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Huttball - stealthing in the goal line = clear exploit


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Don't the rules of Huttball, first of all, say that there are no rules besides not kicking the ball? Cheating is encouraged. Someone being stealthed in your endzone is not an exploit. It's good plays made by good players. If you don't like it the kill him or knock him off the endzone platform and into the pit too. Done.



Can I get some of that popcorn?

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All the 'find the stealth guy' talk is completely wrong. If you're actually sending a guy to look for those ninjas at your endzone, then their strat worked because you're sending a guy (who most likely won't find them anyway) doing nothing at your own endzone which greatly reduces the risk for the enemy sending a guy doing nothing most of the game.


Like another posted, most teams don't let the enemy ball carrier get past the acid pit let along all the way down to where you can pass to endzone. If the ball carrier got that far, he's likely to score with any number of ways. Assuming you didn't start out at top and get knocked into pit (which means the other team was actually trying to run the ball anyway), in the bottom ramp it's almost the same distance walking straight to the pit and then pass to endzone, versus getting past the first firepit (it's actually shorter but you've to wait for the fire to stop). That means they basically have equivalent of a position that's before your last fire pit, so you're doing a terrible job defending. Even if you say you knocked them down from the second fire pit and then they popped this 'OMG stealth' strat, you're still letting them get too close. Note that at that spot, any Sorc can ally pull the knocked guy off back up, and it's likely there will be LoS for a charger to get up if you let the enemy get this close.

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Like another posted, most teams don't let the enemy ball carrier get past the acid pit let along all the way down to where you can pass to endzone. If the ball carrier got that far, he's likely to score with any number of ways


I was mentioned! I feel special! :D

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lol...lots of "theoreticians" here.... it's not an exploit per se, but a game-breaking dynamic allowed in this type of scenario.... it's just impossible to realistically counter...


lol @ suggestions of peoplpe staying behind trying to continously unsteath...


Yes, because owning the middle when the opposing team has 2 less players because they're far away is "impossible to realistically counter."


My god, I hate these forums.

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I....I just....I just can't believe this person is actually serious...next he will say damaging him is a clear exploit cause it leads to the death of his character.


brb grabbing some popcorn...this is going to be good when the pvp crowd gets to this one.


I second this notion.


I am unsure where the OP was hoping this thread would go. You got out strategized and out played that bad? If they have 2 waiting near goal all the time, then the rest of the WZ is 8 on 6 and you cant get the ball and score easily in that scenario?

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I....I just....I just can't believe this person is actually serious...next he will say damaging him is a clear exploit cause it leads to the death of his character.


brb grabbing some popcorn...this is going to be good when the pvp crowd gets to this one.


22 pages of fail so far. Thanks for getting the popcorn ready. This thread has not disappointed.

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If it was intended then why didn't they just make two pits to start with and forget about all that other crap? What because you need a way over to sit camped for a pass? Ya I bet.


Easy fix. On those ledges stealth is removed and doesn't work! Forced to hide on ramps to make it a bit easier to find you. Thats all they need to do and it is suddenly fair right?


So again, no stealth works on both outside edges. How would that effect everyone? Just a bunch of crying from those who stealth and now feel cheated right? I just said you can be stealth on the ramps. Will just need to be quick on your feet. Removing some of the easy mode from it.

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Patch notes (If this guy was dev):


1) Stealthing has been identified as an exploit and is not working as intended. It has been removed from the game.

2) Any huttball match I'm in gets 5 points towards my team upon start

3) Anyone on my team is untouchable if they have the ball.

4) Also, I get free money and ******s.


Playing the game strategically is not an exploit. If you know your opponents are doing that, you probably can figure out how to stop it. You can do that or, hey, feel free to complain about it on the forums instead of studying how to play your class. HTH

Edited by zaltanus
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If it was intended then why didn't they just make two pits to start with and forget about all that other crap? What because you need a way over to sit camped for a pass? Ya I bet.


Easy fix. On those ledges stealth is removed and doesn't work! Forced to hide on ramps to make it a bit easier to find you. Thats all they need to do and it is suddenly fair right?


So again, no stealth works on both outside edges. How would that effect everyone? Just a bunch of crying from those who stealth and now feel cheated right? I just said you can be stealth on the ramps. Will just need to be quick on your feet. Removing some of the easy mode from it.


Why have any obstacles to cover at all when juggers/guardians can bypass them all with a few class abilities. Clearly that wasn't intended either. Clear exploit is clear. Let's just make everything flat, remove stealth, and have no class specific abilities while we're at it.


Clearly any class specific abilities existence at all were not intended by the designers. They must be an exploit. Some digital manifestation that must be removed.






I hate these forums.

Edited by Abiza
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I hate these forums.


The smartest thing in this entire thread. I need to just stop coming here.




Oh and my final thought of the day. A total skill lockout when on those edges. Again no damage mitigation. No get out of jail free CC breaker. You are open to everything as the ball carrier and need to rely on your team to score for those last 10yrds.


That is the most logical thing I can come up with. Why shouldn't being the ball carrier have more of a penalty including a movement speed reduction. Make it a real deathmatch and a real challenge to get accross that line! Even just those last few yards from the edge. If it wasn't for the CD's I bet it wouldn't work so well. Oh and yes stealth is still disabled in both end zones.


Think about it! It becomes a real battle to score. That is what it should be about. Could really toss a wrinkle in it and say you also can't pass once your feet are on the ledge. Just recieve. Oh boy I just made Huttball 200% more fun and challenging.

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The smartest thing in this entire thread. I need to just stop coming here.




Oh and my final thought of the day. A total skill lockout when on those edges. Again no damage mitigation. No get out of jail free CC breaker. You are open to everything as the ball carrier and need to rely on your team to score for those last 10yrds.


That is the most logical thing I can come up with. Why shouldn't being the ball carrier have more of a penalty including a movement speed reduction. Make it a real deathmatch and a real challenge to get accross that line! Even just those last few yards from the edge. If it wasn't for the CD's I bet it wouldn't work so well. Oh and yes stealth is still disabled in both end zones.


Think about it! It becomes a real battle to score. That is what it should be about. Could really toss a wrinkle in it and say you also can't pass once your feet are on the ledge. Just recieve. Oh boy I just made Huttball 200% more fun and challenging.





..... no.


What game do you play? Clearly not the same one I do. If both teams aren't completely daft, it is already a massive battle to score. And Don't get me started on all the inside info you seem have from the designers by knowing what is and isn't intended.


Just no.






I hate these forums.

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The smartest thing in this entire thread. I need to just stop coming here.




Oh and my final thought of the day. A total skill lockout when on those edges. Again no damage mitigation. No get out of jail free CC breaker. You are open to everything as the ball carrier and need to rely on your team to score for those last 10yrds.


That is the most logical thing I can come up with. Why shouldn't being the ball carrier have more of a penalty including a movement speed reduction. Make it a real deathmatch and a real challenge to get accross that line! Even just those last few yards from the edge. If it wasn't for the CD's I bet it wouldn't work so well. Oh and yes stealth is still disabled in both end zones.


Think about it! It becomes a real battle to score. That is what it should be about. Could really toss a wrinkle in it and say you also can't pass once your feet are on the ledge. Just recieve. Oh boy I just made Huttball 200% more fun and challenging.


And this - this is what it all boils down to.


Objective based play beats you deathmatching.


No, I prefer my thinking mans WZ to another grindfest.


Only reason I ever hate Huttball is because of gibbering idiots who can't think and can only Deathmatch.


You didn't make it more fun. You just made it more mindless.

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Guess I win. No one has a better idea then that.


(Takes another handfull of popcorn and slowly eats it while awaiting some other good worth while response that I should bother reading)


The overwhelming majority doesn't need a "better idea." It's pretty clear that nearly everyone believes that no fixing is needed. Hutball is fine. Seriously.


If you want a deathmatch, go back to WoW and farm the middle in warsong.

Edited by Abiza
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The smartest thing in this entire thread. I need to just stop coming here.




Oh and my final thought of the day. A total skill lockout when on those edges. Again no damage mitigation. No get out of jail free CC breaker. You are open to everything as the ball carrier and need to rely on your team to score for those last 10yrds.


That is the most logical thing I can come up with. Why shouldn't being the ball carrier have more of a penalty including a movement speed reduction. Make it a real deathmatch and a real challenge to get accross that line! Even just those last few yards from the edge. If it wasn't for the CD's I bet it wouldn't work so well. Oh and yes stealth is still disabled in both end zones.


Think about it! It becomes a real battle to score. That is what it should be about. Could really toss a wrinkle in it and say you also can't pass once your feet are on the ledge. Just recieve. Oh boy I just made Huttball 200% more fun and challenging.


This is by far the dumbest thing I ever read, its like being asked to not dribble or post up inside a key in basketball. If this is what is logical to you, then it's no wonder your butthurt over someone stealthing your goal...

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As a side note besides trolling,


I find Huttball to literally be the best warzone I have ever experienced in almost any MMO.


It actually lets you use all class mechanics in interesting ways. Using abilities to jump platforms, pulling characters to you from below or from above, snipers have GREAT places to sit back and blow stuff up, corners and debris everywhere for stealthers.


Its just every classes dream. Everyone can do well if they use appropriate abilities and play as a team.


It's just great.



I'll add my agreement to this also.

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The smartest thing in this entire thread. I need to just stop coming here.




Oh and my final thought of the day. A total skill lockout when on those edges. Again no damage mitigation. No get out of jail free CC breaker. You are open to everything as the ball carrier and need to rely on your team to score for those last 10yrds.


That is the most logical thing I can come up with. Why shouldn't being the ball carrier have more of a penalty including a movement speed reduction. Make it a real deathmatch and a real challenge to get accross that line! Even just those last few yards from the edge. If it wasn't for the CD's I bet it wouldn't work so well. Oh and yes stealth is still disabled in both end zones.


Think about it! It becomes a real battle to score. That is what it should be about. Could really toss a wrinkle in it and say you also can't pass once your feet are on the ledge. Just recieve. Oh boy I just made Huttball 200% more fun and challenging.


In the words of Obi-wan Kenobi, "Who's the bigger fool? The fool or the fool who follows him?" I can't choose between the OP and Gryphandor. Such a dileema.

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