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Scoundrels Still Amazing Proof!


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2 vs 1...yeah, its fun. But Dps Sco is nothing much important for group, you cannot take down key targets as before, your dps is average-low, unless you spec dirty fighting for massively LoL AoE dot. For now, dps Sco is just another guy to fill in the slot, live or die...does not matter much.


BTW, i prefer to run with a DPS Trooper, enemy focus on him, i KO the target or stun if needed, and the Trooper will kill the target in 3 sec. :D


I think you cant play the class. I go on a target in a group of 4,5,6,...10 and hit one in seconds to death an go out only with half life out because some off the other react in time. It´s really rare that i dont get my target killed or that i die.


But never hit an tank or an good healer...

Edited by MrDream
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>implying you can't do better with any other DPS class out there.


We are fine in a vacuum.


When looked at compared to the other classes in all but a few very specific situations, we are less than exceptional.


We are useless as of the last nerf to appease the baddies.


My sub is running out tomorrow due to this and me getting 1-30 FPS all the time, even when just running around.


8GB DDR2+ RAM, Radeon 2GB 6870, Phenom 955 BE @ 3.25 GHZ, etc etc.


I'll be back once this is fixed unless DMO releases (Q1 2013 presumably)

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Scoundrels are fine and super strong, especially in WZ. Learn to master your class; do you go in and out of cover? use it to roll near your enemies? do you remember to purge? Do you time your outro of combat? do you use the advantage to pick your target? do you SLOW tanks and kite them around? do you stun/ silence properly ESPECIALLY against spellcasters?


Comeon guys! I have 22 or more keybinds, and so should you, (in case you dont think your class is strong in pvp)

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One scoundrel topping the charts is not proof of anything related to class balance. I just did >300k damage and >300k healing on voidstar as a Scoundrel (mix healing/dirty fighting) because the game allowed it (weak opponents good teammates). Those are just numbers however. I know I can play way more effectively with several other classes.


Edit: It is probably noteworthy that in 3 out of 5 of the screenshots you provided your team lost. This seems to fit right into most people's opinion that it is easy to farm medals but hard to play a significant role in your team's success as an Operative/Scoundrel.



I don't want to disrespect your achievements in PvP because those screenshots do look pretty solid. But I am getting tired about all these posts where people state "Ops/Scoundrels are ok, look at this screenshot". Because A) screenshots say NOTHING about class balance and B) good players can still play well with this class but they could do way better with any other given class.

That is my personal opinion.

Edited by Ich_Bin
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bindings are key to mastering scoundrel


Scoundrels are fine and super strong, especially in WZ. Learn to master your class; do you go in and out of cover? use it to roll near your enemies? do you remember to purge? Do you time your outro of combat? do you use the advantage to pick your target? do you SLOW tanks and kite them around? do you stun/ silence properly ESPECIALLY against spellcasters?


Comeon guys! I have 22 or more keybinds, and so should you, (in case you dont think your class is strong in pvp)


I think most of the frustration is due to people, who want this class to be in top 3 without using those 22 keybindings like I do.




You need to stop going around and telling people how many keybinds you have.

Edited by antiviolence
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I am however starting to think if you are right when you say, that those who master scoundrel would master other classes even more. I have no idea because it is the only char I have- but I think i do very well and above average. cannot talk about other classes though.


One scoundrel topping the charts is not proof of anything related to class balance. I just did >300k damage and >300k healing on voidstar as a Scoundrel (mix healing/dirty fighting) because the game allowed it (weak opponents good teammates). Those are just numbers however. I know I can play way more effectively with several other classes.


Edit: It is probably noteworthy that in 3 out of 5 of the screenshots you provided your team lost. This seems to fit right into most people's opinion that it is easy to farm medals but hard to play a significant role in your team's success as an Operative/Scoundrel.



I don't want to disrespect your achievements in PvP because those screenshots do look pretty solid. But I am getting tired about all these posts where people state "Ops/Scoundrels are ok, look at this screenshot". Because A) screenshots say NOTHING about class balance and B) good players can still play well with this class but they could do way better with any other given class.

That is my personal opinion.

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I am however starting to think if you are right when you say, that those who master scoundrel would master other classes even more. I have no idea because it is the only char I have- but I think i do very well and above average. cannot talk about other classes though.


That's pretty much it. Everyone has been COMPAIRING the Scoundrel/Op to other classes, while you have just stated that you are doing ok with your Scoundrel WITHOUT compairing it to other classes. So that was apparently just a misunderstanding but maybe now you get more an idea of where the complaints about Scoundrels/Ops are coming from.


I encourage you to try out any other class and see for yourself. I am sure you could do much better with it. And probably even without using every ability available.

Edited by Ich_Bin
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I do not have time to level another toon to lvl 50 in this life.


However, what I meant was, that I am always top 3 in pvp and finish every raid and fp dealing sustainable high dps (as far as I can compare to other classes and the numbers they give). However, I find it a bit harder to have high raid dps as scrapper in comparison to Dirty Fighting in boss fights. So I guess that the class is fine. I mean, there are dps/pvp classes below me when I play, that is for sure.


That's pretty much it. Everyone has been COMPAIRING the Scoundrel/Op to other classes, while you have just stated that you are doing ok with your Scoundrel WITHOUT compairing it to other classes. So that was apparently just a misunderstanding but maybe now you get more an idea of where the complaints about Scoundrels/Ops are coming from.


I encourage you to try out any other class and see for yourself. I am sure you could do much better with it. And probably even without using every ability available.

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I do not have time to level another toon to lvl 50 in this life.


However, what I meant was, that I am always top 3 in pvp and finish every raid and fp dealing sustainable high dps (as far as I can compare to other classes and the numbers they give). However, I find it a bit harder to have high raid dps as scrapper in comparison to Dirty Fighting in boss fights. So I guess that the class is fine. I mean, there are dps/pvp classes below me when I play, that is for sure.


You have no way of telling what your dps is in a raid because there is no log or parser. You might have some sort of general idea, but you can't say you are doing more dps than so and so class because of the numbers you see...

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Every day, another inexperienced operative/scoundrel who hasn't reached truly competitive play yet, and still thinks the class is always fine because it is fine before you reach competitive play, comes to the forums to post how every other operative/scoundrel in existence is just.... 'doing it wrong'.


Every day, another operative/scoundrel who has not run the numbers or played the other classes comes here with the conclusion that 'since we CAN finish raids, we're okay, l2p'.


Thank you. Thank you for coming here and telling us we're fine in all aspects of play because we can clear content and play competitively at low gear/level points of the game. Thank you.


When you get to the point where the rest of us are, and start seeing how underwhelming it really is, or when you've run the numbers against the other options, or when you've played a sorc healer for yourself, and seen what you're missing... come back and see me again.


That way, I can point you back to these posts, and remind you how certain you were of what you knew before you had actually seen what the class has to offer at high levels of play.




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