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Server population is dropping...


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Utterly false. Population decrease = lack of active subscriptions.


If you wish to engage in this discussion, please (at the very least) use some common sense.



Except as has been pointed out again and again, the "facts" you cite do not show population decreases, they show load relative to server caps, which can and do change over time. No amount of lime green text will change this fact.

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Except as has been pointed out again and again, the "facts" you cite do not show population decreases, they show load relative to server caps, which can and do change over time. No amount of lime green text will change this fact.



I'm pretty sure anyone in the industry would agree that there is a correlation (if not an direct constant) between lower server load and subscription number.


To suggest otherwise is like inventing perpetual motion. :eek:

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It's absolutely astonishing that I presented hard evidence of the game's crushing declining - yet individuals still discredit reliable statistics as not being fact.


Must be nice not to have to pay for your own subscription, I guess.


you clearly did not read my post as to why posting to charted graphs from those websites is actually not evidence of population increase/decline. You can insist on saying it is but it does not change the actual hard facts that they do not represent a direct link to population numbers(since they don't chart population numbers, they chart server status which can be changed via server caps, which BW has said they have changed on several servers)


but live in your own world.

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Cross-server everything is the answer.


The end of servers is the answer!


This game is instance-a-palooza anyway. Why not just go whole hog and bang all those servers together into one huge, massively instanced community? Who cares if you're on "Imperial Fleet 307" it could kill the endless cross server bickering and it would also end the "my server is dying" posts.


Well, OK. If there was a lot more "my server is dying" chatter after the mega-merge it would be a really, REALLY bad sign.

Edited by Quip
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Except as has been pointed out again and again, the "facts" you cite do not show population decreases, they show load relative to server caps, which can and do change over time. No amount of lime green text will change this fact.




Please follow that link, look at almost every single server, and tell me you do not see trending devastation.


Again I am truly amazed how the defense force here dismisses facts.

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No it won't. Remember when Bioware released actual numbers, and the numbers were much better than what the naysayers were expecting? Suddenly the narrative was "All companies lie about their numbers!" or "That was actually from Dec 31st!"


I have no doubts that if they gave out real numbers regularly the naysayers would just have more rationalizations for not believing them.



That's why I said to release the numbers via a tracker instead of just publishing them as they had in the past. It left room for doubt and sparked another debate about business ethics. If they had a live active subscription tracker and people still wanted to ignore those numbers, what ever those numbers might be, it would be apparent in the quality of their debate.

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Because that is what you want to believe.


Why in the world would I want to believe that... You have no idea how disappointed I am with how things have turned out, at first I thought this was the game for me, long term. Though that was a while ago now...


The game is in reality, in trouble. People need to admit this before the fixing can be done, all you're doing by denying it is harming the game further...

Edited by muzzle_flash
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Why in the world would I want to believe that... You have no idea how disappointed I am with how things have turned out, at first I thought this was the game for me, long term. Though that was a while ago now...


The game is in reality, in trouble. People need to admit this before the fixing can be done, all you're doing by denying it is harming the game further...


We post bug reports.

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Please follow that link, look at almost every single server, and tell me you do not see trending devastation.


Again I am truly amazed how the defense force here dismisses facts.



again - torstatus(as well as mmo junkies etc.) chart server status - not population numbers.


We know for a fact(bioware has said so) that server caps have been increased and the numbers pertaining to server status have changed(so light went from being 0-500 to being 0-750)


There is no actual conclusion to be taken from graphed numbers at this time unless you know actual population numbers, which no one does.


You're just wrong. You are misinterpreting the data because you don't understand it.

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Please follow that link, so that poster can explain to you very slowly why you are wrong.



What he's saying is nonsense though.


You can't tell exact populations with that system, but you can still see over all population trends with it.


And from the trends extrapolate that into over all subs, at least in correlation, if not absolute terms.





Its almost impossible for subs to be going up long term is server status is going down long term (unless an MMO company is constantly changing the server status levels).


Personally I'm hoping SWTOR subs are levelling out after a reasonable (if not unexpected) drop off from peak first buy levels.

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Do not know ....... but a look at your post history from dec 13 on shows exactly what you have always been doing here.


since dec 13... after the forum wipe. You don't see the hundreds of constructive post and the year i put in beta :rolleyes:.

Edited by Saereth_Darklighter
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Please follow that link, so that poster can explain to you very slowly why you are wrong.



To be honest it makes everyone one "wrong" depending on what they want to see. Tracking "populations" by EA's metric doesn't yield numbers and will therefore always be subjective. EA is in complete control of the perception by simply changing the values required to trigger each population display level. Continually lowering the population required to trigger "Standard" and "Heavy" would be a very easy way to manage the perception of your game. You could also be continually increasing the numbers to trigger those readings if you wanted your players to feel worse about their server's population. Not that they have necessarily done either, but it would be a very effective (if a bit cynical) way to manage perception of your game's success.

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The game is in reality, in trouble. People need to admit this before the fixing can be done, all you're doing by denying it is harming the game further...


No its not ....the game can and will improve but most people are playing it and having a great time.


And we are reporting bugs and helping the game instead of going on the forums and crying about it.


Grow up.

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since dec 13... after the forum wipe. You don't see the hundreds of constructive post and the year i put in beta :rolleyes:.


Yeah!!!! JEEEEEEEEZZZZ, you guys didn't look at his JOIN DATE!!!!



GAWD, how could you not know he is the authority on...




Making himself miserable!!!!!;)

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Nope we don't. All we see by searching your post history is that your forum PvP'ing began on the 13th.


Which isnt my fault.. if you look at anyone else you will see nothing before the 13th.. they are wiped clean. Doesn't mean i'm a liar.. means it was all deleted along with everyone else s :D

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Well. It does. I started to play in february, and my server from heavy became standard in a weeks´s time. Equally I didn´t notice the drop while I was levelling in Dromund Kaas. But when I travelled to Balmora it´s me now and three other guys. There´s no possibility to do heroics.

Just sad. This game really started to grow on me. But population diffrences in some locations is just too painful.

Edited by Ivanblood
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No its not ....the game can and will improve but most people are playing it and having a great time.


And we are reporting bugs and helping the game instead of going on the forums and crying about it.


Grow up.


Have you not noticed a MASSIVE spike in people complaining here on the boards and in game? Havent you noticed that even the larger more committed guilds are losing their players like wildfire?


It seems to me that your having a good time, and your happy with it, and thats good, glad your getting your moneys worth.


Still doesnt change whats happening, things are going downhill fast, whether people want to believe it or not.


The sad part is, people will only realise when the game implodes (for the most part, I cant see it ever dropping under 500k subs, being star wars, but considering dev cost, thats rough) that if they hadnt been so reluctant to admit to the massive amount of problems, they could have been fixed and the game could have been a contender for the top spot...


Also, even the devs are jumping ship, a lead writer and three others in as many weeks... and you tell me to grow up... *sigh*

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I'd swing that number around and you'd be a lot closer to reality :D


We should all be aware that something like 5% of the player population visit the forums. A fraction of those post. A further fraction of that fraction complain.


We are dealing with a very small sample of the population and they are quite different form the "average" player, who is not motivated to even read forums, let alone post on them.


And before any come-backs based on "numbers from his butt", the evidence for forum usage is out there on the net - I'm not googling it for you.


That's my post for the month - now I'm off to Tatooine.


I thank you.

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Well. I does. I started to play in february, and my server from heavy became standard in a weeks´s time. Equally I didn´t notice the drop while I was levelling in Dromund Kaas. But when I travelled to Balmora it´s me now and three other guys. There´s no possibility to do heroics.

Just sad. This game really started to grow on me. But population diffrences in some locations is just too painful.


Perhaps it is other reasons that Balmorra is low pop atm. Quesh at one time on empire side was me and 6 people. I actually s tarted a republic tooon abouth 3 weeks ago, just logged on my sorc today and theres 50 people on Quesh.


Your heavy-->standard is not indicative of overall population. It is possible the numbers which correspond to light/heavy/standard have been changed along with caps and other things on your server(if you were heavy they may have increased, so it is possible your server pop is actually rising and you're just in a low-pop spot atm)

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