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possible pvp cylinder for BH to fix arsenal


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no i can play with heat building up.. i cant when my attacks wont fire.. it doesnt have to ALWAYS be instant.. maybe give us a proc?? like lightning sorcs get... How we get a reset of unload with a damage boost? why not make it so tracer can instant cast that time? just something like that..


If you don't actually play a MERC please don't tell me how wrong i am because most of you think tracer missile needs its damage nerfed because you don't realize you're being hit with railshot, heatseaker, and unload too, just BANG all at once....or sit there and watch someone who has no idea what they are doing fire tracer over and over and over and you just sit and take it with a smile cause you don't LOS, CC or interrupt?

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no i can play with heat building up.. i cant when my attacks wont fire.. it doesnt have to ALWAYS be instant.. maybe give us a proc?? like lightning sorcs get... How we get a reset of unload with a damage boost? why not make it so tracer can instant cast that time? just something like that..


If you don't actually play a MERC please don't tell me how wrong i am because most of you think tracer missile needs its damage nerfed because you don't realize you're being hit with railshot, heatseaker, and unload too, just BANG all at once....or sit there and watch someone who has no idea what they are doing fire tracer over and over and over and you just sit and take it with a smile cause you don't LOS, CC or interrupt?


I've been disagreeing with your buff for merc, but have I asked for a nerf?

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no i can play with heat building up.. i cant when my attacks wont fire.. it doesnt have to ALWAYS be instant.. maybe give us a proc?? like lightning sorcs get... How we get a reset of unload with a damage boost? why not make it so tracer can instant cast that time? just something like that..


If you don't actually play a MERC please don't tell me how wrong i am because most of you think tracer missile needs its damage nerfed because you don't realize you're being hit with railshot, heatseaker, and unload too, just BANG all at once....or sit there and watch someone who has no idea what they are doing fire tracer over and over and over and you just sit and take it with a smile cause you don't LOS, CC or interrupt?


LOL thats what tracermonkey is all about a one trick pony i´ve played my merc from lauch first as a bodyguard and then a pyro and going back to BG soon i´d never pick a spec that is so badly operating on one ability. And i don´t know if having an ability with no CD and hits anywhere from 1.5-3.5k is weak since it also builds your defence and dps and you can shoot tracer insta but with a lengthy CD. And you know that sorcs need to cast an ability (3sec channeling) to get an insta proc right....

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I wish there could be something done to make arsenal more mobile AT LEAST... what if we had a cylinder that made tracer insta cast... or uninterruptable or something!!! Or possibly make Unload proc insta casted tracer missiles? or have a 5/10/15% on damage chance at an insta cast tracer. ANYTHING to help stop the chain interupt/stun/death... Right now if we go to cast an ability, one our WHOLE tree revolves around too, we are interrupted RIGHT away limiting the abilities we can use and certainly not the one ability the whole tree is built to revolve around. After the interrupt wears off I will begin to recast only to be hit right away with a stun. I will "trinket" the stun, if you will, and you guessed it! BOOM interrupted and not able to cast again for at least 4 seconds.l.. now that my "trinket" has been used im wide open for an 8 second stun while my opponent can heal/dance/go to the restroom or do whatever before he returns to pulverize me into the ground.


I also wanted to add that mercs don't get an interrupt of our own. UNLESS you count the talented knock back on rocket punch that only stops what they are doing but they are free to cast again right away. Powertechs do however get quell lasting 4 seconds on an 8 sec or 6 sec talented cd... But thats besides the point.. I really just wanted to get at our level 50 ability:


mercenary level 50 ability: Instantly cast ONE ability... affect lasts 15 seconds before it fades or will fade after an ability is casted..........one....



Powertech level 50 ability: Fifteen seconds of 25% CRIT....on everything.. not one attack.. on all of them...



Can this please be looked at....please.... I have two bounty hunters now because I was forced to try Powertech after all that work. I played from pre release so there really wasn't a lot of information for me to make my choice. Even letting founders switch to the other AC ONLY ONCE would be nice too.. we had barley any idea what we were getting into at the time!


Thanks for your time guys... and Bio!!!



i have a high lvl comando and i can tell you they dont need a buff or a nerf as they are pretty balanced


as a turret you are highly vunrable even in heavy armor you die pretty dam fast = squishy but do pretty good damage when you can get your shots off without getting stunned/interupted/knockedback/sapped


glass cannons is how they need to remain. to be a god commando you do have to be pretty skilled.


you may think its all standiing in place spamming 1 button but i can assure you it is not.

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There's nothing to "deal with"!


There's no problem which this will solve.


You are just asking for a buff because you want to be mobile without speccing a mobile spec. That's the problem.


what class do you play? do you have a level 50 merc? if so play arsenal vs someone who knows what their doing and you will be SHUT DOWN literally.

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This is an awful thread. Lack of mobility and vulnerability to interrupts are the prices you pay for being able to output whopping damage if left alone. That's the way the spec is. It won't be changed. It shouldn't be changed. Pyro is for mobility, arsenal is for hefty (stationary) dps. Don't like it? Deal.


Sorry for not sugarcoating it or anything, but there's really no two ways about it :/

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what class do you play? do you have a level 50 merc? if so play arsenal vs someone who knows what their doing and you will be SHUT DOWN literally.


And how many 50's do you have fully geared and playing top-level pvp?


It had better not be only a merc or you are just as biased as those who only have non-merc (except in the other direction).

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you dont even have a merc, go play your powertech and quell some more.. so in reality you are talking about something you know nothing about first hand, and that ends my conversation with you ahahha No i only have one Merc and not even one other alt of any level.. not one.. not a powertech.. or an op... or sniper....or sorc.. but its cool.. there are plenty of other classes that have something make their casted ability instant... why cant mercs have one?:D
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No. Just no.


like i said before multiple times... what about my other ideas? dont just pick one out and say NO!! TRASH!! we wouldn't be on the moon if people reacted like that. What about my unload proc idea? or maybe a damage has a 5/10/15% to make tracer insta cast? stuff like this... its just a direction im trying to steer some thought into.

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you dont even have a merc, go play your powertech and quell some more.. so in reality you are talking about something you know nothing about first hand, and that ends my conversation with you ahahha No i only have one Merc and not even one other alt of any level.. not one.. not a powertech.. or an op... or sniper....or sorc.. but its cool.. there are plenty of other classes that have something make their casted ability instant... why cant mercs have one?:D


Merc have heals, why can't my Powertech.


Assassin has stealth, why can't my powertech?


Operatives have knockdown, why can't my powertech?





We could all make dozens of threads about how our main is missing the features of some of the other classes.


But it's a moot point. There are classes because every character should not be the same. So without differences between classes what's the point in classes?





You fail to see that if I'm biased against merc because I don't play one then by the same logic you are biased for them because you do play one.

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like i said before multiple times... what about my other ideas? dont just pick one out and say NO!! TRASH!! we wouldn't be on the moon if people reacted like that. What about my unload proc idea? or maybe a damage has a 5/10/15% to make tracer insta cast? stuff like this... its just a direction im trying to steer some thought into.


The direction you are steering to is serious unbalance. All classes and specs have their strength and their weaknesses.


You want to take the weakness of Assault. You are asking for serious a buff of the most used ability in the game while there are countless threads about tracer being to strong already.


We would surely never have been on the moon if people acted like you.

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its not the low mobility, its the chain interrupt/cc/interrupt/cc/ almost dead if not dead,,, now what? fire a few instants? go to cast? interrupted... the whole tree is based around something we have to cast multiple times, but its hard to do when everyone can stop it with an instant cast ability that locks you out of those attacks just long enough for it to come off CD and do it again with the help of some cc or in the case of some classes just the interrupts alone are enough...


I get what your saying in regards to mobility (to an extent). It is rather frustrating playing Hutball and seeing 15 supermen flying around the room or being grappled to further points. That aside, when I run the ball, literally it feels like I am running at 20% normal (non speed buff,but normal) and going slower than everyone else in combat.


However, to the bold. That's on you man. You and gear. Not being a butthead here, but if you see more than one ability in regards to stunning/cc/etc then you are being focused on and in turn need to hit your defensive abilities. Proper timing of such helps you live through times when you think you probably shouldn't have.


Get some gear (get above 4% expertise and you'll see a difference), learn when you are being focused. Be mobile, if you see a tracer hit ya, move. Ya, that simple, move out of the way (though 30% of the bads think it's wildy OP that someone can spam such an ability from a distance and kill a non moving, non caring target :rolleyes: .I mean go figure a DPS spec can DPS from a distance and will kill someone that is afk...) I digress.


Don't forget we do have "Power Surge" which in turn will make one casted ability instant. Also, I really don't know where you are getting that a Arsenal Merc isn't a burst spec. I think you're either geared incorrectly or your rotation is not what it should be.


We may not burst like an OP pre-surge nerf, but that doesn't mean I can't take away 50% health prior to a Saber being able to start hitting me.

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im not asking for them to be the same.. Im saying that there is a problem with the way the arsenal tree is designed if so many classes have ways to totally shut it down. Im trying to think of a way to make a semi small change to one class instead of changes to many. There are lots of people talking about all the interrupts not just me... but my whole tree is built around an ability so it would be nice if there was just a LITTLE protection, thats all...
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i have over 11% with my expertise. I have nice gear, stims, and i know how to play... but there shouldn't be a way to keep my main ability that makes all my others work, be kept from being used, over and over and over and over till death... is more than one insta cast ability with our level 50 skill too much? but 15 seconds of 25% crit isnt? is a 30% chance that unload procs an instant tracer missile nuts? I have played as an arsenal merc from day one of pre-release till i went pyro for a while at 50 with my pvp gear buffing railshot. I still like arsenal more though.. chain interrupting though just isn't right...
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im not asking for them to be the same.. Im saying that there is a problem with the way the arsenal tree is designed if so many classes have ways to totally shut it down. Im trying to think of a way to make a semi small change to one class instead of changes to many. There are lots of people talking about all the interrupts not just me... but my whole tree is built around an ability so it would be nice if there was just a LITTLE protection, thats all...


You could... you know... change your playstyle. Position yourself so you are not primary target all the time? Choose a different spec if you can't?


You are limiting yourself by your playstyle and by your spec. My Vanguard can't heal himself, I always cry when someone is healing himself, oh and why I do not have stealth makes me wonder as well. And the damage output of some one button wonders... See?


The protection you get is from your playstyle. Be a sitting duck spamming tracer all day long and people will notice you and make it a priority to shut you down, as you obviously can not cope with that situation.


But it is way easier to blame your class than to adept.

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The same thing happens all the time when i go to heal to... chain interrupts over and over... Im also not talking me rushing in to a fight im talking about duels or even just 1v1s against people who are good! not someone in greens with 5k less hp...
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i have over 11% with my expertise. I have nice gear, stims, and i know how to play... but there shouldn't be a way to keep my main ability that makes all my others work, be kept from being used, over and over and over and over till death... is more than one insta cast ability with our level 50 skill too much? but 15 seconds of 25% crit isnt? is a 30% chance that unload procs an instant tracer missile nuts? I have played as an arsenal merc from day one of pre-release till i went pyro for a while at 50 with my pvp gear buffing railshot. I still like arsenal more though.. chain interrupting though just isn't right...


You have ALL of that and complained that Arsenal Mercs didn't have an ability to make a casted ability instant? How did you get to 50, let alone through that much PVP?


That aside, ya we are built around tracer, so what. You shouldn't and don't "spam" the ability to play the spec. Ya, you need it for procs, but I have yet to find a situation where I kept going "damnit, I need to have unload proc, over and over and over and over again". There is always something in my main rotation coming off of CD that I need at the time.


Personally I look at Tracer as a filler/procer more than anything. But you're starting to smell a bit fishy here.

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Your welcome. Now go put it on your action bar.



yeah but only one cast? powertechs get 15 seconds worth of 25% crit.... i would be happy with a couple more free casts ... or one every 3 seconds over the 15 or 20 second period... that would make me happy too!

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