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Scoundrels Still Amazing Proof!


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Couple days ago was on these forums lots of posts about scoundrel being bad. We did lose alot of dps sure. After this last surge nerf I did 5 warzones. Here is the outcome.. #1 dps 500k+ damage in a match.. look for yourself.. we are still very good.












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You're topping the team with 5 medals.


200k damage is terrible.


10k healing is just laughable.


Fact that you're on top with those stats speak more loudly on your competition instead of your skills.


Either you aren't very good or you're just trolling or both.









On a side note... any kid who doesn't go full retard can still be top on their team. I'm often top on damage, heals, and medals but that doesn't mean I have to work 10x harder than a one-button smasher and that doesn't mean my class isn't broken.


Decent players will always be able to manage... but that doesn't take anything away from scoundrels being the worst class in the game right now because they do absolutely nothing better than anyone else in this game.

Edited by Tenzoo
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You're topping the team with 5 medals.


200k damage is terrible.


10k healing is just laughable.


Fact that you're on top with those stats speak more loudly on your competition instead of your skills.


Either you aren't very good or you're just trolling or both.




Please note the match your referring to ended in a matter of minutes 6/0 huttball.. That match shows how much damage can be put out in little time.

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Please note the match your referring to ended in a matter of minutes 6/0 huttball.. That match shows how much damage can be put out in little time.


Now I know you're trolling. That would require comprehension and reason. I will not stand for it on this forum!

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Decent players will always be able to manage... but that doesn't take anything away from scoundrels being the worst class in the game right now because they do absolutely nothing better than anyone else in this game.


Someone hasn't tried a Jedi Knight recently. They whine more than you do.

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Couple days ago was on these forums lots of posts about scoundrel being bad. We did lose alot of dps sure. After this last surge nerf I did 5 warzones. Here is the outcome.. #1 dps 500k+ damage in a match.. look for yourself.. we are still very good.













Haha, so many bads doing the replies man. Good job dude. You really need to have good healers for scrapper to put out those numbers now.

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Good scoundrel should have low/average damage, many kills. having high damage mean you failed to do your job, take out key player quick before they healed.


Actually a good scrapper will have high numbers and low kill counts, because they kill players 1 on 1. You come into Alderaan, you tranq one, kill the second guard then kill the other guard, that is two kills. You go to Huttball and kill stragglers/healers/ball runners, you will get a large number of solo kills. Voidstar on the other hand, is the only zone where you you should have a high kill count due to XS Freighter Fly By, Vital Shots and switching more to a backblast/sucker punch routine to defend doors, while switching to a stealth and move ahead when attacking.


Waiting for the bads to come in and say how this isn't possible for them because they can't play scrapper, 3,2,1......

Edited by torhent
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Couple days ago was on these forums lots of posts about scoundrel being bad. We did lose alot of dps sure. After this last surge nerf I did 5 warzones. Here is the outcome.. #1 dps 500k+ damage in a match.. look for yourself.. we are still very good.













Look at those games. Your screenshots prove the opposite of what you're trying to say. Not a single one has another Scoundrel anywhere NEAR the top. Look where Sage/Sorc and BH/Trooper are. Notice anything?


In the games that actually have other Scoundrels, they are all at the bottom.


Look at your games:


Scoundrel (you)

Bounty Hunter

Bounty Hunter

Bounty Hunter




By the way, its easy to get high damage if you can't kill anything. Instead of beating someone down and re-stealthing, you're beating on them while they get heal/guard for 60 seconds and do 5x more damage while also being 5x more useless. Grats!


Thanks for proving that the class is terrible.

Edited by DunsparrowSolo
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Look at those games. Your screenshots prove the opposite of what you're trying to say. Not a single one has another Scoundrel anywhere NEAR the top. Look where Sage/Sorc and BH/Trooper are. Notice anything?


In the games that actually have other Scoundrels, they are all at the bottom.


Look at your games:


Scoundrel (you)

Bounty Hunter

Bounty Hunter

Bounty Hunter




By the way, its easy to get high damage if you can't kill anything. Instead of beating someone down and re-stealthing, you're beating on them while they get heal/guard for 60 seconds and do 5x more damage while also being 5x more useless. Grats!


Thanks for proving that the class is terrible.


Please pass me what you are smoking.

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Nice numbers bro, but lets be honest WZ parses mean nothing. I play the class, and get similar numbers. In almost every WZ I'll hit 300k unless im playing the objectives hard. The problem with the class right now is we have no sustain damage.


I don't think the class is completely **** like most people think, but It definitely falls short of what other classes can do.

Edited by Toxicz
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Please pass me what you are smoking.


You're hysterical. No one has ever used that line on the internet.


There was not another high-ranked Scoundrel in any of the games. Thus he "proves" that Scoundrels are bad.


The way to get the highest damage in a game is to beat on a healer the entire time without ever killing him. You will be #1 damage and he will be #1 healing. I guess that means you are the 2 best players, right?


Try putting a cork in your ignorance.

Edited by DunsparrowSolo
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I'll hit 300k unless im playing the objectives hard. The problem with the class right now is we have no sustain damage.


A few threads around here saying that Shadows have better sustain damage, yet I see shadows hit 300k far less than scoundrels do, and if that 300k is not sustained and all burst, that's even worse :p


Frequency of hitting 300k that occurs on our server = Bounty Hunter/Trooper > Sorc/Sage > Op/Soundrel > Knight/Jugg (both AC's, due to the AoE builds) = Shadow/Assassin = Sniper/Gunslinger.


Not saying thats a class order of best to worst or anything, but the frequency of hitting the 300k barrier. Never seen a Shadow/Assassin hit 500k, but seen many Scound/Op/Sage/Sorc/BH/Trooper do it.


Clearly, you DO have some sustained damage. Maybe not what you'd like, but you sure got it. I will only ever hit 300k if I am in combat the whole time and never get a chance to restealth, and almost always voidstar.


Bleh, dunno why I finally broke and read the class forums, theres never any positive threads/comments anywhere ;p

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Tell me plz your skilltree from the 500k damage picture.


My best with full champion equip is 280k dps.


I wonder how you can do so mutch more.


I have 5/31/5.


With that i own every class in 1v1 only healer classes can stop me if they are good.


I do a lot of 1v1 at the imperial ferry in Illum. You can say its my endgame content to kill players there :p


And because the class is that good at 1v1 i think its a really good class.


But i cant understand how you can do 500k damage in a warzone.

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Frequency of hitting 300k that occurs on our server = Bounty Hunter/Trooper > Sorc/Sage > Op/Soundrel > Knight/Jugg (both AC's, due to the AoE builds) = Shadow/Assassin = Sniper/Gunslinger.




Anyone can do 300k if they're running around doing ineffective damage (Hell, I could beat on two healers all day, never kill either, and do 300k damage.) I've seen all sorts of people do it, while generally adding nothing to the team.


The best Scrappers I know get in, kill, and get the hell out. Their damage is lower but they're very very effective.


It is always funny when people think that damage done is some kind of indicator of success.

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It is always funny when people think that damage done is some kind of indicator of success.


Agree entirely, just responding to someone who said "I always get 300k" ;) Especially given in the same sentence he said "We have no sustain".


It is not the best indicator of anything, but it does demonstrate they are still capable of reasonable sustained DPS whether it's not how they SHOULD play or not.

Edited by neandramathal
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A few threads around here saying that Shadows have better sustain damage, yet I see shadows hit 300k far less than scoundrels do, and if that 300k is not sustained and all burst, that's even worse :p


Frequency of hitting 300k that occurs on our server = Bounty Hunter/Trooper > Sorc/Sage > Op/Soundrel > Knight/Jugg (both AC's, due to the AoE builds) = Shadow/Assassin = Sniper/Gunslinger.


Not saying thats a class order of best to worst or anything, but the frequency of hitting the 300k barrier. Never seen a Shadow/Assassin hit 500k, but seen many Scound/Op/Sage/Sorc/BH/Trooper do it.


Clearly, you DO have some sustained damage. Maybe not what you'd like, but you sure got it. I will only ever hit 300k if I am in combat the whole time and never get a chance to restealth, and almost always voidstar.


Bleh, dunno why I finally broke and read the class forums, theres never any positive threads/comments anywhere ;p


The answer is simple, sins don't have aoe's or rather none as good as what smugs have. My post was to state that wz damage means nothing more than what class can aoe better....


I can sit back and never go into a fight as scrapper, use flyby, and my thermal grenade and probably do 300k in every voidstar and probably 200k in huttball and alderaan, but does that mean my sustain damage is good? No it does not. Is that "sustain" damage you talk about doing anything other than padding my wz's damage or padding the enemy's heal parse in the wz? No, it does not.

Edited by Toxicz
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i have to say that his class is insanely funny and fun to play.

me and my bro both decided to make one just to **** around and now were about lvl 15 or so and we simply stealth over and pick off the targets we want to **** with. sure the burst is not what it used to be but if you make a friend you can get the same level of burst off and really piss people off.

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Have you taken into consideration that if you were on another class and dps specced you would have been either higher in damage or more efficient in the application of that damage? Oh wait, you did not.


Sorry but what would that have to do with anything? By this type of reasoning if you are not always up top as a Scoundrel then it's flawed and broken. How much sense does that make? The OP made a valid point that if played correctly success can still be found. Some times you'll be up top and then some times you will not. Then again I know some folks just find it easier to ***** and moan then look at anything objectivity.

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i have to say that his class is insanely funny and fun to play.

me and my bro both decided to make one just to **** around and now were about lvl 15 or so and we simply stealth over and pick off the targets we want to **** with. sure the burst is not what it used to be but if you make a friend you can get the same level of burst off and really piss people off.


2 vs 1...yeah, its fun. But Dps Sco is nothing much important for group, you cannot take down key targets as before, your dps is average-low, unless you spec dirty fighting for massively LoL AoE dot. For now, dps Sco is just another guy to fill in the slot, live or die...does not matter much.


BTW, i prefer to run with a DPS Trooper, enemy focus on him, i KO the target or stun if needed, and the Trooper will kill the target in 3 sec. :D

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While I agree with the topic starter that we can still do decent damage, the numbers shown on the screenshots are pretty much normal. It's good damage, yes, no arguing that. But then, take a look at what a dps-knight, dps-sage or dps-commando can do. They have much higher potential, meaning that no matter how hard a scoundrel tries, an equally skilled and geared player can still do more damage with the same effort while playing a different dps-class. And i'm talking about 200k+ difference here (you can find a lot of screenshots/vids in different threads). Now, not sure if you read that, folks, but I remember Bioware saying that classes will not differ for more than 2% of effectiveness in any given role. And 500k damage of a scoundrel vs 700k damage of a sentinel is FAR from 2%.
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Couple days ago was on these forums lots of posts about scoundrel being bad. We did lose alot of dps sure. After this last surge nerf I did 5 warzones. Here is the outcome.. #1 dps 500k+ damage in a match.. look for yourself.. we are still very good.













So you are dirty fighting and are just aoeing everyone... It doesnt mean you do great damage at all, its certainly not effective dmg. Toss a shrap grenade here and there and tab vital shots. Your first pic clearly outlines this.. 75 kills?! who the hell gets 75 kills that isnt aoeing and tab dotting?!


If you were decent you would have around high 200s and around 15-20 kills per match. It means you are targeting healers and taking them out, not running around aimlessly applying dots to everyone.

Edited by Allagash
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