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The hybrid system is awful.


They should just let you choose between 2 spec trees at the beginning of the match. No healers on your team? Choose the healing tree - awesome healer, pretty poor at DPS. Fancy going DPS? Cool - you can spec to be powerful DPS but your healing will be sucky.



The current system sucks for those don't have a hybrid choice, e.g. Sent/Maras and Snipers.



It'd also be nice if you wanted to go grab some PvE gear (because it's better than PvP gear ... for PvP ... :confused:). I'm a DPS spec'd PT but for PvE people are always only looking for Tanks or Healers which are pretty scarce. Would give players like me the opportunity to switch over to a Tank spec and not have to wait for SO long just to get into a flash-point or something because they're missing a Tank.


Would also add a bit of diversity to the PvP if I could switch to Tank Spec before a WZ and try that out, etc.

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Honestly though you are complaining about DPS getting heals? What about tanks? In PvP there are enough people on both sides with heals who can heal anyone and really when will you see a DPS heal themselves in the middle of a warzone. They would first need to run and hide somewhere before healing and on top of that it wouldnt be instant like a Healer spec. If you keep getting pwned by DPS who heal then kill them first before they kill you. If a Guardian/Juggernaut where to kill you they wouldnt be able to heal unless someone else healed them and thats how it is mostly for DPS with heals anyways.


Now tanks on the other hand, mainly Vanguards (i believe if not Commandos), are the worst to go up against in PvP because they can take hits constantly and then after finally killing you can heal up. One Vanguard in Huttball can easily run the ball amd score and then heal up without being stopped. Same goes for planets and CivilWar/Voidstar where they can just take hit, dish out some wide spread damage, and then heal up. For me at least they are the biggest problems i have in PvP. If most other tank classes have heals i see them more than DPS as being leas viable to be able to heal


Yup ive seen this to many times, if they spec there heals so badly they can heal while getting attacked and still out heal the damage. I play as a jugernaut and if a commando starts healing during a one on one fight its pretty much impossible to bring his health down as fast as he can heal. Since it only takes like 2 seconds to cast a heal and has no cooldown apparently. On the worst case ive seen a commando take damage from 5 players at the same time and still heal almost the same amount of damge being taken. If any heals needs to be nerfed to hell its deffinetly theres. If there is more then one commando next to each other its ( which is pretty much all the time ) almost imposible to do anything without most of you team if they both heal.

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Its completely stupid to see high dps classes that are about to die urn away and just HEAL and survive onl6 because they run and got behind LOS...


wHATS EVEN MORE OUTRAGING is that you see randomly some dps healers simply anihialte the balance of battle by healing the others and OTUHEALING THE DAMAGE OF PLAYERS.....


heals should be nerfed and heals from dps should be very very weak


how about you chase them?


dps heals are weak.

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I'd be fine if self-healing was restricted entirely to healer specs. Right now DPS sorcs and DPS mercenaries get heals whereas marauders and snipers don't. That's imbalanced. Either give everyone a self heal or give it purely to healers.


I mean the damage between DPS is leveled out, why favor hybrid ACs over pure DPS?


Of course you also want the marauder to loose his devensive cooldowns and the abilty to vanish bacause you want balance...right?

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Its completely stupid to see high dps classes that are about to die urn away and just HEAL and survive onl6 because they run and got behind LOS...


wHATS EVEN MORE OUTRAGING is that you see randomly some dps healers simply anihialte the balance of battle by healing the others and OTUHEALING THE DAMAGE OF PLAYERS.....


heals should be nerfed and heals from dps should be very very weak


you're actually a noob who don't know how the heal is working on dps classes.

i use heal but in combat it never helped me simple because if u don't have a heal skill tree your casting is slow and mostly interupted.

in the aftermath you loose not from dps but from a healer or from a dps who is using heal potions.

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Either all DPS classes need heals. Or none of them do.


Any other solution is not balanced.


You can't increase DPS of non-healing DPS or every other DPS will lose its viability.


You can't refuse warriors, sniper and assassins heals because it decreases theyr utilty as a class.

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Its completely stupid to see high dps classes that are about to die urn away and just HEAL and survive onl6 because they run and got behind LOS...


wHATS EVEN MORE OUTRAGING is that you see randomly some dps healers simply anihialte the balance of battle by healing the others and OTUHEALING THE DAMAGE OF PLAYERS.....


heals should be nerfed and heals from dps should be very very weak


So what you're really saying is:


You want the game to be a dps war between people spamming abilities rather then tactical fights where one class needs to be perfect w his interupts and slows to kill someone, where the other class needs to be really smart about when to dps and when to retreat.




I heared Pokemon online is releasing soon. Maybe reroll?

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meh, I'm a healer mainly so don't have much of an opinion in this.


But, the value of the heals that you have as DPS spec are not really any worse than as Heal spec, they generally heal for around the same amount, the difference that talents bring is more towards force bending and the speed/efficiency in which you can heal over a period of time.


The actual values of the heal are pretty good when DPS specced if you're just using them to top yourself up mid fight - when DPS specced I can generally heal around 6-8k with a stun, though when you're in this situation it's more often to prolong the fight rather than to turn the tide... :cool:


I've not come across a situation on any of my characters where DPS (myself or someone I'm fighting) having heals has been a major factor in the fight.

Edited by Soazak
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Its completely stupid to see high dps classes that are about to die urn away and just HEAL and survive onl6 because they run and got behind LOS...


wHATS EVEN MORE OUTRAGING is that you see randomly some dps healers simply anihialte the balance of battle by healing the others and OTUHEALING THE DAMAGE OF PLAYERS.....


heals should be nerfed and heals from dps should be very very weak


They are. On lvl 40 I can hit Maruder for 3-4k. This is 1/3 of his HP. Next that follow are around 1-3k. And there is DOT effect from Acid blade and corrosive dart (18s + ability to tick twice). He can use his healing all he want :p He is dead anyway.

And if in need I can still vanish and hit him again for 3-4k :p Seriously - it's fine as it is.

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They are. On lvl 40 I can hit Maruder for 3-4k. This is 1/3 of his HP. Next that follow are around 1-3k. And there is DOT effect from Acid blade and corrosive dart (18s + ability to tick twice). He can use his healing all he want :p He is dead anyway.

And if in need I can still vanish and hit him again for 3-4k :p Seriously - it's fine as it is.


sounds balanced to me :|

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As a DPS specced sorc, using my non specced heal in combat meant that I was going to die. DPS vs DPS, every GCD counts, and more importantly, every damage tick counts.


Just for argument sake, I'm hitting my sorc with my marauder, my sorc reaches 25% HP, shield up and start casting my 3s heal. Now again, just for argument sake, let's say my marauders interupt is on CD. If I crit I'll get 3k health back. Now that was 3s for 3k HP. Do you honestly think my marauder will do less than 3k damage in 3s? Oh hang on, 3K? Heal debuff! -20%! 2k4... 2k4 is a none critical annihilate... Yeah healing was a BAD IDEA!


The only time it becomes really annoying is Vs a Sniper / Gunslinger who is rooted to place, and by the time you make it round that corner, your target will be back above 50% hp. But then with a 12s (telented) root, tell me again how he made it round that corner?

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5char... heals for all or remove heal from dps classes


I dont agree.


This will never happen.


If you are unable to kill a dps specd class that is trying to heal himself, you are either a poor player or very undergeared in comparison, hopefully the later.


The cast times and amount of heals is nothing compared to a full out healer.

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sounds balanced to me :|


It is. They have loot of ways to defend. Heals, bubles and stuff. When I hit them from stealth they as good as dead most of the time but not everyone. Maruder is hard to play but very good. One on Alderan nearly killed me and only thing that save was me moving away few metrs and using my basic attacks.

When any other class burst initial attack - we hit time limit because our energy is not infinite. They have none. They can fight as long as they want. And they pack a punch.


So minor healing and stuff is something they should have.


I find 2 kinds of Maruders. Skilled that kill me or nearly kill me and whining noobs that don't know how to play Maruders and die before they can do anything.


I can check it again after lvl 50 because right now I have experience with Maruders only playing Bounty Hunter. And BH is just about spaming Tracer when to lower armor and if he can - using Unload and Heat Seekeing missiles all the time. + stun and push back for mele.


Maruders preform well and this is how it should be.

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Give everyone a heal? A real heal? PLEASE PLEAS PLEASE PLEASE give my vanguard a heal! Insane amounts of damage reduction on cds and a real heal, not just a slow HoT? I'd be *********** unstoppable every 2 minutes. Edited by Menthro
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Don't be bad next time?


P.S. Unspecced heals heal for junk and are often barely worth the resource cost (unless you play a sorc of course...).


No. Just no. They are never worth it. Healing in DPS-spec (even as a Sorcerer/Sage) should be a ban:able offense. It can be used to save your butt if you get away (around a corner/pillar etc). But it is never, ever, ever effective while engaged. Ever.


Also, nerf <random class that killed me here>!

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Its completely stupid to see high dps classes that are about to die urn away and just HEAL and survive onl6 because they run and got behind LOS...


wHATS EVEN MORE OUTRAGING is that you see randomly some dps healers simply anihialte the balance of battle by healing the others and OTUHEALING THE DAMAGE OF PLAYERS.....


heals should be nerfed and heals from dps should be very very weak


Since you seem unable to do anything to counter this other than whine on a forum:-


Hybrid specs can heal and dps. The trade off is lower burst compared to pure dps that can't self heal. If you are dps specced tho, your heals are crap and slow to cast. If he is running away, use a root or stun. If he is casting a long heal that heals for bugger all - use your interupt. He's about to cast again, use leap, knockback etc (these are also interupts), kill him - win. Or mark the healer and focus him down as a team.


No doubt you have done all this though. But dps healers are so out of control you just had to start a thread to get the devs to dumb down the game for you.

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I'd be fine if self-healing was restricted entirely to healer specs. Right now DPS sorcs and DPS mercenaries get heals whereas marauders and snipers don't. That's imbalanced. Either give everyone a self heal or give it purely to healers.


I mean the damage between DPS is leveled out, why favor hybrid ACs over pure DPS?


The clue is the term hybrid. In the case of the sage heals are not restricted by rolling a dps, only their potency and how effective they are. A dps sage is not a healer, and is a very weak healer. Also their dps is crap compared to a marauder - any good marauder should eat a sage for breakfast.


Your marauder does crap loads of damage in comparison.


Your solution to give everyone a self heal is ludicrous - a marauder is a pure dps class, a sniper has considerable burst. You have not even mentioned the fact you can stealth.

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It is. They have loot of ways to defend. Heals, bubles and stuff. When I hit them from stealth they as good as dead most of the time but not everyone. Maruder is hard to play but very good. One on Alderan nearly killed me and only thing that save was me moving away few metrs and using my basic attacks.

When any other class burst initial attack - we hit time limit because our energy is not infinite. They have none. They can fight as long as they want. And they pack a punch.


So minor healing and stuff is something they should have.


I find 2 kinds of Maruders. Skilled that kill me or nearly kill me and whining noobs that don't know how to play Maruders and die before they can do anything.


I can check it again after lvl 50 because right now I have experience with Maruders only playing Bounty Hunter. And BH is just about spaming Tracer when to lower armor and if he can - using Unload and Heat Seekeing missiles all the time. + stun and push back for mele.


Maruders preform well and this is how it should be.


i was being sarcastic

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Since you seem unable to do anything to counter this other than whine on a forum:-


Hybrid specs can heal and dps. The trade off is lower burst compared to pure dps that can't self heal. If you are dps specced tho, your heals are crap and slow to cast. If he is running away, use a root or stun. If he is casting a long heal that heals for bugger all - use your interupt. He's about to cast again, use leap, knockback etc (these are also interupts), kill him - win. Or mark the healer and focus him down as a team.


No doubt you have done all this though. But dps healers are so out of control you just had to start a thread to get the devs to dumb down the game for you.


he's a troll, haven't you noticed??


probably didn't even read the thread after his initial post.

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