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show me a video of a non-healspecced person outhealing a DPS that doesn't have a mental disability.


I too would like to see this.



wHATS EVEN MORE OUTRAGING is that you see randomly some dps healers simply anihialte the balance of battle by healing the others and OTUHEALING THE DAMAGE OF PLAYERS.....


lolol get good

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hahahhahah omg 5 METER IS SUCH A VAST DIFFERENCE....



if you could you would see that most sniper go in closer range because 30-35 range is worthless because people can escape range easier and also hide ebhind los...


That is my point.


5m range is an advantage for a Gunslinger.


The self heals are an advantage to a Scoundrel.


Neither one is near as good in practice as it is on paper.


And for the record, I play a Sawbones, so I don't really care if the DPS trees lose healing.

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This is simply another case of being poorly informed. :(


Dps classes do NOT heal themselves well, nor effectively, when dps specced. This is simply a fact and the BW team did a good job on this across all classes. When a class that can also spec into healing goes full dps, their ability to heal is seriously gimped. The heals are diminished either by potency, much longer cast time, loss of secondary heal effects or all of the above. It is VERY inefficient for a dps class to actually heal themselves, and in the majority of the cases, in the middle of the battle a self heal would be the poorest choice for a dps class to try to cast.


As a currently Madness specced sorc, I can guarantee you I do not cast my big heal (Dark Infusion) while in combat. The 3 second cast time is just too easy to interrupt and the big heal itself is negligible compared to what else I could have been doing in those 3 seconds as a dps class. Will I cast a heal on myself out of combat? Of course I will. But when I play my Assassin, I can heal up just as quickly by meditating, only that does not count into my healing numbers. If healing myself out of combat didn't give me healing medals, I'd probably just meditate like I do on my Assassin -- that is how inefficient heals are for a dpser.


On the other hand, classes that do dps but can also spec into tanking, such as Assassins, or Marauders that share some awesome defensive abilities from the warrior class have it much better than healing classes when it comes to the actual usability of the crossover abilities. These classes get what we call 'defensive cool-downs' and can be looked at the same as healing, only they are usually instant and arguably more powerful than heals, if only for the fact that heals take time to cast and can be interrupted. Defensive cool-downs are actually useful to dps specced classes while in the middle of the battle. One does not need to stop and cast a 12 second 50% deflection, or a 5 second immunity, albeit with a health cost, etc... Personally, I would GLADLY trade my ability to cast a 3 second heal in combat as a sorc for one of these defensive cool-downs. :)


And stealth? Stealth is SO useful for a dps class that it cannot even begin to be compared to non-specced heals. And there is a class out there that has stealth and dps and non-spec heals. And then another one that has stealth and dps and defensive cooldowns. :) Pretty awesome huh? But no, you still think we should nerf non-heal specced heals? ;)


I'm all for it, just give me one of the toys the other classes get. :) How about invisibility? At least temporary. I mean what spell is more wizard/mage/sorc than invisibility? In every game I've played sorcs get something like it... only in this game warriors get it. :rolleyes:

Edited by Monterone
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That is my point.


5m range is an advantage for a Gunslinger.


The self heals are an advantage to a Scoundrel.


Neither one is near as good in practice as it is on paper.


And for the record, I play a Sawbones, so I don't really care if the DPS trees lose healing.


That's untrue, healing is still very useful for an off-spec.

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This is simply another case of being poorly informed. :(


Dps classes do NOT heal themselves well, nor effectively, when dps specced. This is simply a fact and the BW team did a good job on this across all classes. When a class that can also spec into healing goes full dps, their ability to heal is seriously gimped. The heals are diminished either by potency, much longer cast time, loss of secondary heal effects or all of the above. It is VERY inefficient for a dps class to actually heal themselves, and in the majority of the cases, in the middle of the battle a self heal would be the poorest choice for a dps class to try to cast.


As a currently Madness specced sorc, I can guarantee you I do not cast my big heal (Dark Infusion) while in combat. The 3 second cast time is just too easy to interrupt and the big heal itself is negligible compared to what else I could have been doing in those 3 seconds as a dps class. Will I cast a heal on myself out of combat? Of course I will. But when I play my Assassin, I can heal up just as quickly by meditating, only that does not count into my healing numbers. If healing myself out of combat didn't give me healing medals, I'd probably just meditate like I do on my Assassin -- that is how inefficient heals are for a dpser.


On the other hand, classes that do dps but can also spec into tanking, such as Assassins, or Marauders that share some awesome defensive abilities from the warrior class have it much better than healing classes when it comes to the actual usability of the crossover abilities. These classes get what we call 'defensive cool-downs' and can be looked at the same as healing, only they are usually instant and arguably more powerful than heals, if only for the fact that heals take time to cast and can be interrupted. Defensive cool-downs are actually useful to dps specced classes while in the middle of the battle. One does not need to stop and cast a 12 second 50% deflection, or a 5 second immunity, albeit with a health cost, etc... Personally, I would GLADLY trade my ability to cast a 3 second heal in combat as a sorc for one of these defensive cool-downs. :)


And stealth? Stealth is SO useful for a dps class that it cannot even begin to be compared to non-specced heals. And there is a class out there that has stealth and dps and heals. And then another one that has stealth and dps and defensive cooldowns. :) Pretty awesome huh? But no, you still think we should nerf non-heal specced heals? ;)


I'm all for it, just give me one of the toys the other classes get. :) How about invisibility? At least temporary. I mean what spell is more wizard/mage/sorc than invisibility? In every game I've played sorcs get something like it... only in this game warriors get it. :rolleyes:


as a marauder I would love to be able to heal myself in combat ;):p;):rolleyes::cool:


every class should be able to spec into tanking, healing, or dps. having most classes hybrids with a smattering of pure deeps is ridiculous. if you can't see that you're blind. full stop

Edited by HBninjaX
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as a marauder I would love to be able to heal myself in combat ;):p;):rolleyes::cool:


Bud, I'd gladly trade you my 3 second heal for either your Saber Ward or your 5 sec immunity. Those would be a game changer for me, much more so than a 3 sec cast heal.


I think people seriously overestimate the value of these heals in combat. I really wish we could trade. You'd be wanting your abilities back pronto. :)

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ok then you have to give up all your ranged attacks then you can have defensive buffs like saber ward and undying rage, oh and you can't have CCs either.


i don't seriously overestimate the power of heals, i'm right on the money

Edited by HBninjaX
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Honestly though you are complaining about DPS getting heals? What about tanks? In PvP there are enough people on both sides with heals who can heal anyone and really when will you see a DPS heal themselves in the middle of a warzone. They would first need to run and hide somewhere before healing and on top of that it wouldnt be instant like a Healer spec. If you keep getting pwned by DPS who heal then kill them first before they kill you. If a Guardian/Juggernaut where to kill you they wouldnt be able to heal unless someone else healed them and thats how it is mostly for DPS with heals anyways.


Now tanks on the other hand, mainly Vanguards (i believe if not Commandos), are the worst to go up against in PvP because they can take hits constantly and then after finally killing you can heal up. One Vanguard in Huttball can easily run the ball amd score and then heal up without being stopped. Same goes for planets and CivilWar/Voidstar where they can just take hit, dish out some wide spread damage, and then heal up. For me at least they are the biggest problems i have in PvP. If most other tank classes have heals i see them more than DPS as being leas viable to be able to heal

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ppl are so lazy to figure things out. when they cant kill <nameaclass> instead of trying to find a way to own the field, they go to forum and qq about nerf/buff.

not gonna bring up the L2P issue (since it might sound too offensive).

do you realize when the devs nerf/buff a class, they most likely will also "re-adjust" the other classes so everything will end up the same only in diff scale.

there are lots of variables about winning (high dps etc) a fight.. such as "timing" and "positioning" to name a few.

well, when u see somebody u cant kill (for whatever the reason u have) just run and come back with "friends" to kill the player. and if u and your friends still cant kill that player, heck, bring MORE friends until u'r able to do it and /lolspam at him/her.


toughen up, real MEN play MMO

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as a marauder I would love to be able to heal myself in combat ;):p;):rolleyes::cool:


every class should be able to spec into tanking, healing, or dps. having most classes hybrids with a smattering of pure deeps is ridiculous. if you can't see that you're blind. full stop


As a marauder, I am able to heal myself in combat.

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Only reason why sorc heal "can" be OP is the -0.5 talent. If you don't get that talent the self heal is fairly balanced.


The question is, who doesn't take that talent while doing a hybrid ? ;p


Same for comandos even when full specced, but atleast it hurts their resource pool, something which doesn't happen to sorcs.


So to answer the OP, what they need to do is re-think the Force mana pool, because it's clearly working like a stupid piece of that.

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Honestly though you are complaining about DPS getting heals? What about tanks? In PvP there are enough people on both sides with heals who can heal anyone and really when will you see a DPS heal themselves in the middle of a warzone. They would first need to run and hide somewhere before healing and on top of that it wouldnt be instant like a Healer spec. If you keep getting pwned by DPS who heal then kill them first before they kill you. If a Guardian/Juggernaut where to kill you they wouldnt be able to heal unless someone else healed them and thats how it is mostly for DPS with heals anyways.


Now tanks on the other hand, mainly Vanguards (i believe if not Commandos), are the worst to go up against in PvP because they can take hits constantly and then after finally killing you can heal up. One Vanguard in Huttball can easily run the ball amd score and then heal up without being stopped. Same goes for planets and CivilWar/Voidstar where they can just take hit, dish out some wide spread damage, and then heal up. For me at least they are the biggest problems i have in PvP. If most other tank classes have heals i see them more than DPS as being leas viable to be able to heal


There is no AC with both tanking and healing options....

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Don't maur have 6 c/ds all potent with realitivly short c/ds that can be used to mitigate a ton of damage? Obscu, 20% damage reduction 1min cd, 50% reduction 3min cd, 99% reduction 1.5 cd, force camo 1.5? Cd, aoe stun 1min cd.


Yes, yes, but most people are too clueless and/or too lazy to bother to use them and therefore they complain about been UP.


I play Marauder and the thing I tend to notice the most is how quickly oppositions' health bars drop. Sorcerer/Consular's health bar drop quicker than any other class, and them running away only means I hate keep most of my health before they die.


In fact we also have Disruption on only a 8 second CD and costs no rage and I don't think the GCD affects it either.


What people don't understand is that a healer has dps in order not so much to do damage (although that is still an important function) but in order to be able to keep an opponent at bay. Otherwise they would be dropped in a few seconds and would be rendered completely useless in PvP.

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I personally have no issue who gets heals and who does not. There should however be a limit to the use of heals once combat has been entered, if you cast a heal then for the next 15 seconds all your DPS should take a huge penalty nothing under 80% decrease in damage. The same once one casts a damage ability then heals should be penalized by at least 80% for 15 seconds.
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I'd be fine if self-healing was restricted entirely to healer specs. Right now DPS sorcs and DPS mercenaries get heals whereas marauders and snipers don't. That's imbalanced. Either give everyone a self heal or give it purely to healers.


I mean the damage between DPS is leveled out, why favor hybrid ACs over pure DPS?


Ummmm...You're comparing a Merc with a Sniper? That makes absolutely no sense. You would be better off comparing a Powertech with a Sniper...Neither have heals. Then compare the Merc with the Operative.


And I'm sorry but Marauders have SO MANY "oh crap cooldowns" that they have ZERO need for heals. Marauder and Sentinel are quite possibly the best 1 on 1 classes in the game so saying they need heals is just silly.

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Its completely stupid to see high dps classes that are about to die urn away and just HEAL and survive onl6 because they run and got behind LOS...


wHATS EVEN MORE OUTRAGING is that you see randomly some dps healers simply anihialte the balance of battle by healing the others and OTUHEALING THE DAMAGE OF PLAYERS.....


heals should be nerfed and heals from dps should be very very weak


Another carebear whiner post.


DPS specc heals are crap. Should they also remove LOS from pvp so u can finish off your target?


Cry me a river.

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Its completely stupid to see high dps classes that are about to die urn away and just HEAL and survive onl6 because they run and got behind LOS...


I completely agree.


I can't speak for Marauders, but as a Sniper, knowing that another class offers equivalent DPS capability, increased mobility/utility, and decent off-heals is incredibly infuriating.


It's not so much an Issue with Mercenaries, who have an Energy Mechanic to protect against such abuse. Sorcerers on the other hand, have it made...

Edited by KraithFjorn
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Ummmm...You're comparing a Merc with a Sniper? That makes absolutely no sense. You would be better off comparing a Powertech with a Sniper...Neither have heals.


So I'm better off comparing a tank to a DPS class than a DPS class to a DPS class?


All hybrids that can play tanks have taunt.


All hybrids that can play healers have healing spells.


Marauders and snipers need heals too.

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