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TOR is really a good game, a great one even.


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What are you even saying?




Who is the smarter person?


Person who plays a game he/she enjoys and pays for it?


Person who plays a game he/she hates and pays for it?


I like an intelligent conversation...means if i loose i'll probably learn something

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What are you even saying?




Who is the smarter person?


Person who plays a game he/she enjoys and pays for it?


Person who plays a game he/she hates and pays for it?



Or maybe those that are disappointed in the game still have pre-paid time that hasn't expired yet. Gasp!

Edited by Jumajin
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I wouldn't go that far.


The level 50 game is far too easy, there's no purpose to doing any of it, and you have all the epics you could possibly need dumped all over you every day.


In short, there's no brass ring to reach for tomorrow, so there's no reason to log in tomorrow.


That really has nothing to do with it for the majority of friends I have who have left. They just got bored of the game. Bored of the badly designed planets, bored of Ilum, and bored of the same 3 WZ over and over.

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I like the game. It's fun.


Has some issues, but overall it has consumed 200+ hours of my life and counting.


When it's not fun anymore, I'll move on.


I really don't see the enjoyment in hanging around a forum for a game I hate and only try to trash.

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What are you even saying?




Who is the smarter person?


Person who plays a game he/she enjoys and pays for it?


Person who plays a game he/she hates and pays for it?


Now, my argument is that no matter how many people have made the argument that swtor NEEDS major improvements to qualify as an mmo that requires a subscription, the fan base regularly chase away away these constructive criticisms...


And if they dont, their posts are usually dropped.


Kudos to you if you enjoy this game..really.


But here is where it ends.


There are many other mmo's out there that have much higher subs, and the forums are full of complaints from the serious to the down right rediculous.


Yet these complaints are aired out.


Some solved, most not.


However, this community is unique in that it goes in the absolutely opposite direction.....the slightest not of a complaint recieves the response of 'IF you dont like i, be on your way'...Fastest way to kill an mmo.


And since its an mmo and what you are paying a monthly fee for, mine and your enjoyment of the gane suffers as a result.


well not mine anyway cos i've un-subbed :)

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I like the game. It's fun.


Has some issues, but overall it has consumed 200+ hours of my life and counting.


When it's not fun anymore, I'll move on.


I really don't see the enjoyment in hanging around a forum for a game I hate and only try to trash.


This sums up my position perfectly.

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...but fans need to consider the situation coldly.


I love TOR thus far, and I found the launch quite good (I'm also the kind of guy who have over 60 SW books)


Now, TOR have to handle the competition. And the competition can't just be dealt with slogans.


Allow me to present an example. TOR, uh, very vocal fans, said that the talents for the next expansion ''of that game'' would be ''stupid'', ''for kids'' , ''for pandas lovers''


Those talents got updated recently....


Sorry the changes to that other games Talent tree is still for not bright people, anyone that actually enjoys spec building and Theory crafting should be highly insulted by what they are doing.


As I said in another post the next expansions further butchering of their talent tree is like handing people a Square Block and giving them a circle hole just big enough for the block to fit into so they feel like a winner.


I mean if you want to feel like that and have your intelligence insulted because that other game is desperate to retain their casual players, then Kudos.

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Now, my argument is that no matter how many people have made the argument that swtor NEEDS major improvements to qualify as an mmo that requires a subscription, the fan base regularly chase away away these constructive criticisms...


And if they dont, their posts are usually dropped.


Kudos to you if you enjoy this game..really.


But here is where it ends.


There are many other mmo's out there that have much higher subs, and the forums are full of complaints from the serious to the down right rediculous.


Yet these complaints are aired out.


Some solved, most not.


However, this community is unique in that it goes in the absolutely opposite direction.....the slightest not of a complaint recieves the response of 'IF you dont like i, be on your way'...Fastest way to kill an mmo.


And since its an mmo and what you are paying a monthly fee for, mine and your enjoyment of the gane suffers as a result.


well not mine anyway cos i've un-subbed :)


The problem you seem to forget, is not EVERYONE is blanket-term "haters or fans." I appreciate feedback and negative critism, blindly following without expecting improvement is a waste of time and a little sad.


I don't agree with the fans that hold one hand over their eyes while playing the game. I accept there is flaws, and that the game has room for improvement.


Does that mean I don't enjoy it? Certainly not! I love this game and am perfectly capable of understanding it takes time for things to improve. Even if they don't, until the day I get bored, I will continue to pay for it.


So this is a two-way street; you expect all of the fans to get on board with "reality" as some call it, and recognize that there are issues. You also need to recognize that these fans can enjoy something, even if it's not working to your standards.


Both sides of the argument are flawed. It's those customers who buy the game, play the game, decide they hate it; go to the forums and do not provide feedback, simply exclaim that those who like it are wrong, and spend all day attempting to destroy the games reputation.


There is a large difference between people and how they interpret this launch and game. It's not fair for any of us to lump sum an entire group of people or individuals, as each persons reaction is unique and should be treated as such. It's those who blindly follow and blindly hate the game that should be disregarded.

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cant fault ur argument tbh m8.


but this isnt trashing the game...honestly.


I'm not stupid enough to think that BW would hit the bull's eye first time out.




When they make another mmo, it would be nice if they took all this info and really thought about where they want to go with it.


And despite all that that it has gotten wrong (and its a lot), BW can take comfort in being the first mmo that has TRULY made questing a FUN experience.

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cant fault ur argument tbh m8.


but this isnt trashing the game...honestly.


I'm not stupid enough to think that BW would hit the bull's eye first time out.




When they make another mmo, it would be nice if they took all this info and really thought about where they want to go with it.


And despite all that that it has gotten wrong (and its a lot), BW can take comfort in being the first mmo that has TRULY made questing a FUN experience.


I feel this game has definite issues, but not ones they can't overcome. So let's be serious what MMO came out of the box ready to go at even 80%. None of them. I think the issue is BW needed to scale back on XP earned because it's way to easy to burn to 50, and I honestly don't think they expected as many people to get to 50 as fast as they did. So yeah end game atm is pretty meh. I just hope they learn from their mistakes for future content, (Like make Flash Points needed to raid, and raid gear BETTER than Flashpoint gear and NORMAL Raids harder than Hard Mode Flashpoints!!!!!!) and make it better. the game over all is fun, and I'm willing to ride it out while they improve our quality of life.

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I feel this game has definite issues, but not ones they can't overcome. So let's be serious what MMO came out of the box ready to go at even 80%. None of them. I think the issue is BW needed to scale back on XP earned because it's way to easy to burn to 50, and I honestly don't think they expected as many people to get to 50 as fast as they did. So yeah end game atm is pretty meh. I just hope they learn from their mistakes for future content, (Like make Flash Points needed to raid, and raid gear BETTER than Flashpoint gear and NORMAL Raids harder than Hard Mode Flashpoints!!!!!!) and make it better. the game over all is fun, and I'm willing to ride it out while they improve our quality of life.


Well, tbh m8 that is the problem.


This isnt 2004. where there was L1/L2/WoW/EQ..etc


Nah...this 2012...juggernauts are coming!!!!


And there is very little room for error's of the stature SW:TOR has.

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I feel this game has definite issues, but not ones they can't overcome. So let's be serious what MMO came out of the box ready to go at even 80%. None of them. I think the issue is BW needed to scale back on XP earned because it's way to easy to burn to 50, and I honestly don't think they expected as many people to get to 50 as fast as they did. So yeah end game atm is pretty meh. I just hope they learn from their mistakes for future content, (Like make Flash Points needed to raid, and raid gear BETTER than Flashpoint gear and NORMAL Raids harder than Hard Mode Flashpoints!!!!!!) and make it better. the game over all is fun, and I'm willing to ride it out while they improve our quality of life.


It's much easier to tone down difficulty then it is to increase difficulty. No way to put the genie back in the bottle in terms of level/loot.


Believe it or not this game was even easier in beta. In late beta they upped the difficulty of the mobs after you got past 20 and I could not believe the QQ going on.


There are some seriously casual players who ride the short bus apparently.

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It's much easier to tone down difficulty then it is to increase difficulty. No way to put the genie back in the bottle in terms of level/loot.


Believe it or not this game was even easier in beta. In late beta they upped the difficulty of the mobs after you got past 20 and I could not believe the QQ going on.


There are some seriously casual players who ride the short bus apparently.




And one final note, if there was one and only one game WoW was afraid of, it was SW:TOR....Well, they made a hash of that didnt they?

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SWTOR came after RIFT, WoW and Aion. So essentially it has a clean slate. Come this year there are quite a few major MMO releases. SWTOR will have to defend against, MoP, GW2, Tera, Archeage and The Secret World.


Right now it's having trouble standing on it's own, wait till these other titles show Bioware how MMOs are built. This game won't have more than 300k subs by this summer mark my words.

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SWTOR came after RIFT, WoW and Aion. So essentially it has a clean slate. Come this year there are quite a few major MMO releases. SWTOR will have to defend against, MoP, GW2, Tera, Archeage and The Secret World.


Right now it's having trouble standing on it's own, wait till these other titles show Bioware how MMOs are built. This game won't have more than 300k subs by this summer mark my words.


Shame, but i agree 100%.

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And this game had the power to DESTROY evrything in its path..


Sad..very sad.


Still does, I can promise you all the other Juggernauts will be missing stuff, have things bugged to high hell, etc. Most of the people QQing will be QQing on those forums as well. I mean hell look at WoW successful MMO right, go to their General Forum, the QQ there is just as bad if not worse there. So really it's more of a matter of no one is ever satisfied.


Now that said, the real trick is for BW to get things up and going and chugging along steadily and showing the promise of a bright and enjoyful gaming experience by the 3rd sub cycle mark. That is usually the make or break mark for a lot of people. So a lot will be riding on 1.2


Then after that they have a 2nd chance, it's called the Offering of free trail which gives them a last chance to fix things at the 6th payment cycle. I'm hoping they get it by the 3rd of course.


Because as I see it now I have little faith in any of the new promised games. (Played Tera beta weekend.. really if you want an action MMO DCUO kicks it's butt, and for the Tera fans Tera is over a year old we're just finally getting it.), GW2 I just don't see a B2P with no reoccuring Sub really living up to it's promise, bleak I know and if I'm wrong cool. I will be more than happy to admit it. Secret World .. well it's Funcom.. I don't have to say anymore. No matter how cool it looks.. it's Funcom approach with caution. Wildstar.. yeah it's a bit to Disney for me, but it is sci-fi so I may give it a whirl off to the side.


So the promised lands of MMO gaming while paved with gold may not lead to the emerald city, WAR Did't, Rift Didn't, DCUO Didn't, Tera Didn't (in Korea and Japan it did not get good reviews.), AoC didn't etc etc etc. Honestly I think we as gamers tend to expect to much from everything and get let down hard to much because of our inflated expectations. That's just my opinion at least.

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Still does, I can promise you all the other Juggernauts will be missing stuff, have things bugged to high hell, etc. Most of the people QQing will be QQing on those forums as well. I mean hell look at WoW successful MMO right, go to their General Forum, the QQ there is just as bad if not worse there. So really it's more of a matter of no one is ever satisfied.


Now that said, the real trick is for BW to get things up and going and chugging along steadily and showing the promise of a bright and enjoyful gaming experience by the 3rd sub cycle mark. That is usually the make or break mark for a lot of people. So a lot will be riding on 1.2


Then after that they have a 2nd chance, it's called the Offering of free trail which gives them a last chance to fix things at the 6th payment cycle. I'm hoping they get it by the 3rd of course.


Because as I see it now I have little faith in any of the new promised games. (Played Tera beta weekend.. really if you want an action MMO DCUO kicks it's butt, and for the Tera fans Tera is over a year old we're just finally getting it.), GW2 I just don't see a B2P with no reoccuring Sub really living up to it's promise, bleak I know and if I'm wrong cool. I will be more than happy to admit it. Secret World .. well it's Funcom.. I don't have to say anymore. No matter how cool it looks.. it's Funcom approach with caution. Wildstar.. yeah it's a bit to Disney for me, but it is sci-fi so I may give it a whirl off to the side.


So the promised lands of MMO gaming while paved with gold may not lead to the emerald city, WAR Did't, Rift Didn't, DCUO Didn't, Tera Didn't (in Korea and Japan it did not get good reviews.), AoC didn't etc etc etc. Honestly I think we as gamers tend to expect to much from everything and get let down hard to much because of our inflated expectations. That's just my opinion at least.


I'm srry, but i played Tera, and all of a sudden i remembered ewhat it is like to transported to an alien world.




A very proffesional MMO.


That might fail..who knows. it isnt out yet, but my god it is 10.000 times better than SW:TOR this i can gurantee.

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