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What would it take for you to stay or resub?


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Sensible "open world" PvP. Ilum just plain sucks. I want to log in, get on TeamSpeak, say "hey, where we killing at?" and just go there and join a fun, interactive PvP experience.



Will settle for:


A new PvP warfront with every major patch. Rumor mill is there's going to be a new PvE instance with every major patch and I have to believe that warfronts are a lot easier to build than big PvE instances.

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Free epix and ability to use 3 companions at once so I can solo 4 man heroics for cash and sell on GTN for millions and just buy more stuff.


Or I would not mind a smight buff to the scoundrel, Operative sustained damage, which is needed.

And a slight overhaul of the sorc, a small nerf, not much.


Other then that the game is heading in the right direction and i have no reason or intentions to cancel my subscription.


Im just glad we are filtering out the kids that cant do proper pvp or have temperament issues.


This game might be a wow clone in space. But it does everything on every account better then wow in its current state after 7 years.

Why should I leave?


I think many miss their old friends especially in wow.


And warhammer, was the best pvp mmo ever made, it had some balance issues and bugs but later became immensly good, its just a tad sad that happened too late and people had already left.


People looking down on warhammer never went to rr70+, fought massive open pvp fights in extremly organized guilds, or did the small group roaming and fought 5 times your numbers and won by using small allyes and ground to your advantage.

Remember, in warhammer, there was collission.

You could be 2 tanks in an alley with a ranged nuker behind and a healer, and the enemies could not get to them, that mechanic alone places the game extremly high among pvpers as you can apply tactics you are not able too in other pvp mmos.

You could actually protect people in that game, by just standing infront of them as a tank.



Good luck. Have fun playing a panda.

Edited by Waagabond
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Completely redesign resolve or at least tweak it like hell. Cut down on the available CC, there are plenty of abilities that can be used PvE but not PvP, I don't see why some CC should different. Make knockbacks and interupts matter(inc. cooldown), now people are just spamming it like a fat kid trying to enter a cake contest. Make interupts silence people, but increase cooldown as a result.


The ability to queue for 1 or 2 specific WZ's.


Autofacing. Remove it. At least from PvP.


Tweak the skill cap for some classes/specs. Fine if braindead rotations work in PvE, not PvP.


Ability delay - Gone, completely. Well, the game simply shouldn't have launched until it was fixed.


Ilum. Make it playable or redesign it/scrap that mofo and get on with it.


Better optimized PvP gear. Fine if Centurion isn't optimized, but BM gear not being it is a joke.


Better FPS in Ilum/Warzones. If I die it should be a player specific reason, not because your engine is an absolute PoS. This goes for ability delay too.


Tab targeting. Really. Tab targeting. How did you manage to **** that up.


I did not expect everything to be perfect when I bought the game, but I expected it to not be an absolute disaster. If they want me back, they are going to have to very hard for it, because my faith in them is very, very low.

Edited by Luxidenstore
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Bioware replaced with TRION.


Better support, better game masters, faster bug fixes, faster content development, more dynamic PvE content (public quests - "rifts"), better armor design, free weekly server transfers, cross-server pvp and pve, etc. etc. More professionalism and experience instead of stupid experiments with random number generator.


P.S. After this game + Warhammer I'll blacklist MMOs developed by EA and Bioware. "Gabe", "warhammer team" are synonyms of "fail" for me now.

Edited by Pashgan
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The one thing I would like to see added is structured mass pvp for weekly planetary control. Imps & Pubs battle weekly for control of a planet either by a bidding system or, in the case of Bioware, RNG. There will be a maximum number of players in the war for each faction. The war will have a time limit of x hrs. Each faction will have their own base on opposite sides of the war map. Objective is to destroy enemy's base. In order to do that the enemy's power generator must be destroyed by walkers/vehicles/catapults manned by a tank class. The winner has control of the planet for the week and each planet has a small perk like access to special medpacks, free/reduced travel, or some kind of buff. This continues on until a predetermined galactic map reset/one faction controls galaxy.


This is basically Territory Wars from Perfect World International and it's a great way to justify the gear grind. Right now it's Warzones, then Ilum, then what? It's like the final pc for pvp is missing. You can't tell me that ppl should grind out BM gear just to do more Warzones and Ilum. Galactic Domination. Do it Bioware.

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After nearly 6 years in development I expected much more then another WOW clone, as that is all this game amounts to. I like the SW's theme, but come on, this is nothing new, new ground has not been broken here. I guess they where hoping to ride the force all the way to the bank, but it's not enough, at least not for me.


I'll play to keep busy until GW2 rolls out, but I don't invest much time in the game any more, I talk to a few people and run some pvp, the PVE is too boring to get into. I don't care about the questing any more, I don't try to make money as I know I will be gone, to sum it up, I am bored and waiting to get out.


Even if they fixed EVERY problem overnight the game boils down to another WOW type mmo.

Edited by Panzerbase
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Completely redesign resolve or at least tweak it like hell. Cut down on the available CC, there are plenty of abilities that can be used PvE but not PvP, I don't see why some CC should different. Make knockbacks and interupts matter(inc. cooldown), now people are just spamming it like a fat kid trying to enter a cake contest. Make interupts silence people, but increase cooldown as a result.


CC is indeed out of control, either it needs to be toned down or the CC breaker needs to be on 1 minute cooldown instead of 2 minutes (and reduced cooldown timer talent boxes changed 15 seconds instead of 30 seconds), a juggernaut with unleash even at 1 min 30 seconds can't compete against ranged folks that knock you back every so seconds and slows you over and over, it's hardest as an operative to stay in melee range without any gap closer other than stealth (combat stealth is on 3 minutes), at least shadow/assassins has force speed.

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I think the thing that finally kicked in the flight response and over-rode fight was the day I saw someone fly. Not kidding. You can doubt me all you want. Really happened, truth will come out eventually :)


I don't doubt it. Atleast once during a huttball match I noticed a player move but he was about 10ft off the ground and he moved with such speed. I have only ever really seen it once. That doesn't mean others don't do it in a more under the radar way. This one was just totally obvious I mean the person was half stuck in a wall up in the air for a second. You can't miss that if your looking. It screamed he was hacking.


You know I think the person I reported last night in a Huttball did it as well on a much smaller scale. One second he was coming at me and a second later it looked as though he took off up into the sky and before I knew it he was well off to my side. Now the location in the Huttball field. The players class and total lack of allies or enemies in the location just gave him away. Besides distance was far greater then any Force Pull or similar tool.


But reasons like this are why I am taking a break. This game gets fixed soon before another game gets my monthy sub and I will be happy to return. Simple as that.

Edited by Gryphandor
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Bioware replaced with TRION.


Better support, better game masters, faster bug fixes, faster content development, more dynamic PvE content (public quests - "rifts"), better armor design, free weekly server transfers, cross-server pvp and pve, etc. etc. More professionalism and experience instead of stupid experiments with random number generator.


P.S. After this game + Warhammer I'll blacklist MMOs developed by EA and Bioware. "Gabe", "warhammer team" are synonyms of "fail" for me now.



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Bioware replaced with TRION.


Better support, better game masters, faster bug fixes, faster content development, more dynamic PvE content (public quests - "rifts"), better armor design, free weekly server transfers, cross-server pvp and pve, etc. etc. More professionalism and experience instead of stupid experiments with random number generator.


P.S. After this game + Warhammer I'll blacklist MMOs developed by EA and Bioware. "Gabe", "warhammer team" are synonyms of "fail" for me now.



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1) Offer some sort of incentive to address faction imbalance. I'm not picky, and I know this can't be too effective because it's largely player choice driving it, but do something ffs.


2) Allow for any schematic to be crafted as a moddable orange and then allow any and all mods to be stuck in it. Essentially, allow players some control over our appearance since the BW developers suck at it.


3) Balance the mirror classes. Make sure everyone is doing the same type and level of damage, healing, etc. OR, in the alternative, admit that perfect mirrors isn't a great idea and implement something different.


4) Remove expertise entirely and institute a gear cap for PvP. PvP should be about competition between players, not between players' gear.


5) Fix the idiotic FPS issue on Illum. Players should not have to create special cache files in their RAM to experience decent FPS in the closest thing to world PvP this game offers.


6) Improve customer service and developer attitudes towards collaborative

communication with players.


7) Change the way republic characters and abilities look (with the possible exception of smuggler). A huge part of the reason the faction imbalance exists is that Republic characters and their ability animations look pathetic.


8) Admit your resolve system doesn't work and implement diminishing returns on CC.


9) To sum up: I don't plan on being around longer than my six month sub, as none of these things are likely to happen.

Edited by RobNightfall
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Completely broken. So I should go spend two weeks at an hour or two a day being farmed so that I can farm the next people behind me? How is that a game? No thank you.


I loved the game up until level 50. Now the WZ que is just sad. 20 WZs this morning, team didnt win any. Not that I could help, I heal best I can having just hit 50, and get 2 hit when somebody bothers to notice me. What a cruel joke. Can I have my money back? This isn't a game or a challenge. I can roll an imp just like everyone else, but whats the challenge? Dumb.


I was told "join a guild and get premades to win WZs." Does that make sense? How do you win if you have a new lowbie on your team that is worthless because of the gear system?

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I mean, come on. I can't stand hearing the same old "give them time, the game is new" argument over and over.


I'll be contrary and say that I see no need to wait. I already love the game. It's not perfect, but more things are coming. I'll just be more happy when they do.

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Bioware replaced with TRION.


Better support, better game masters, faster bug fixes, faster content development, more dynamic PvE content (public quests - "rifts"), better armor design, free weekly server transfers, cross-server pvp and pve, etc. etc. More professionalism and experience instead of stupid experiments with random number generator.


P.S. After this game + Warhammer I'll blacklist MMOs developed by EA and Bioware. "Gabe", "warhammer team" are synonyms of "fail" for me now.


Lawl. Trion has one of the worst games that had PvP in them that I ever played. The mere fact that you made more valor doing NOTHING in Port Scion standing next to a node or leader over those players who did all the damage and healing showed how bad the game was. Trion rewarded the players that simply AFK'd the warzones so I ask, how was that good?


I will agree to disagree about Warhammer, for all of its faults, they had good PvP. Many different scenarios, rewards for contribution, meaningful objective based PvP, and most importantly NO PVP BASED STATS. All these games today put these lame stats into gear, resilience, valor, expertise, etc.. Which force players to obtain specific items if they want to compete with one another. The token system combined with the 5 man zones in warhammer made for a great way to players to obtain loot. If Warhammer had been 3 sided instead of 2, the game would have done much better IMO.


Really TOR is just another EQ clone, just like WoW and Rifts. Raid a dungeon, get some loot that will allow you to raid a harder dungeon to get better loot. I personally don't care about raiding dungeons for loot. For me I want meaningful PvP like we had in DAOC, Shadowbane, Lineage 2, and Warhammer. So for me, I wait for Guild Wars 2.

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Having the feeling that this is an actual war between the republic and the empire.

Fight alongside my fellow imps toward a common objective that has a meaning and an impact on the game's world, defeat or victory.


Sure we get some through pve, not what i mean though, bots/npcs, and a static universe we, as in the players together,have no impact on.


Right now my worst enemies are actually my fellow imps on the same tiny spot, farming armaments.

And i'm not quite sure ending a WZ with 8 or 11 medals for sole purpose really satisfies my desire for achievements.


To sum up in a few words, i'd like this game to be more about Star Wars and less about lil wars inside boxes.

Edited by muscarine
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