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The real reason Lethality > MM for PVP


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When I'm on the receiving end of that I pack up and leave... find another fight to pick.

The Marksman who doesn't do that is on the same level of intelligence as the Lethality player that stands toe to toe with a Marksman.


Either one is pretty easy prey =)



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OP unless I missed something, you failed to consider an important aspect in your original Voidstar 4v4 scenario. You assumed both Lethality and MM were both going to win the fight.


What I mean by that is, you are under-appreciating the usefullness of a MM's burst damage.


(That said I think your point about rejoining the fight at the same time, versus rejoining 1 by 1, is valid)


The speed in which the 1st enemy dies is directly related to the damage dealt by the opposition over time, (i.e. quick kill by a MM, versus slower kill by a Lethality Sniper). But, it is also related to the damage received from the enemy being attacked. In other words, if you can kill an enemy faster he or she can no longer do damage to you or your team.


Lets assume that over an infinite period of time all of our 8 fighters in your 4v4 scenario deal the same damage. If a MM can burst 1 of the 4 enemies down in the opening moments of the fight, then the oppositions output damage is decreased by 25%. That is huge in the scheme of the fight as you and your team will most likely come out on top.


There are other things to consider such as the composition of your and their teams (i.e. MMs burn enemy healers while lethality struggles, and how if you have a healer with you, a lethality will do better over a sustained fight/versus tanks). The fact of the matter is, each spec is better in different situations and the real question is what type of situations do you face more often/want to face more often. Answer that, play your character with skill and you will succeed irrespective of your spec.

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Why not just say that both have their pro's and con's, and which ones outweighs the others is all just a matter of play style? Really, from what ive seen, both can dish out roughly the same amount of damage and get about the same amount of kills depending on who's behind the wheel with what spec.
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When I'm on the receiving end of that I pack up and leave... find another fight to pick.

The Marksman who doesn't do that is on the same level of intelligence as the Lethality player that stands toe to toe with a Marksman.


Either one is pretty easy prey =)


I agree with you entirely.


Edit: Very often MM sniper starts to chase. Which is bad decision of course.

Edited by TUikkari
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Btw. getting 300k damage in my server and expecially hutball is usually impossible. Either one of teams usually have 4 player "hutball" premade which scores 6 times so fast no one gets even close to 300k. Usual numbers for the highest dd is max 200k.


Voidstar is the only one where you can always have more than 300k damage as a sniper or any other dd.

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One of the most crucial abilities of the MM sniper, especially in HB, is making your opponent take notice as you burst down healers over and over, and help control the middle for the next HB spawn. This causes the healer to rage and request/demand that the dps handle you.


While they are chasing you all over the map in a group of 2-3, They are definitely not in the pursuit of your HB carrier, and if played smartly, they never kill you because you ran them straight into your HB shield group and helped wipe them clean...over and over.


I just described just one match of many played with my 43/43 sniper, which i now favor over my more squishy Assassin Battlemaster in PvP.


I had to L2P, did, and I am having a blast with it. I'm sure post 50 will give me fits for a time, but i know the possibility and love the results so far.

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Assuming the lethality sniper and my sniper both are aware of each other, he's not likely to get a cull off on me (or at least it will be delayed) if I have flash grenade and diversion up. Many of the lethality snipers I see use the predictable corrosive dart, corrosive grenade set up (which they pretty much need to so no fault of their own). Then it's a matter of looking for the WB debuff on me or to see if they take cover/entrench for the obvious cull.


If they don't entrench, I immediately throw the flash grenade once I've been hit with corrosive grenade usually followed by a quick repositioning for an instant snipe/leg shot to prevent from taking cover again for a couple of seconds. Obviously if they start cull at that point I'm waiting to interrupt. I'm already entrenched (if the cooldown was up) so I'm not worried about them attempting to flash bang me. If they try to take cover/entrench then cull, I'll use diversion and interrupt the cull at that point.


They're much more difficult to kill if I didn't seem them first or if my cooldowns aren't available. The few times I have an actual slugging match against one, it's 50/50 who wins as I can typically die from his dots even after he's dead.


Each spec has its merits. If for what ever reason, Boiware changes DoTs preventing node captures, Lethality will have even less a place in pvp. Operatives/Scoundrals and Commandos/Mercs can already remove 2 tech dots on friendly targets which already impacts lethality specs against organized teams. My commando's cleanse is instant and spammable so long as I have ammo. My marksman sniper only feels encumbered attacking tanks alone.


Edit : Null, I'm not really defending the guy you quoted. Him stating he gets most medals 70% of the time seems a bit unrealistic based on my own warzone experiences where tank-capable classes can get 10-12+ medals fairly easily.


Cull is instant, how do you interrupt that?!?!

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One of the most crucial abilities of the MM sniper, especially in HB, is making your opponent take notice as you burst down healers over and over, and help control the middle for the next HB spawn. This causes the healer to rage and request/demand that the dps handle you.


While they are chasing you all over the map in a group of 2-3, They are definitely not in the pursuit of your HB carrier, and if played smartly, they never kill you because you ran them straight into your HB shield group and helped wipe them clean...over and over.


I just described just one match of many played with my 43/43 sniper, which i now favor over my more squishy Assassin Battlemaster in PvP.


I had to L2P, did, and I am having a blast with it. I'm sure post 50 will give me fits for a time, but i know the possibility and love the results so far.


this is so true. I just noticed after about 2 weeks of straight pvp and really putting a hurt on healers/ball carriers/etc, that i now have 2-3 dps/mauraders/etc chasing me all over gods creation in most minis. I've even seen them 4/v1 me while the ball carrier walks right through the crowd of us and scores, lol. i love healer rage....

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