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Companion Chat


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So Mako isn't showing any signs of wanting to speak with me.

I'm lvl 32 and have 6000 affection with her.

I put an ingame ticket in and all I got back was " It's not a known ingame bug and theres nothing we can do regarding companion affection " ???


What sort of response is that?

What do I do, just go through the game with my companion not speaking (and lose XP ) After all it is part of the game.


Bio you can at least give me an explanation.

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Greetings WednesdayBob,


Companion conversations are tied into the class storyline, so having 6000 affection is not a deciding factor on its own. So, as Xeres_Ajani has said, you may just not be far enough into your class story for any further conversations to take place.


Thank you.

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It goes by level. I thought mine were bugged as I would get the little icon either saying on my ship or in private. When I went to talk to them they had nothing to say. As I leveled I would THEN get the opportunity to speak with them and do thier quests. If it didn't work this way, there would be NO WAY to do some of the fights they want you to do as they are level specific. Rest assyred as you level up a bit you will have ALOT more conversations with them. Hehe you are all of a sudden gonna have 4 or 5 in a row to sort through for each of them. GOODLUCK and enjoy.


I hope this helped you out and cleared it up a bit for you.

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companion conversation is kinda interesting.


It is tied with TWO variables.


Your current story line AND affection


So if you progress in your story (i.e. finish Act I but have only 1000 affection) then nothing happen until you raise affection.


If you are like me and start giving a tons of gift and raise from 1000 to say 6000, you will get a chain of conversation.


Usually (at least with Mako that I notice) it is around every 1000 affection there is some conversation (some with 2-3 in a row) and my story progression.

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Remember that you can hit esc and try to get a better "solution" to your liking. Nothing will "apply" until you get EXP from it (so if you want to get more affection by answering differently you can)


usually is most conversation, you can gain extra 30 to 100 points per.

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