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Tired of hearing "we're working on it"


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They sure didnt during the beta, heck they actually removed alot of cool stuff, I'm sure it'll get added in the next patch as a big "look what we've beein doing!!"


Look they can't even get their customer service right, it's downright laughable at best, you expect them to put effort into fixing the game?




Face it, it's a story driven leveling game, mmo's have always been about the endgame, quests were a nice addition to get there and get a feel for the world, but Bioware made it the main part of the game, and left the rest in a complete mess.


I'd rather have a mmo where I have to grind out levels on mobs for weeks, and get a fantastic endgame that'll keep me entertained for years, instead we get a sorta nice leveling experience (the actual quests are worse than they are in wow...) and then get a endgame that makes WoW look like the king of kicks.


I hope your a girl, because I think I love you and i'm a guy. If you are a guy, I still love you but in a brotherly kinda way. :)

Edited by Kunra
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Tired of hearing that BW will get to fixes that are major issues while things like Ilum kill trading, mobs slowing players, and other crap that makes the game harder is implemented within days.


You've had enough time to fix these issues BW. Stop screwing your customers or you won't have many subs left.

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Funny thing is that you keep telling people to unsub, and they won't be working on much of anything. Telling people to quit is not the answer, if you're unhappy with his opinions walk away from post.


It's better that they unsub than to keep posting their incessant whining about how BW isn't fixing things fast enough or not addressing X fast enough or at all simply because they simply can't mention every single thing they are working on and refuse to give a date on fixes because people which ***** without a date and they will ***** if they give one and have to push it back.


If someone just doesn't like the game in it's current state, just go and come back when BW has addressed their issues. X bug was in beta or X & Y aren't balanced 2 months after the game has been out, big deal. WoW had bugs that existed in beta way over a year after it went live as did Blizzard screw up an incredible amount of patches over the years and they aren't the only ones. SOE is notorious for the very same thing.


People ***** at BioWare like it's something new. It's not, it's the process every single MMO goes through. Some people simply need to stop being babies and realize that the game doesn't revolve around their own personal issues but what BW sees as import and they need to suck it up and accept that if BioWare's aware of the issue, they'll get to it when they'll get to it.


Armchair quarterbacking MMO development is fail and anyone who says they can do better would be doing it and making mad money.

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It's better that they unsub than to keep posting their incessant whining about how BW isn't fixing things fast enough or not addressing X fast enough or at all simply because they simply can't mention every single thing they are working on and refuse to give a date on fixes because people which ***** without a date and they will ***** if they give one and have to push it back.


If someone just doesn't like the game in it's current state, just go and come back when BW has addressed their issues. X bug was in beta or X & Y aren't balanced 2 months after the game has been out, big deal. WoW had bugs that existed in beta way over a year after it went live as did Blizzard screw up an incredible amount of patches over the years and they aren't the only ones. SOE is notorious for the very same thing.


People ***** at BioWare like it's something new. It's not, it's the process every single MMO goes through. Some people simply need to stop being babies and realize that the game doesn't revolve around their own personal issues but what BW sees as import and they need to suck it up and accept that if BioWare's aware of the issue, they'll get to it when they'll get to it.


Armchair quarterbacking MMO development is fail and anyone who says they can do better would be doing it and making mad money.


Will you pay my sub too?

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People ***** at BioWare like it's something new. It's not, it's the process every single MMO goes through. Some people simply need to stop being babies and realize that the game doesn't revolve around their own personal issues but what BW sees as import and they need to suck it up and accept that if BioWare's aware of the issue, they'll get to it when they'll get to it.



I think if I were Bioware I'd rather be *****ed at than have people dispassionately conclude that the game is what it is and move on with their lives. Personally that's what I did, I got tired of complaining about the broken wz's and accepted that it wasn't getting fixed anytime soon, and just quit and went on to another game.


I'm pretty sure bioware would rather just have me yell at them.

Edited by jeffsmith
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My buddy once told me debugging a program is like opening a novel and looking for a particular typo, correcting it, only to have it spawn more typos. He also said debugging a program like SWTOR is like doing that to the whole Oxford English Dictionary, not the one you buy, but the multi-volumn one at Oxford University.


With that understanding, I am willing to give Bioware time. Thats a lot of code they have to work with.

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Sigh. I have lost faith in these forums. We are NOT saying there is nothing wrong with the game. We acknowledge the problems that people bring up. We would LOVE most of the features that are requested. However, we can actually be patient, know that coding takes time, and appreciate that the devs actually do communicate. Would you rather have them communicate all the time instead of coding?!


All of the complainers and the "NEED IT NOW" people have no idea what software programming and design is. This game is not just "10 lines of code", it will take some time to fix bugs.


I'm just going to quote this guy before reporting this thread as the cesspit of humanity.

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Please, OP, don't play GW2, Tera or any newly released MMO. You might explode from the "incompetence" of Developers.


On second thought...


Yes, don't play games that are fixing the Beta bugs in Beta, having basic features like AHs and Guild banks at launch, etc. Exactly how much are they paying you to pretend to be stupid? There is no defense for the "we are working on it" crap that is ongoing for even basic stuff people reported this time last year. Its like some people are content to be happy with crap even if it will mean Bioware doesn't figure out the urgency needed before actual MMOs with content, graphics and substance release and this game becomes nothing more than a F2P niche game. I really would like this game to succeed but praise Bioware for stuff that is indefenseable is just dumb and doesn't let them know this is the fight or die time for this game.

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They launched too early so they could get those christmas sales, can't be helped. They need to make $$$ just like everyone else, and they need it bad (take a look at EA's stock price).


What I don't like is their "It's not a problem, we thought of this like months ago and we basically already have it fixed, the fix will be out soon (by which I mean july)." attitude they tend to take in interviews, it's okay to admit fallibility guys, jeez.


Everyone can fully understand that fixes take time but pretended it's not a fix just part of the plan is ludicrous. The greatest example of which is "No the high setting was a UI bug." thing which was probably the funniest bit of bad spin I've seen in a while.

Edited by areto
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Clearly you have superior game knowledge and development skill. BioWare should definitely hire you and make you the new Developer-in-Chief.





Why not he has same MMO experiance as bioware....none lol....ok maybe thats not true, with things that have gone on during beta and since launch alot of us seem to think this.

(As far as reading the forums since beginning of beta and there being hundreds of complaints on the forums, hardly any are getting taken care of in the 8 month time span)Yes i know 4 months of beta and 4 months launch time is not accurate giving BW benefit. lol

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I happen to be as you classified (some of those people) with the house and so forth, now not sure why that would factor in this at all but I am sure many of the people saying have a little faith (and patience) that things will get fixed are also strapped for cash.


The game for me runs and looks great, granted there are a few bugs but nothing game breaking as of yet perhaps I am just the lucky minority here?

As for the game engine well I am no IT tech but it appears we have tons of them that post on these forums, curious to know what engine should they have used 4+ years ago when they started making this mmo?



People do have patience. What the posts are about if you look beyond the words is the displeasure by those posting is; presentation and ongoing maintenance of the game.


I mean most fixes so far have made things worse rather than better. That's unforgivable.


Some people here bought this game with their pocket money. Others with cash they had to work to earn. Others have wives, kids, mortgages. When you have all those, you buy maybe 2-3 MMO games a year and sub to maybe 1 or 2.


Finding out you paid a decent wedge of cash for a PoS is disheartening.


Anyone with any decent amount of IT experience can tell you the best this game has to offer is already there. The engine al 7 years old of it is just not up to anything better. The best you can hope for is more content.

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Sad but true, we all got conned and paid premium price for a game that should have never been released or should be F2P just because it has SW theme in it.




Not sure who "we" is but I am happy with what I paid for!

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They launched too early so they could get those christmas sales, can't be helped. They need to make $$$ just like everyone else, and they need it bad (take a look at EA's stock price).


What I don't like is their "It's not a problem, we thought of this like months ago and we basically already have it fixed, the fix will be out soon (by which I mean july)." attitude they tend to take in interviews, it's okay to admit fallibility guys, jeez.


Everyone can fully understand that fixes take time but pretended it's not a fix just part of the plan is ludicrous. The greatest example of which is "No the high setting was a UI bug." thing which was probably the funniest bit of bad spin I've seen in a while.


Whenever I hear EXCUSES like this , I cry for the future , sorry deadlines are deadlines.

You know what , maybe in a perfect world where people don´t get paid and work for free.

You can take a century to perfect a product .


Here is the reality in 2 months time , they fixed more then last 1 year of beta.

And it ain´t cause of people who try to defend bioware , no they didn´t even acknowledge ability delay .

Crumpy GCD issues , combat queing problems .


Nope infact they released this game TOO LATE !! , if they released this earlier then infact more fixes would have been implemented , sorry there is a big difference between BETA (that is free) and a LIVE (where people pay) .

Beta you can make the excuses you want , on LIVE you can´t .

No matter how smart the marketing is , people in the end vote with there wallet .


And yeah working on it , how about some more results .

Cause yes they worked hard these 2 months , but that is there own fault .

If they had worked harder 1 year ago , they wouldn´t be in this situation .

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