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What would it take for you to stay or resub?


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Right now my biggest issue is the random 10K+ m/s latency spikes. If they don't fix those (never had them in Rift, internet is working fine) I'll probably be dropping my sub once GW2 comes out, maybe even before.


According to other peeps posting in CS, this is common issue with BT in the UK.

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I think most everyone has said what needs to be said.


For me the biggest items are:


1. More meaningful and better performance of world PVP.

2. Appearance Tab. I want to look the way I want to look. Not the way some #$@#@# thinks I should look.

3. Since professiosns are faction locked, true mirror balancing for mirror professions. Or remove faction restrictions from professions.

4. Re-usable Med Packs / Adrenals should not require a Boichem level since no other craftable items require a crew level to use. Just make it combat level limited.

5. Fixing / policing of all hacking / exploiting in WZs and Illum and in general.


My sub is canceled already and runs out in April.



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I am my ISP, own the company.


I have a more than capable computer.


You lie if you say this game is stable or without issue. How do I know this? Because how the rendering engine runs and the client accesses resources, that is how. Any time a menu is opened or new data is put into the field of view of the player a halt command is issued to the rendering engine. The engine literally shuts down and stops rendering until the new data is retrieved fully.


This is why people are having to create RAM Drives, to increase the rate at which data is handled, and lower the time the halt command is in place on the rendering engine. So please, don't tell me the game is fine. This sort of tech was acceptable a decade or more ago, but not with today's hardware.


I have ran this game on several high end gaming boxes connected directly to our Gigabit switch that dumps directly into our carrier class tier 1 fiber backhaul....latency not an issue, game rendering is.


What's your video adaptor type/model/RAM?

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What's your video adaptor type/model/RAM?


And when did you encounter this issue? On what server? With whom did you be with that time? Are you engaged? Married? What game were you playing that time? Why did you play that game? Aren't there other games you should play?


This is protocol droid L-A-M-E/08/15. At your service.

Edited by Leandrid
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currently canceled and sub ends tonight, no intention of playing in the near future.





A. Lag. A 30 meg connection, 4 core, 12g ram, 2 year old comp with a GTX 470 should not have the issues in this game that I see. I have to turn all my settings down and it still lags sometimes. I did the directx9 trick and some of the issues still exist.



B. PvP balance...1 word, Mythic.




but really...in the end, I dont think I will come back. The WoW model of MMO is dated to me. Same thing over and over. Patch 101 nerfs this class patch 102 nerfs the other. Nothing in this game is groundbreaking or unique to SWTOR. It saddens me, I waited since the game was announced to play it. Bought CE the morning it was released and have had great enthusiasm for it, but I see the dev team making the same early mistakes I saw the wow dev team make. This gives me the feeling like I have seen before what is about to come, and we all know it ain't pretty.


Nice try Bioware, but whomever made the decision to let Mythic take control of pvp should be fired. I don't know what is going on at round table discussions about class design and balance, but after seeing what I have seen in game I can say some of the people working there do not play the same game we do.


Not a GW fan and not much on the GW2 bandwagon...but I think we are going to see a solid exodus from this game to GW2 and some might go back to wow. PvP here is all about tanks and healers and when rated warzones come out, we are going to see the same issues wow had with arena and rated BG's. People stacking tanks and healers...DPS in this game needs a better niche, ESP ranged dps.

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I don't know what is going on at round table discussions about class design and balance, but after seeing what I have seen in game I can say some of the people working there do not play the same game we do.


The people deciding what to do, don't play at all. Not this game or any other. They know you, me and all the others want this game to succeed. They know that many of us will pay month after month for it, having the hope it will be as good as we want it to be. So each month they will calculate if the earnings are bigger than the expenses and continue or pull the plug. Business.

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A big pile of weed.



Would you accept nose-candy ? I hear it was popular in the 80s.


Also, I quit after a really shoddy customer support experience, so I'll limit my future bioware interaction to ME3 (the multiplayer in the demo, is fun)

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Few days left so, Any meaningful PvP, my win ratio in random WZs is now 97% so cross server rated ladder for only premades that is coming, arena that is surely to follow, with titles, dont mind if anyone has equal gear. But anything that is somekinda challenge compared to WZs as it is now. This game has no "endgame" on PvP so i guess thats what we need. I lost 5 WZs since early accces, this game is easiest PVP that i ever had in any genre, FPS, RTS, MMORPG so far.
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Few days left so, Any meaningful PvP, my win ratio in random WZs is now 97% so cross server rated ladder for only premades that is coming, arena that is surely to follow, with titles, dont mind if anyone has equal gear. But anything that is somekinda challenge compared to WZs as it is now. This game has no "endgame" on PvP so i guess thats what we need. I lost 5 WZs since early accces, this game is easiest PVP that i ever had in any genre, FPS, RTS, MMORPG so far.


The video in your sig made me laugh, and then I cried.

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Few days left so, Any meaningful PvP, my win ratio in random WZs is now 97% so cross server rated ladder for only premades that is coming, arena that is surely to follow, with titles, dont mind if anyone has equal gear. But anything that is somekinda challenge compared to WZs as it is now. This game has no "endgame" on PvP so i guess thats what we need. I lost 5 WZs since early accces, this game is easiest PVP that i ever had in any genre, FPS, RTS, MMORPG so far.


So, you played only 162 warzones since early access? Not that many.

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It takes two stuns to fill resolve...


So the only increase would be ONE STUN, then you're full resolve.


That's not smart and encourages bad play.


Add roots, slows and all that other crap to the items that fill resolve bar. Better yet diminishing returns would be way better and would discourage teams made up of only 2 or 3 classes.

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Add roots, slows and all that other crap to the items that fill resolve bar. Better yet diminishing returns would be way better and would discourage teams made up of only 2 or 3 classes.


I think if they did this resolve would be way too OP. As it is I have enough fun baiting hard stuns out of people just so they are out of the way. I can't imagine how easy WZ's would be if I didn't have to worry about slows and roots.

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Guys, this ship has already sunk. There is no recourse for this game anymore. If Bioware wasn't publishing a popular license like Star Wars, this game would have had a mass exodus on the level of AoC or SWG, already.


Bioware never intended to get more then box sale out of ppl anyways. They didn't care about pvp, end game content, or customization. This game was doomed from the very start.


I cancelled a month ago. Bioware doesn't deserve anymore money. The only reason I'm even trolling these forums is b/c I relish their demise. I enjoy watching SWTOR's slow death.


Better games are coming out soon. Pick up Skyrim to hold you over and sell your accounts while you can.

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For me:


- General performance issues. There is no rhyme or reason why I can run other MMOs that are just as demanding in terms of graphics twice as well as this one. That's with heavy instancing ( in SWTOR). Other MMOs I can literally be around 200 people get better performance.


- CC in PVP is ridiculous. You spend most of your time stunned, rooted, snared or flying through the air. Resolve is ineffective most of the time.


- Ranged specs/classes need looking at. I don't know what needs to be tweaked, but the proof is in the pudding as they say, you see far more ranged than melee these days for a reason.


- Bug/Glitch Fixes. These have been harped on since beta, and yet they still persist through to launch and beyond.


- Faction imbalances. Again, I don't know what would have to be changed for this to be addressed, seeing as everyone has different reasons for rolling a certain faction. However, Ilum is a travesty due to this. PVP is suffering due to the gear/level disparities that have existed since launch.


- Brackets. There needs to be more of them. Bolstering *could* work, just not in the case of a 14 VS a 49. Giving a lowbie more health and making their 3-4 abilities hit harder isn't going to cut it. Warhammer did this one thing right. At level 10, I felt I had a legitimate chance against a 19.

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Guys, this ship has already sunk. There is no recourse for this game anymore. If Bioware wasn't publishing a popular license like Star Wars, this game would have had a mass exodus on the level of AoC or SWG, already.


Bioware never intended to get more then box sale out of ppl anyways. They didn't care about pvp, end game content, or customization. This game was doomed from the very start.


I cancelled a month ago. Bioware doesn't deserve anymore money. The only reason I'm even trolling these forums is b/c I relish their demise. I enjoy watching SWTOR's slow death.


Better games are coming out soon. Pick up Skyrim to hold you over and sell your accounts while you can.


The question is: will swtor go F2P like AoC in an attempt to hold its playerbase (in which case, hello micro transations) OR remain stubborn to the bitter end like SOE and its SWG (this case is even worse: dead servers, empty cities and so on).


Bioware should listen to its players NOW. Story and SW franchise can only hold the playerbase for so long.

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Bug-free raiding

Working loot-system

Skill-based PvP progression

Fun and meaningful open PvP (aka. fix Ilum)

At least 2 more Warzones

Achievements for HM flashpoints or "Challenge modes"

More HM flashpoints

"Sandbox" MMO elements that fill your time even without the need to for constant content updates.

Viable Crew Skills for everyone

Companion progression

Macro support

Interface improvements

Engine improvement

Fixing lag and ability delay

Improving performance

Addon support

"Deeper" combat - Some classes are really "shallow" game-play wise.

Class revisions

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Guys, this ship has already sunk. There is no recourse for this game anymore. If Bioware wasn't publishing a popular license like Star Wars, this game would have had a mass exodus on the level of AoC or SWG, already.


Bioware never intended to get more then box sale out of ppl anyways. They didn't care about pvp, end game content, or customization. This game was doomed from the very start.


I cancelled a month ago. Bioware doesn't deserve anymore money. The only reason I'm even trolling these forums is b/c I relish their demise. I enjoy watching SWTOR's slow death.


Better games are coming out soon. Pick up Skyrim to hold you over and sell your accounts while you can.


In a rare case I am going to White Knight for SWTOR here.....


Are you saying leave one buggy *** game for another? At least I haven't seen speeders flying backwards in SWTOR......

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