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Ataru form bugged...


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Hey guys, please support me in this...


I've posted bugreports on this that have been closed and currently have an open one too...




The propblem is that when you feat Defensive forms, Your Ataru form is supposed to add an additional 15% runspeed to your character.


This is not the case. Defensive forms change nothing to your Ataru form. When I run alongside guildies to test it, we reach the destination at exactly the same time. No difference at all. This is the case nomatter if i am teamed up, or solo, and also it doesn't have anything to do with the playfield I am in either.



Also I don't seem to notice any change in runspeed when I activate force cloak. This is supposed to add an extra 40% runspeed in addition to the 4 seconds cloaking you achieve...



Please test this out and back this thread up if you fine the same results as I do...

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Defensive Forms does indeed increase your speed by 15%. It does not stack with Sprint, however, so you can only see a difference when you're in combat (since sprint is turned off). It's a HUGE HUGE HUGE difference maker in PvP and is the only reason I haven't switched to Watchman yet.
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