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A way to fix snipers


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snipers are bad only against tanks which is how it should be for all other classes too

pick ur targets better and ull do good dmg


True. However, as I said before, the other rdps classes (sorc, merc) do not have that problem at all or it applies only to a very few abilities because most of their attacks are tech or force which hit automatically and bypass the shield.

Edited by Desgarden
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If you die to a Sniper, as a BM assassin, then delete your Assassin and reroll it, because you didn't l2p on your way to BM.


Seriously, Saying Snipers pose a threat is bloody hilarious, Ya know when Snipers pose a threat? When you're fighting someone else... Just like every other class in the game.


you never fought a really skilled sniper then. i have a BM shadow and actually never had issues with them or any other class escept full tanks until i ran into an 18k hp sniper on ilum who just 4 shotted me no matter what i did. even with deflection up, no hit under 3-3.5k. your only saving grace is immediately popping vanish as soon as he uses entrench. other wise, you just die a quick and horrible death. an entrenched sniper is a freaking nuclear missile platform. damn, give me 20 secs CC immunity on a 45 secs cd...

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you never fought a really skilled sniper then. i have a BM shadow and actually never had issues with them or any other class escept full tanks until i ran into an 18k hp sniper on ilum who just 4 shotted me no matter what i did. even with deflection up, no hit under 3-3.5k. your only saving grace is immediately popping vanish as soon as he uses entrench. other wise, you just die a quick and horrible death. an entrenched sniper is a freaking nuclear missile platform. damn, give me 20 secs CC immunity on a 45 secs cd...


What a story... 18k hp means pve gear. Full BM sniper gear can't give u more than 17k hp even with talents. So you lost a duel as a BM shadow to pve sniper? That's what I call bad.

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well try that on 50 fully geared targets that have 50-70% armour migation PLUS those who HAVE SHIELD are simply unkilla, and then come back and talk....




Even 10,000 armour only gives 48.08 armour mitigation.


Who are these geared 50s with 50%-70%? Especially given the hard cap (which is completely unreachable) is 75% mitigation.




FYI here is the armour mitigation formula:


Armour Mitigation = (Armour Rating / (Armour Rating + 200 * level + 800)) * 100

Edited by Jestunhi
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The moment a competent scoundrel/commando enters a warzone your entire spec is shut down and all you do is waste 20 energy for 300-600 dmg. Do as I do and try 0/18/23 and enjoy it while bads are bad.


This is what i do too, and what I would suggest. I'm worried about rated BGs though. We'll see I guess!

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Entrench works always.


And your experience on 10-49 means nothing, the game changes pretty much at 50 where healthpools are increased by a 50% while damage on a 25%.

Actually...Entrench does not "work always".


I commonly knock other Snipers and Gunslingers out of their Entrench by deploying behind them. I've also been knocked out by other classes while Entrenched if they're behind me.

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Ha, what? As a rage Jugg, snipers are about the only class I can't kill if they know what they're doing.


Cover = interrupt and charge immune. I can't use my gap closer. Cover pulse = me knocked back + the root if you spec'd right. Then once I'm unrooted, I must walk slowly back to you because again, I can't charge. By this point, if I'm not close to dead, you're doing something wrong.


actually i finally rolled one. the root to the knockback is base, dont even need to spec for it, and they have a CD that makes em immune to our gimp CC, AND 40% armor pen if theyre using their stuff right, op is a troll lol

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Since snipers are pretty much the squishiest class ingame and their damage is quite weak since their damage is migated by armor....


So i found out what is the best solution fo rhis problem


increase the range of sniper attacks to 40 or 45m


and make casted skills ignore los if the casting has already started when the target is visible...



this wont buff their weak damage due to armor migation but will buff their survability and help them kill people that hide the last second to los


almost all attacks are mitigated by armor. do you even play this game?


let me guess, you think yellow damage bypasses mitigation from armor?



well try that on 50 fully geared targets that have 50-70% armor migation PLUS those who HAVE SHIELD are simply unkilla, and then come back and talk....


stop shooting tanks?

Edited by zeroburrito
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Actually...Entrench does not "work always".


I commonly knock other Snipers and Gunslingers out of their Entrench by deploying behind them. I've also been knocked out by other classes while Entrenched if they're behind me.


Entrench works always... I am 65 Valor and there was not even one case of me getting CC'ed during Entrench.


Diversion seems to be the only counter.



Honestly, Snipers are great, I don't get all the QQ - we have some insane tools at our disposal. The said Entrench alone is godly and Diversion is another amazing CD out there.

Edited by Gaidax
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Entrench works always... I am 65 Valor and there was not even one case of me getting CC'ed during Entrench.


Diversion seems to be the only counter.


So your play experience dictates everyone else's?


I don't claim to know your experience because that would be nuts.


I have been CCd and knocked back with entrench up what happens when you play does not change that fact one iota

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So your play experience dictates everyone else's?




I mean, if it never happened - it never happened... and even if as you say it happened to you, while it never happened to me over 65 Valor levels - it must be so frikkin rare, that it is not even worth mentioning, let alone mentioning it as if it is something that happens commonly.

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I mean, if it never happened - it never happened... and even if as you say it happened to you, while it never happened to me over 65 Valor levels - it must be so frikkin rare, that it is not even worth mentioning, let alone mentioning it as if it is something that happens commonly.


Not worth mentioning?


Yeah by you of course


If I pay the sub and it fails to work properly I am damn well going to mention it and your nonsense arrogant view of dictating "what is" is surely not going to change that


Nuts totally unreal


Ya know the brakes in my car never failed so obviously it never ever happens to anyone anywhere

Edited by Doxxs
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ive suggested this before...


give us a way to negate/ignore armor or a % of it on our abilties , IF WE SPEC FOR IT


for example , how about that the tier 4? talent pillbox sniper also gave you 25% armor pen for SoS , snipe, ambush and followtrough ?



how about that cover (since we are stuck using it anyways) granted a passive 30% (arbitrary number for example) armor penetration on all our weapon dmg based atacks?



i dont mind speccing or havint it on cover only , but GIVE ME a way to actually penetrate that armor, since there is no "armor penetration" stat , i must rely on talents that do it for me passivley


other than that i have no idea how to fix armor not completley negating a marskman damage (lethality/engineering specs dont suffer as much from armor mitigation problems since theirs is poisions/tech damage )

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Honestly, Snipers are great, I don't get all the QQ - we have some insane tools at our disposal. The said Entrench alone is godly and Diversion is another amazing CD out there.


Entrench has a great cost if you play smart. That usually means a lot of moving. Entrench means no move, no instasnipe and no ballistic dampeners renew.


Marauders accuracy debuff (forgot the name) is much better than diversion.

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O'rly? I bring facts according to your numbers. You tell stories. So who "have no freaking clue" ?


where are your facts? 18k hp is BIS gear, using a mix of BM/rakata.


do you even play assassin or sniper? if ur a sniper that cannot obliterate an infiltration shadow, it is a clearly l2p issue. but ill go further and explain it for you.


1. sins strengths are burst and fight control


2. entrenched sniper completely negates your ability to control a fight, turning it into a dps race, which you will never win against a competent sniper.


3. deception sin is are like a pom pyro mage and a sniper actually can cc you, while you cant do crap to him.


4. ballistic dampeners and that dmg reduction field pushes sniper up to and over the tank lvl mitigation for the duration and as deception you mitigate nothing a sniper does to you. you can pop deflection and pray for some deflects, otherwise you will just eat 2,5-5k hits everytime he looks at you.


5. your only chance is to engage, let him pop entrench, vanish and try again later. no vanish = certain death

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