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Troll post obviously you can tell she/he doesnt pvp much...


Anyone in full BM gear is hard to take down and most people on my server started with sorcerors and they are 90% in full Bm gear already...


This game has ALOT to do with gear. Ive noticed when I see a soc in non BM gear I can take em down.. When I see a sorc in full bm gear I run like hell and try to get a two man on them...


I look more at gear when I pvp than the class...


Ever tried to solo an assasin in full BM gear??? Hell with NO HEALS he will **** YOU!

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For making me invincible as a sorc healer in 1 on 1 pvp fights! I get really good laughs kiting ppl all around and healing myself while i dps them into submission.



And us melees thank you for letting us take you out of the fight just to heal yourself and dot us down insanely slow.

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