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TOR is really a good game, a great one even.


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I'm srry, but i played Tera, and all of a sudden i remembered ewhat it is like to transported to an alien world.




A very proffesional MMO.


That might fail..who knows. it isnt out yet, but my god it is 10.000 times better than SW:TOR this i can gurantee.


Eh I still Like DCUO better, and Tera's failing in it's native country (yes I am aware DCUO pretty much failed here due to SoE being tards, and the Sony Hack.), yeah the visuals are pretty but that's about all it has going for it.


and if you like PvP forget about it. Tera SUCKS!

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Still does, I can promise you all the other Juggernauts will be missing stuff, have things bugged to high hell, etc. Most of the people QQing will be QQing on those forums as well. I mean hell look at WoW successful MMO right, go to their General Forum, the QQ there is just as bad if not worse there. So really it's more of a matter of no one is ever satisfied.


Now that said, the real trick is for BW to get things up and going and chugging along steadily and showing the promise of a bright and enjoyful gaming experience by the 3rd sub cycle mark. That is usually the make or break mark for a lot of people. So a lot will be riding on 1.2


Then after that they have a 2nd chance, it's called the Offering of free trail which gives them a last chance to fix things at the 6th payment cycle. I'm hoping they get it by the 3rd of course.


Because as I see it now I have little faith in any of the new promised games. (Played Tera beta weekend.. really if you want an action MMO DCUO kicks it's butt, and for the Tera fans Tera is over a year old we're just finally getting it.), GW2 I just don't see a B2P with no reoccuring Sub really living up to it's promise, bleak I know and if I'm wrong cool. I will be more than happy to admit it. Secret World .. well it's Funcom.. I don't have to say anymore. No matter how cool it looks.. it's Funcom approach with caution. Wildstar.. yeah it's a bit to Disney for me, but it is sci-fi so I may give it a whirl off to the side.


So the promised lands of MMO gaming while paved with gold may not lead to the emerald city, WAR Did't, Rift Didn't, DCUO Didn't, Tera Didn't (in Korea and Japan it did not get good reviews.), AoC didn't etc etc etc. Honestly I think we as gamers tend to expect to much from everything and get let down hard to much because of our inflated expectations. That's just my opinion at least.


Ipromise you one thing thing though m8..the most hated MMO company in the world Blizzard Ent. will come up with an mmo that includes everything we want....


God i hate that company and its theft of ideas...

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SWTOR came after RIFT, WoW and Aion. So essentially it has a clean slate. Come this year there are quite a few major MMO releases. SWTOR will have to defend against, MoP, GW2, Tera, Archeage and The Secret World.


Right now it's having trouble standing on it's own, wait till these other titles show Bioware how MMOs are built. This game won't have more than 300k subs by this summer mark my words.


I have in fact bookmarked this page. I will return to it this summer, and you will be proven wrong.

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TOR was a very good single player game with a chat room built in.


If you are saying TOR is a good MMO, then I really do not understand your logic. MMOs are about persistant character growth. A game that absolutely stops at 50 is a terrible MMO.


What made TOR Strong?


Story? Choices? Even though I debate these were done terribly, the fact is once you hit max level these 100% stop. There is no more plot.


Companions? Since all 50 content is group (where you dont have companions) or PvP (ditto) your companions basically just follow you around the imperial station.


Crafting? Pointless at 50. You cant craft anything better or even matching what falls in dungeons.


Challenging PvE? Nope. Nothing more than tank/spank


Fun PvP? Hahah...


what mmo doesn't stop at max level essentially? You get your endgame raid areas, and that is pretty much it. All you can do at that point with a game is add busy work, or some arbitrary grind really, I'd hardly call that character growth. Mmos will always reach that point where there is nothing to do but wait for a content patch, or an expansion. No company can produce content quicker than the few days it takes players to mow through it.

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I mean honestly...


SW:TOR gameplay...


GW2 Questing system...


Tera Online Combat...


Perfect game


eh DCUO's Combat is better. I'm going to be a rock on this one.


As for GW2 Questing System remember WAR Promised an almost Identical system and it didn't turn out at all. So we'll see how that shapes up. Now their Proposed questing system I agree. But let's wait and see how it actually turns out. I may be an old MMO Vet Cynic when I get promised things that sound to good, but I can't trust Arena Net, Just can't do it.

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I have in fact bookmarked this page. I will return to it this summer, and you will be proven wrong.




I honestly do feel when each game comes out the Population will take a hit, but I honestly don't think it will ever struggle to meet that the person you quoted said so I in turn will also sub to this for the same reason.

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I have in fact bookmarked this page. I will return to it this summer, and you will be proven wrong.


Not only will I NOT be proven wrong but I will guarantee you will not be playing this game this summer. Most of you 'head over heels' types dont' stick around very long.

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Eh I still Like DCUO better, and Tera's failing in it's native country (yes I am aware DCUO pretty much failed here due to SoE being tards, and the Sony Hack.), yeah the visuals are pretty but that's about all it has going for it.


and if you like PvP forget about it. Tera SUCKS!


Now I'm not singling you out per se WarSiren, but I'm using your quote as an example. Right here is why MMO communities are quite literally insane.


You like DCUO, which many people have panned...certainly more critics have panned DCUO than critics panning SWTOR. Presumably you're not a fan of SWTOR and neither is the person you quoted, but neither of you can agree on Tera. You hate it, but he likes it.



Again, not meaning to single you out, WarSiren...this issue is bigger than you and is rampant within the MMO fan community. Individuals know what they want, but the community as a whole is like herding cats.


If I were an MMO developer, I'd have a vision (much like an author or a film director, or even a developer of single player games), and I'd make it the way I wanted, and not listen to any forum chatter. Zero.

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eh DCUO's Combat is better. I'm going to be a rock on this one.


As for GW2 Questing System remember WAR Promised an almost Identical system and it didn't turn out at all. So we'll see how that shapes up. Now their Proposed questing system I agree. But let's wait and see how it actually turns out. I may be an old MMO Vet Cynic when I get promised things that sound to good, but I can't trust Arena Net, Just can't do it.


hehe...idd..idd :)

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Now I'm not singling you out per se WarSiren, but I'm using your quote as an example. Right here is why MMO communities are quite literally insane.


You like DCUO, which many people have panned...certainly more critics have panned DCUO than critics panning SWTOR. Presumably you're not a fan of SWTOR and neither is the person you quoted, but neither of you can agree on Tera. You hate it, but he likes it.



Again, not meaning to single you out, WarSiren...this issue is bigger than you and is rampant within the MMO fan community. Individuals know what they want, but the community as a whole is like herding cats.


If I were an MMO developer, I'd have a vision (much like an author or a film director, or even a developer of single player games), and I'd make it the way I wanted, and not listen to any forum chatter. Zero.


Oh no you're getting me all wrong I actually very much like SWToR, I'm just fully willingto admit it has faults and I'm willing to wait them out to get fixed.


And I totally agree with you, MMO fans for the most part are fickle impatient and just full of anger ready to vent at the first thing they can think of. If iwas designing an MMO I'd absolutely not listen to the ragers at all.


As for DCUO, I'm just saying the combat was awesome and it's the one thing that every reviewer agreed on it had an amazing combat engine. Rest of the game.. well the potential was there but standard SoE screwed it up, I'm also saying as a whole DCUO is a better game than Tera. Not saying DCUO is a good game.. just that it is better than Tera... :)

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Oh no you're getting me all wrong I actually very much like SWToR, I'm just fully willing it has faults and I'm willing to wait them out to get fixed.


And I totally agree with you, MMO fans for the most part are fickle impatient and just full of anger ready to vent at the first thing they can think of. If iwas designing an MMO I'd absolutely not listen to the ragers at all.


As for DCUO, I'm just saying the combat was awesome and it's the one thing that every reviewer agreed on it had an amazing combat engine. Rest of the game.. well the potential was there but standard SoE screwed it up, I'm also saying as a whole DCUO is a better game than Tera. Not saying DCUO is a good game.. just that it is better than Tera... :)


As I've said before:


This is incorrect. Actually this is a rather familiar defense tactic for those who are apologists of this game or any game which is pretty bad. 'Wait it out'.


'Good' developers have pushed the envelope of gaming for many years now. We've seen what a competent staff can do with games. BF3, Skyrim, Assassins Creed, Uncharted etc (Hate all you want) they push hardware to it's limits to provide a new age gaming experience. The 'new age' experience eventually becomes the standard.


Games such as SWTOR are basically regressing instead of progressing. We only expect what everyone else can provide. If SWTOR cannot provide what the standard is then maybe they shouldn't make MMOs. If they do want to make MMOs then they shouldn't complain about the customer base who pays their damn bills by insulting them. Lastly when they have sub 300k and RIFT is still over a million, WoW still has 10 million, GW2 has 2 million and Tera has a million they'll know why.


It's because they are not at the level of the rest.

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Oh no you're getting me all wrong I actually very much like SWToR, I'm just fully willing it has faults and I'm willing to wait them out to get fixed.


And I totally agree with you, MMO fans for the most part are fickle impatient and just full of anger ready to vent at the first thing they can think of. If iwas designing an MMO I'd absolutely not listen to the ragers at all.


As for DCUO, I'm just saying the combat was awesome and it's the one thing that every reviewer agreed on it had an amazing combat engine. Rest of the game.. well the potential was there but standard SoE screwed it up, I'm also saying as a whole DCUO is a better game than Tera. Not saying DCUO is a good game.. just that it is better than Tera... :)


MMO fans are sheep!..plain and simple.


They know what drove them to the genre in the first place...its in their core....


Yet a few people can say..'Hey its great' and thats all they need??


Look, its obvious most of us have a varied experience with mmo's.


What angers me is when that experience isnt put to good use. Why are we going backwards with devolepment when we should be going fowards???

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As I've said before:


This is incorrect. Actually this is a rather familiar defense tactic for those who are apologists of this game or any game which is pretty bad. 'Wait it out'.


'Good' developers have pushed the envelope of gaming for many years now. We've seen what a competent staff can do with games. BF3, Skyrim, Assassins Creed, Uncharted etc (Hate all you want) they push hardware to it's limits to provide a new age gaming experience. The 'new age' experience eventually becomes the standard.


Games such as SWTOR are basically regressing instead of progressing. We only expect what everyone else can provide. If SWTOR cannot provide what the standard is then maybe they shouldn't make MMOs. If they do want to make MMOs then they shouldn't complain about the customer base who pays their damn bills by insulting them. Lastly when they have sub 300k and RIFT is still over a million, WoW still has 10 million, GW2 has 2 million and Tera has a million they'll know why.


It's because they are not at the level of the rest.


1.) You're citing single player games vs MMO's. You really can't do that. Also Skyrim didn't push any real boundaries, please check out the Witcher series which kicks Skyrim in the balls and laughs at it.

2.) Rift is terrible, this game in the long run will have more subs than Rift.

3.) Guild Wars 2 will be a purchase the game and then free to play, it will be nearly impossible to tell how many subs it has and most likely will only release the units sold. So your argument there is Null in void.

4.) Tera is struggling desperately to stay alive in Korea and Japan, it's releasing to the US and EU as a desperate last ditch effort. It will be F2P before it's been out for a full year (esp in the EU since Frogster is doing it.)

5.) Wait it out is not a bad defense tactic,it's the nature of MMO's if you can't accept that then you WILL NEVER find a new MMO that makes you happy EVER and you should stick to single player games or older more developed MMOs (because people waited for it to get better FYI WoW was pretty terribad when it launched).


I'm taking it from your post you're an art school graduate (or still in it.) doing a Game design program, you most likely have zero real experience, but because you are still learning about it, you feel you are extremely knowledgeable without any real experience. It's cool most College kids and recent Graduates are like that, easily forgiven.

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1.) You're citing single player games vs MMO's. You really can't do that. Also Skyrim didn't push any real boundaries, please check out the Witcher series which kicks Skyrim in the balls and laughs at it.

2.) Rift is terrible, this game in the long run will have more subs than Rift.

3.) Guild Wars 2 will be a purchase the game and then free to play, it will be nearly impossible to tell how many subs it has and most likely will only release the units sold. So your argument there is Null in void.

4.) Tera is struggling desperately to stay alive in Korea and Japan, it's releasing to the US and EU as a desperate last ditch effort. It will be F2P before it's been out for a full year (esp in the EU since Frogster is doing it.)

5.) Wait it out is not a bad defense tactic,it's the nature of MMO's if you can't accept that then you WILL NEVER find a new MMO that makes you happy EVER and you should stick to single player games or older more developed MMOs (because people waited for it to get better FYI WoW was pretty terribad when it launched).


I'm taking it from your post you're an art school graduate (or still in it.) doing a Game design program, you most likely have zero real experience, but because you are still learning about it, you feel you are extremely knowledgeable without any real experience. It's cool most College kids and recent Graduates are like that, easily forgiven.


Tera isn't sturggling desperately in Korea. It's 3rd in Korea tied with WoW. In Japan it's $38 bucks a month. The only problem with Tera is that it's not grindy enough for the Asians. It is far more westernized than any asian MMO before it.

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I'm taking it from your post your an art school graduate (or still in it.) doing a Game design program, you most likely have zero real experience, but because you are still learning about it, you feel you are extremely knowledgeable without any real experience. It's cool most College kids and recent Graduates are like that, easily forgiven.



Actually I'm double majoring at the University of Tennessee if you must know; Physics and Computer Engineering. :)


Undergrad not grad.


Anything else personal you'd like to say towards me or want to keep discussion strictly about this game? I'd hate for you to get upset and have to resort to personal attacks.


Sorry if being a college student somehow voids my opinion.

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Actually I'm double majoring at the University of Tennessee if you must know; Physics and Computer Engineering. :)


Undergrad not grad.


Anything else personal you'd like to say towards me or want to keep discussion strictly about this game? I'd hate for you to get upset and have to resort to personal attacks.


Absolutely was not a personal attack it was an observation, a correct one (to a point) but an observation, there's nothing wrong with it, but you can easily tell sometimes by the attitude displayed in ones posts about where they are in certain experiences. Kudos on going for the double major, impressive feat.

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Tera isn't sturggling desperately in Korea. It's 3rd in Korea tied with WoW. In Japan it's $38 bucks a month. The only problem with Tera is that it's not grindy enough for the Asians. It is far more westernized than any asian MMO before it.


This is from June 2011 (below) the game was not even out for 6 months yet at this point. Not even Rift took a hit this hard and FYI WoW has 33 servers Up and running in Korea. Tera only has 15


It was also cut down by 1/3 in december in Japan. The game IS NOT doing well.


Earlier today, NHN Korea, the publisher for TERA Korea, announced that the game will go through its 2nd major server merge on 2nd June 2011. More recently, NHN Korea posted the company's latest revenue and earnings, with TERA not meeting the expected figures. During the first round of server merge, 37 servers were merged into 35. In this coming round, the 35 servers will be merged into only 15, with the top 2 populated servers unaffected.

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This is from June 2011 (below) the game was not even out for 6 months yet at this point. Not even Rift took a hit this hard and FYI WoW has 33 servers Up and running in Korea. Tera only has 15


It was also cut down by 1/3 in december in Japan. The game IS NOT doing well.


Earlier today, NHN Korea, the publisher for TERA Korea, announced that the game will go through its 2nd major server merge on 2nd June 2011. More recently, NHN Korea posted the company's latest revenue and earnings, with TERA not meeting the expected figures. During the first round of server merge, 37 servers were merged into 35. In this coming round, the 35 servers will be merged into only 15, with the top 2 populated servers unaffected.


And this month they're releasing a 20 man raid, 2 new battlegrounds and their political system. Things Tera will have at launch in NA. They're also going to have server vs server PVP and guild vs guild wars. It's going to offer a much more player competition based game, which is what an MMO is actually about.

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And this month they're releasing a 20 man raid, 2 new battlegrounds and their political system. Things Tera will have at launch in NA. They're also going to have server vs server PVP and guild vs guild wars. It's going to offer a much more player competition based game, which is what an MMO is actually about.


Right and the game is well over a year old, ToR is Under 3 months old and we're just getting Tera after it's been out for over a year. It's still sinking in it's other regions just FYI feel free to do the research.


So yeah try to defend that game all you want but you are getting a game that had a year to develop content and that is still failing in it's native countries and all it's launches so far.


Also it's a Korean Developer.. En Masse is pretty much a Translator that's it (mind you they are westernizing some of the story and quests.) But they even admitted they are doing squat in development which means your opinion will never matter on getting changes made to the game.

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Oh no you're getting me all wrong I actually very much like SWToR, I'm just fully willingto admit it has faults and I'm willing to wait them out to get fixed.


And I totally agree with you, MMO fans for the most part are fickle impatient and just full of anger ready to vent at the first thing they can think of. If iwas designing an MMO I'd absolutely not listen to the ragers at all.


As for DCUO, I'm just saying the combat was awesome and it's the one thing that every reviewer agreed on it had an amazing combat engine. Rest of the game.. well the potential was there but standard SoE screwed it up, I'm also saying as a whole DCUO is a better game than Tera. Not saying DCUO is a good game.. just that it is better than Tera... :)


sure...gotcha...thanks for clarifying. Apologies if I offended. I too am enjoying SWTOR.


Anyway, off to work for me...

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What angers me is when that experience isnt put to good use. Why are we going backwards with devolepment when we should be going fowards???



That's the crux of the problem! Nobody can define WHAT forward is really. Your idea of forward is different than mine (possibly).


The best detractors can say is forward ISN'T SWTOR. But you try to pin them down on what forward is, and you get a thousand different answers.

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