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What would it take for you to stay or resub?


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Lawl. Trion has one of the worst games that had PvP in them that I ever played. The mere fact that you made more valor doing NOTHING in Port Scion standing next to a node or leader over those players who did all the damage and healing showed how bad the game was. Trion rewarded the players that simply AFK'd the warzones so I ask, how was that good?


I will agree to disagree about Warhammer, for all of its faults, they had good PvP. Many different scenarios, rewards for contribution, meaningful objective based PvP, and most importantly NO PVP BASED STATS. All these games today put these lame stats into gear, resilience, valor, expertise, etc.. Which force players to obtain specific items if they want to compete with one another. The token system combined with the 5 man zones in warhammer made for a great way to players to obtain loot. If Warhammer had been 3 sided instead of 2, the game would have done much better IMO.


Really TOR is just another EQ clone, just like WoW and Rifts. Raid a dungeon, get some loot that will allow you to raid a harder dungeon to get better loot. I personally don't care about raiding dungeons for loot. For me I want meaningful PvP like we had in DAOC, Shadowbane, Lineage 2, and Warhammer. So for me, I wait for Guild Wars 2.



I know I said it would take a act of god for my to change my mind and renew my sub in my last post but I couldn't help but want to comment on this post as well.


I hate the resilience in WoW and the expertise in this game. Why do we need these to make vets or people who have played longer just loads better then even the most skilled players based on gear. Thats what it is really. PVP has become Gear vs Gear and not a game of Skill vs Skill.


They fix the system to prevent the use of 3rd party hack programs and bring back Skill vs Skill in PVP I would renew my sub in a heart beat. Fat chance of that I know.


Again I came to this game for what looked like epic levels of PVP. All of that has been stripped away. If I could turn off exp gain I would just stay a lvl 49 forever. That is like the only time I have really enjoyed this games PVP. Oh and that is also before the cheaters got as bad as they are with hacks on my realm.

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Again I came to this game for what looked like epic levels of PVP. All of that has been stripped away. If I could turn off exp gain I would just stay a lvl 49 forever. That is like the only time I have really enjoyed this games PVP. Oh and that is also before the cheaters got as bad as they are with hacks on my realm.


Ya, I think it was unfortunate that they could have built a game built around the war between the sith and the republic, but instead we got another raid based MMO that really is no different then anything else out there. Sure there is different lore involved in the game, but overall it remains get your guild and complete a scripted event. We have meaningless PvP which further shows how much this game has followed WoW and Rifts.


All the games now, be it MMOs or Diablo-esqe games have you beat an event for an item. My theory is if I can beat them with my current gear, why do I need to get better items just to beat them down faster? I remember playing Titan Quest with some friends a few years ago and after beating it on normal - hard - nightmare one of them says, "great now we can farm gear". I told him "why do we need to farm gear if we can already beat the boss."


I guess that is what I find appealing about Guild Wars 2, that they will have 3 sided server vs server vs server PvP with objectives to control. I also like that they will rank servers and change clusters up depending on ranks so the top guys can duke it out. To me that is something that will always be different and keep players interested, at least much longer then killing Lord Nagafen for the 17th time hoping he drops the Cloak of Flames.

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i dont think bioware can do anything anymore to make that happen. this game is just screwed up from the very root and the pathetic management they apply to it doesnt help either.(latest example but only one of many: "ur not allowed to pvp on a pvp server, rofl")


just waiting for gw2...

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It takes two stuns to fill resolve...


So the only increase would be ONE STUN, then you're full resolve.


That's not smart and encourages bad play.


Actually, using stun as a method for CC(which is riddled all over pvp) is bad play.

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Dual spec so I can raid and pvp without spending my lifes savings.


Pvp dailies that don't require a mob to complete.


Allow ops groups to que in pvp vs ops groups.


More trinkets or cc breakers per class.


Customer service that actually answers a question without copy and pasting the answer.


Creatures on Ilum that can be fought and fought over for rewards.

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After two months in this game the only question is:is there any new games releasing?if yes, bb!They cant do anything anymore!


not gonna lie, with gw2, tera, diablo3 coming up the only ppl left playing this game in 1-2 months will be die hard star wars fanboys sitting at their computer dressed up like chewbacca.


this game is doomed..

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The game is working as intended. There are so many problems with the game that you come on the forums to complain about the game, not knowing just how many more problems you didn't discover because you weren't playing the game... People will buy...
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Opt out of a specific warfront needs to be a reality. If I play one more Huttball game, I'll start strangling puppies.


poor puppies :(


jokes aside, roll republic u will see maybe 2 huttball games a day

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There is absolutely nothing that can be done to fix this game, in a resonable period of time, that would convince me to stay. I'm riding out my sub now. I'm waiting for GW2. I wish I had've went with my gut on this game, and not bought it.


Pve - is nothing special. Single player with friends. Graphics suck. Tons of general gameplay issues. The only real draw was the stories, but you can only re-roll so many times before you just can't do it anymore. There is no end game worth mentioning. Raids can be done in any free to play game on the market, so it really doesn't qualify as meaningful end game to me.


Pvp - is non-existant. Warzones? Trash, with no options to choose your own warzone at launch? Seriously? Ilum should be removed and never spoke of again. The devs should be ashamed of throwing that out to the pvp masses and expecting anything short of a violent public beating.


At this point i've been trying to get datacrons. The green shard on Belsavis reminded me so much of circle jerking mid in Ilum, that I can't even bother with datacrons anymore. Not to mention theres another one on the same planet in a lava pit that requires a terrain exploit with a speeder to get, because the mechanic to use the light bridge is either way to difficult for anyone to figure out, or is completely broken.


No, i'd say this game has done so much wrong in such a short period of time, shutting it down cold would be a mercy killing. It will survive for a while due to short sighted people expecting patch miracles and die hard star wars fans. Even looking at the latest Q&A on the webpage is un-inspiring. Anything that has any hope of keeping players is answered with a *we're working on it, but it won't be in this patch*. This is why they cannnot win me back to this game. I'm not paying anymore to wait and see if any of them can pull their head out of their *** hole.


Its 2012. They spent a **** ton of money, and this is the best they could come up with? This reminds me so much of Star Trek Online, its not even funny.

Edited by mdkmaster
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1) The only way I would stay is if they put some real PvP content in this game.

WarZone?? COME ON!!!! If We wanted that we would stay in WoW. We want real PvP.


Let us raid enemy bases and cap them...Open world PvP!! Let us fight with a reason. Its a war and we are playing huttball??? We want real PvP goals.


2) FPS issues need to be fixed and stop acting like its peoples PCs. I deal with FPS issues when I have 16 v 16 on ilum and I lock when more then that show up. I can play BF3 on max settings with 40 on 40 no issue but on here 16/16 damn near locks me up?? Something is wrong on your end not our PCs.


3) Customer service that knows how to read a ticket and stop automated responses while the ticket gets closed. Deal with your customers and stop ignoring them.


4) We have seen enough games that are pretenders and offer so much but bring nothing to the table. Be real and give us a reason to play that is not a damn WZ!!! 50 at this point is empty. 50 and WZ till daily/weekly is done and then go out to Ilum and drive in a circle picking up boxes. YAY!!!! WTH??? Thats it??? Who really thought that was enough????

Edited by DeathDRH
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The game is working as intended. There are so many problems with the game that you come on the forums to complain about the game, not knowing just how many more problems you didn't discover because you weren't playing the game... People will buy...


This sounds exactly what the die hard fans of SWG said. Year after year subs decreased to a point where that game was given the axe. The problem was, and I see it often on these forums as well is, the LOUD few on those forums who constantly made the compelling argument that there is nothing wrong with that game, were wrong. Ironically enough those people got what they deserved and watched that game rot and die.......

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