Your raid group wiped, the objective you wanted done got interrupted by PvP, and you lost.


B. People that use the word "griefing" has no buisness being on a PvP server PERIOD.


C. Really?


If a area or planet says "CONTESTED PVP", then by all means you better be prepaired for it. You are correct level 50's are looking to kill you. Yes that is what people do, they go to lower level planets to kill people. Levels don't matter on a PvP server, you are red then that = dead.


I will repeat red=dead, I don't care if you don't like it. Get used to them facts, watch your back, and if you can't handle the heat in the kitchen a PvE server is that way -------->



Real talk.


Not Sure if trolling or .. ?


Either way +1 for being a idiot

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I have always played on a PvP server and I'm all about world PvP. I wouldn't consider anything being done there griefing even spawn camping, or tagging a boss or using the mechanics of the boss to wipe the ops group fighting it. If anything this shows how bad the design of the game is in regards to world PvP.


I remember getting in a fight on Voss in the front of that temple thing, and killing people during that fight to have them respawn 2 feet away from me and jump back in the battle. Why would you put a respawn point at the entrance to an area that both factions use where they are most likely to encounter each other? Just shows how little understanding they have of world pvp.


I also remember killing someone on a road in Hoth only to see them immediately respawn far off in the distance at a med center that i could see form the road. So i corpse camped him. I feel an obligation to my faction to kill every enemy I see. I didn't want to follow him to the med center, it's kind of cheap and unrewarding; but i couldn't just let him go. I don't recall ever even seeing anyone at an enemy graveyard in all the time I played WoW. This is bad placement and bad design.


The only time i have ever considered something griefing is when in vanilla WoW i was trying to do the epic hunter quest to get the bow/staff thing. Same faction player kept attacking it to intentionally despawn it and screw me over. There was nothing I could do to stop him since I couldn't attacking him. Even so, Blizzard should have foresaw this (maybe they changed it, but idk) and designed the game to prevent it. If you design a game where a scenario can happen you cannot blame the players for playing the scenario; you can only blame yourself for terrible game design.


Sorry if that was too long...

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@ OP, First off I will be blunt and straight to point so you are warned.


If you choose to go to a PvP server, then PvP will happen. I do not care what planet it is, or if you don't understand that. If it says "Contested PvP" then by all means take that as serious as it has been warned.


I find the lack of understanding and complaining going on by you OP hilarious. What you expect no PvP on a PvP server? Here is a little sarcastic ABC for ya,


A. Your raid group wiped, the objective you wanted done got interrupted by PvP, and you lost.


B. People that use the word "griefing" has no buisness being on a PvP server PERIOD.


C. Really?


If a area or planet says "CONTESTED PVP", then by all means you better be prepaired for it. You are correct level 50's are looking to kill you. Yes that is what people do, they go to lower level planets to kill people. Levels don't matter on a PvP server, you are red then that = dead.


I will repeat red=dead, I don't care if you don't like it. Get used to them facts, watch your back, and if you can't handle the heat in the kitchen a PvE server is that way -------->



Real talk.


Love for selfhumiliation is strong in you,young padawan.

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The warning box you get when you choose a PvP server should be enough to end this debate.


Where did he say it was a PVP server?


Later he said it was a PVE server and besides even if it was a PVP server why would you further screw over the Republic that is already under geared.


Is the point to be a true bully and evil on purpose?


If that is your argument fine. But do not expect any sympathy for it as none would come.

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"Open world" PvP is one thing.......but denying another group of players access to content is another....


I would suspect there is a balance they are working here....


Did your group proceed to slay the world boss?


....or were you just killing off the republic players so they could not?

I know that Zone, and saing that by camping we denying access to that zone at all will be complete lie. Mind to tell you that imps DONT HAVE OUTPOST IN THAT ZONE AT ALL. Thats mean that we have to travel to this 100% republic zone onfoot/mount.


And what of problem. If its actualy true that GMs give a warning about griefing then its even more sad then i though. Currently bioware was failed to make any difference at ll between pvp and pve servers. Currently pvp servers are completely meaningless. Some planets are 100% pve, another planets are either enormously large and its usualy only like 10% of all zone are (common) between imps and reps, or there is no other reason to travel on republic zone rather then seeking reps, like on nar shaddaa. Voss atm is best what bioware did for pvp. Its muuuuch better then stupid Ilum. And here we go, open-pvp is griefing.


I do hope that this reply was a honest mistake from completely inexperienced GM, who was already was been told by his colleagues about it.


P.S. Bioware definitely should bring us more Vosses, not less. And make existing planets are more Voss-like.

Edited by AbyssWyrm
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I am a veteran and attended real wars.


So what makes you such a expert on the subject?


Maybe you should read the rules of the game agreement again.


lmao thats your response?! How dumb are you..let me give you the run down...the OP said he was on a pvp server..so basically you're already out of touch..secondly on any and all MMO's Ive ever played PVP servers on...Red=Dead ..and that means ANY red ANY time ANY where...49 levels below me? melt your face..In your own warcamp/spawn area..find a way to melt your face..PVEing..definitely going to ruin your day..I am a military veteran too, but I dont use it as an excuse to justify my (read: your) flimsy argument...I could care less if its a pve server either..Ill find a way to ruin the opposite factions day, because they are just that..the opposite faction..in opposition to mine..lol..grow a pair and quit being such carebears.

Edited by Gored
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So is this a True Story? If so then we should report Bioware to "Anonymous" and have them take care of the issue. ROFL.


Seriously though, I just wanted to bump this because if this in fact did happen then all of us who love PvP should be warned!

Edited by PinkSugar
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You admit that the goal was to deny them of something. Yes, that is griefing:rolleyes:.


by this logic attacking a player without asking him before if he is on questing would be griefing.


and in this case a pvp server would be the same as a pve server as it wuold be equivalent to manually activating your pvp flag.


to consider what the op was talking about griefing is plain STUPID!

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"Open world" PvP is one thing.......but denying another group of players access to content is another....


Hmm this the the WoW mentality that demoted PvP to a gear grind in the MMO genre.


What's the purpose of pvp if you're grieving the moment you engage in meaningful pvp?


Gear grind gear grind gear grind.

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afaik, on a PVP server, if you are in any area that flags you for PVP this means you are a target and can be attacked.


What's next... Killing people in the center of ilum is greifing because they cannot get their armements!?


The whole point of having Open World bosses is so factions have to battle for them for peets sake.

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My guess is that the people who received a warning engaged in cross faction trash talk that crossed the line.


I didn't read all 30 pages, but in the first 5 no one posted the verbage of the warning so we really have nothing to go on here.




I think we would all like to see a screenuie of the warnign message itself.

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by this logic attacking a player without asking him before if he is on questing would be griefing.


and in this case a pvp server would be the same as a pve server as it wuold be equivalent to manually activating your pvp flag.


to consider what the op was talking about griefing is plain STUPID!


I want to report every Empire player on Hex droid then :)


I never ever have trown a handgranate on Sith when they kill mobs i promise ;)

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Dear OP,


You've done nothing wrong. That is a good way to start a fun open PvP encounter. If your opponents (or anyone in this thread) would like to argue otherwise, they need to go to a PvE server. On a PvP server, denying your enemies access to a boss via PvP is one of the most satisfying things to do in an open PvP environment. That's why people roll on them, to do things like that. If you rolled on a PvP server and complain about a group repeatedly attacking you while you're trying to kill a boss, then you've made a huge mistake.

Edited by vindianajones
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So here is the scenario.


Belsavis World Boss is up. Republic guild is trying to take him down. A group of Imperials attack the repubs.....repeatedly til they abandon the boss.


Imperials get warnings for griefing.


Good and I expect it to work both ways.

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Tagging a boss with no intention of actually killing it solely for the purpose of denying other players is exploiting game mechanics.


"Harassment consists of misuse and/or abuse of game mechanics and verbal harassment with the intention of distressing and offending other players."


Tags on mobs in this game frequently don't drop right away, even after the person/group with the tag die.

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Imperials get warnings for griefing.


A warning from who? I'm dead certain this is not a BioWare employee. Have you got proof? A screenshot?


You should be careful if I were you. If you are sprouting rubbish which is not true, you could be looking at action taken against you by the devs/mods.


I for one call BS on this post. If you are on a PvP server and attack another group, it is not griefing. You are within your rights to PvP the other faction at any time.


That's the long and short of it.

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