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Tired of hearing "we're working on it"


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Desigining Video games really isn't as complex as you make it out to be. It's just very time consuming.


Once you understand the code that's being used - which Bioware of course does - it's relatively easy to design the game. It just takes a ton of time because you have to tell the AI what to do in response to all conceivable outcomes.


designing is more then some code mate.

Edited by Mogitu
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Of course it slipped your mind that it took -years- to create this game and that fixing bugs, adding content and expanding game systems is going to take time on that scale. Or rather, it did not slip your mind so much as well as it is something you do not want to hear; so you choose to rant and insult those who might point out the flaws in your reasoning.

Well, I have sad news for you. You are not special and reality will not adjust itself to conform to your desires. All you manage to do is to come across as a four year old throwing a temper tantrum in a shop because his mother says he could not have that toy.






You are of course deliberately obtuse here, so arguing that there is much more to this game is going to be an excercise in futility.


Still ...


You apparently raced through everything that game has to offer, probably skipping everything that was not essential to your race, and now come here to complain that you have done everything you can do at the last level once and feel the need to rant that there isn't more?

I am sure there will be plenty of players who were conditioned to act like you apparently were, that will agree with you. There really is nothing to say to that than that you are demanding this game to be something it was not intended to be. With the focus on story and story telling this game always was about the journey more than about the destination.

You have reached the last page of the book, the credits of the movie. There is nothing more, but there are 7 (or 15 or 95 depending how narrowly or broadly you choose to look at it) more titles in the series.


They already said that they have enough content to release an expansion already. This content is already done with voice over and fluffs and whatnot so "takes time to release" is not the problem dude. Get ur facts right before u go all halleluja on the forums <3

Edited by Yvin
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Of course it slipped your mind that it took -years- to create this game and that fixing bugs, adding content and expanding game systems is going to take time on that scale.


There really is nothing to say to that than that you are demanding this game to be something it was not intended to be. With the focus on story and story telling this game always was about the journey more than about the destination.

You have reached the last page of the book, the credits of the m


In all honesty if they spent 3+ years making what they released on December 20th they need more people or more people who know what they are doing. There is no good reason a company like BW or EA should release something like this in the state it came out.


Years to fix bugs and issues? That is pathetic, there is nothing so ground breaking or revolutionary in this game that warrants all the time and alleged budget that it would take so long. Especially when so much of it just 'industry standard' for an MMO.


Writing the story wouldn't take that long, getting people to do VO wouldn't take that long. Only if you changed direction and scrapped work over and over or had no clear concept of what you were doing or did it so poorly would it take years to make SWTOR as it released and still exists. That or they did more and are holding it back to see if they should spend more money to expand the game, ie will it bring in the kind of cash they want or not? Should we sink another XXmillion into developing it or just X million or maintain the servers, etc.


I'll grant them this the RPG, class story, SINGLE PLAYER aspect is pretty good the MMO is pretty bad, and what I see from dev/tech support and CS is terrible.

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So what do people want to hear them say?


How about...


"Rest assured we are indeed endeavoring to facilitate a prompt response that will in essence produce an effect designed, and furthermore, intended to ameliorate a substantial portion of certain less than positive aspects of gameplay that some, but not necessarily all, of our valued and cherished customers may or may not be experiencing at this time."


Personally, I'd like to hear this:


"We have all but reached the conclusion that it would be best for all concerned if we temporarily replace all quest rewards, including but not limited to those earned in the PVE and PVP areas of the game, with tickets for FREE PONY RIDES, redeemable in the event that such rides should, at some point in the future, or, in the event of an unforeseen time loop, in the distant and/or remote past, be incorporated into your ongoing Star Wars the Old Republic saga."


Because that would be well within a range of temperatures neither excessively warm nor cold in the extreme!

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I'm not going to deal with a dev team that ignores glaring bugs and mismatched gear with horrible useless stats on it. Then, instead of fixing bugs that need to be addressed ASAP, and addressing imbalances at the class level, takes broad home run swings with the nerf bat at entire game systems that don't even require it, which further nerf classes which are already weak.


Clearly the team from Failhammer Online hasn't learned anything about class balance from that experience, and do not have their priorities straight. How these people are allowed to keep producing broken games when allowed such a high budget is beyond my comprehension. It's sad. My opinion, fire them and get someone on board who knows how to run a balanced PvP system and can separate PvP systems and balances from PvE. Before it's too late.


I canceled my sub, the last of my goodwill was spent on this ridiculous surge nerf. If they want to start swinging that huge nerf bat, BW better at least do so with a combat log so we can better collect data of our own. The "surge" damage problem wasn't just surge, power isn't useful as calculated and as it appears in upper end gear. BW is clearly asleep at the wheel when it comes to PvP balance and how PvP nerfs affect PvE. Thus they've ruined both halves of the game. GG.

Edited by GavNash
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If you were satisfied with SWTORs condition from launch until now, you would most likely have been equally amused by a yoyo or a ball of string.


You can kiss it where the sun don't shine buddy.

Edited by Jaick
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lol op pwnd


jokes aside, i wanna hear the OPs brilliant ideas on how to make the dev procces go any faster when no company in the entire planet has managed it so far


Did you actually read and understand the OP's post? A lot of stuff was missing from launch which should have been there at launch. Maybe you're quite willing to pay a sub for a few years while they add what should have been there in the first place. Others are not so free with their earned cash.


i want to see his intimate knowledge of coding and programming a complex mmo while factoring variables that are impossible even for military grade supercomputers to calculate and predict..


This statement is so ignorant of any level of IT knowledge it's laughable. I've 30+ years experience as a developer and project manager, both in the military and civilian life. Come back to be when you know half of what I've forgotten. And I'll educate you.


after all that is what he is pretending bioware to do right?


No. Maybe he just wants BioWare to provide in a timely manner?


so lets hear it op, were waiting ....


I don't think the OP knows all that much about Information Technology, game design, formulated data constructs and processing, implementation plans and deadlines, schedules and budgets, UAT and Deployment.


On the other hand, I know volumes. Do you want to debate it with me?

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Desigining Video games really isn't as complex as you make it out to be. It's just very time consuming.


Once you understand the code that's being used - which Bioware of course does - it's relatively easy to design the game. It just takes a ton of time because you have to tell the AI what to do in response to all conceivable outcomes.


exactly my point!!! yet op expects stuff to be magically all fixed in one week......


i realize sarcasm doesnt translate well thru text but man, i really did spell it out lol


in any case, that was my point that op is being naive and childish expecting it to work any different , of course they will tell you "we are working on it" it takes time....wich was my initial point but without spelling it so much lol

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I love working with clients like this in my career. "Can't you build me a 3D model of my trade show exhibit in an hour? I thought you were good."


"Oh I figured you could just throw together a completely new web site design in Photoshop within an hour. You said you knew how to use Photoshop."


Ahhhh, good times.


A few words of wisdom:


Nothing is impossible for someone who doesn't have to do it.




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I'm not going to deal with a dev team that ignores glaring bugs and mismatched gear with horrible useless stats on it. Then, instead of fixing bugs that need to be addressed ASAP, and addressing imbalances at the class level, takes broad home run swings with the nerf bat at entire game systems that don't even require it, which further nerf classes which are already weak.


Clearly the team from Failhammer Online hasn't learned anything about class balance from that experience, and do not have their priorities straight. How these people are allowed to keep producing broken games when allowed such a high budget is beyond my comprehension. It's sad. My opinion, fire them and get someone on board who knows how to run a balanced PvP system and can separate PvP systems and balances from PvE. Before it's too late.


I canceled my sub, the last of my goodwill was spent on this ridiculous surge nerf. If they want to start swinging that huge nerf bat, BW better at least do so with a combat log so we can better collect data of our own. The "surge" damage problem wasn't just surge, power isn't useful as calculated and as it appears in upper end gear. BW is clearly asleep at the wheel when it comes to PvP balance and how PvP nerfs affect PvE. Thus they've ruined both halves of the game. GG.




but we both know you will be here 2 weeks from now complaining about something else

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I'm not going to deal with a dev team that ignores glaring bugs and mismatched gear with horrible useless stats on it. Then, instead of fixing bugs that need to be addressed ASAP, and addressing imbalances at the class level, takes broad home run swings with the nerf bat at entire game systems that don't even require it, which further nerf classes which are already weak.


Clearly the team from Failhammer Online hasn't learned anything about class balance from that experience, and do not have their priorities straight. How these people are allowed to keep producing broken games when allowed such a high budget is beyond my comprehension. It's sad. My opinion, fire them and get someone on board who knows how to run a balanced PvP system and can separate PvP systems and balances from PvE. Before it's too late.


I canceled my sub, the last of my goodwill was spent on this ridiculous surge nerf. If they want to start swinging that huge nerf bat, BW better at least do so with a combat log so we can better collect data of our own. The "surge" damage problem wasn't just surge, power isn't useful as calculated and as it appears in upper end gear. BW is clearly asleep at the wheel when it comes to PvP balance and how PvP nerfs affect PvE. Thus they've ruined both halves of the game. GG.


Agreed 100%

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Another thread filled with people who never do a thing to help a game and actually hurt it more than anything else.


I am talking about fanboys and others with blinders on. They have no power, no control and believe themselves to be worthless.


The worst kind of consumers in the world.


Cheers OP, I wish there were a few thousand more like you on the forums to drown out those that do nothing for the game so Bioware would push to do what needs to be done...we needed it a year ago during beta, people that know its the consumer that drives a products direction.


These people, they are no different than those still posting on the EQ2, LoTRo and Conan forums...there is nothing wrong with the game, the company is working on it...nothing to see here, move along citizen.

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Another thread filled with people who never do a thing to help a game and actually hurt it more than anything else.


I am talking about fanboys and others with blinders on. They have no power, no control and believe themselves to be worthless.


The worst kind of consumers in the world.


Cheers OP, I wish there were a few thousand more like you on the forums to drown out those that do nothing for the game so Bioware would push to do what needs to be done...we needed it a year ago during beta, people that know its the consumer that drives a products direction.


These people, they are no different than those still posting on the EQ2, LoTRo and Conan forums...there is nothing wrong with the game, the company is working on it...nothing to see here, move along citizen.


Sigh. I have lost faith in these forums. We are NOT saying there is nothing wrong with the game. We acknowledge the problems that people bring up. We would LOVE most of the features that are requested. However, we can actually be patient, know that coding takes time, and appreciate that the devs actually do communicate. Would you rather have them communicate all the time instead of coding?!


All of the complainers and the "NEED IT NOW" people have no idea what software programming and design is. This game is not just "10 lines of code", it will take some time to fix bugs.

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Ok. They're putting effort into fixing it.
Yeah but they won't overhaul all the planets so it's not even really fixable.


All of the complainers and the "NEED IT NOW" people have no idea what software programming and design is. This game is not just "10 lines of code", it will take some time to fix bugs.
That's just it; I know full well they can't change it precisely because it's a massive task.


I'm just riding out my subscription playing their generic boxed PvP.

Edited by Ansultares
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Sigh. I have lost faith in these forums. We are NOT saying there is nothing wrong with the game. We acknowledge the problems that people bring up. We would LOVE most of the features that are requested. However, we can actually be patient, know that coding takes time, and appreciate that the devs actually do communicate. Would you rather have them communicate all the time instead of coding?!


All of the complainers and the "NEED IT NOW" people have no idea what software programming and design is. This game is not just "10 lines of code", it will take some time to fix bugs.


Did you play Age Of Conan? Warhammer Online? The exact same thing; "We're working on it"


Tell you what, like I said on those games.. You pay your monthly subscription to pay for them to take how-ever long it takes to fix. Give me a holler when it's all fixed, then, I might consider coming back.


You can pay for it to be fixed. Not me.

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Another thread filled with people who never do a thing to help a game and actually hurt it more than anything else.


I am talking about fanboys and others with blinders on. They have no power, no control and believe themselves to be worthless.


The worst kind of consumers in the world.


Cheers OP, I wish there were a few thousand more like you on the forums to drown out those that do nothing for the game so Bioware would push to do what needs to be done...we needed it a year ago during beta, people that know its the consumer that drives a products direction.


These people, they are no different than those still posting on the EQ2, LoTRo and Conan forums...there is nothing wrong with the game, the company is working on it...nothing to see here, move along citizen.




Sigh. I have lost faith in these forums. We are NOT saying there is nothing wrong with the game. We acknowledge the problems that people bring up. We would LOVE most of the features that are requested. However, we can actually be patient, know that coding takes time, and appreciate that the devs actually do communicate. Would you rather have them communicate all the time instead of coding?!


All of the complainers and the "NEED IT NOW" people have no idea what software programming and design is. This game is not just "10 lines of code", it will take some time to fix bugs.




Night don't waits time responding to a guy like this , he is the guy that will scream at a waiters if his steak is not cooked right and embarrass her , him self and who ever unlucky person he is with , while we would say "Mrs. my steak is overcooked " we would get the same result and not look like a jerk.

Edited by Selaik
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Did you play Age Of Conan? Warhammer Online? The exact same thing; "We're working on it"


Tell you what, like I said on those games.. You pay your monthly subscription to pay for them to take how-ever long it takes to fix. Give me a holler when it's all fixed, then, I might consider coming back.


You can pay for it to be fixed. Not me.


Well I am sorry. I have not found that many bugs in this game. I pay to play this game because, other than WoW, I have never played ANY game as long as I have played this game. I already have well above 150 hours /played, 5 different characters (and love every one of them).


I am sorry if you do not like this game. Guess what? There are many other games out there for you to choose.


Oh and what do you expect people to say?


"Here is the source code of what we have changed so far in the game. Tomorrow, we will update you on what we added or removed from the code so you can SEE PROOF"?


What do people honestly expect to hear instead of we are working on it? A 10 page essay on a very small bug as to what needs to be fixed? Oh and if they do that, who is coding the actual fix? I guess you have to wait longer for it to be fixed then.

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Did you play Age Of Conan? Warhammer Online? The exact same thing; "We're working on it"


Tell you what, like I said on those games.. You pay your monthly subscription to pay for them to take how-ever long it takes to fix. Give me a holler when it's all fixed, then, I might consider coming back.


You can pay for it to be fixed. Not me.


who cares what your going to do , thats the point quit already !

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Did you play Age Of Conan? Warhammer Online? The exact same thing; "We're working on it"


Tell you what, like I said on those games.. You pay your monthly subscription to pay for them to take how-ever long it takes to fix. Give me a holler when it's all fixed, then, I might consider coming back.


You can pay for it to be fixed. Not me.


MMOs have always been "work in progress". You can always come back years later and play through the "old" content if you like. Heck you can play any game years later, after it's been patched umpteen times, but try talking about it at the water cooler, see if anyone cares. They would be like "Dude, why are you playing that game. I beat it ages ago."

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Well I am sorry. I have not found that many bugs in this game. I pay to play this game because, other than WoW, I have never played ANY game as long as I have played this game. I already have well above 150 hours /played, 5 different characters (and love every one of them).


I am sorry if you do not like this game. Guess what? There are many other games out there for you to choose.


Oh and what do you expect people to say?


"Here is the source code of what we have changed so far in the game. Tomorrow, we will update you on what we added or removed from the code so you can SEE PROOF"?


What do people honestly expect to hear instead of we are working on it? A 10 page essay on a very small bug as to what needs to be fixed? Oh and if they do that, who is coding the actual fix? I guess you have to wait longer for it to be fixed then.


I agree - I am enjoying the game currently in it's current form. There is a relatively small group of players who expected this game to fit their needs precisely. They typically don't care about the story, have no interest in things like datacrons, exploring, social points etc. They want this to basically be WoW in space. Grinds for gear, grins for valor-type points to get gear, grinds for rep points to get gear etc. etc.


That is their prerogative - they are allowed to want that - i think they need to come to terms with the fact that this is not that game and they need to decide whether they want to continue playing it or not.


There are issues Bioware needs to address, especially with certain bugs, but they are not so debilitating to the game that it makes it unplayable EXCEPT for that certain, small group of people.


If this were a single-player released game - say Barbie's World, they would not be complaining - they would have just decided to either enjoy the game for the type of game it is, or quit.

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