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Builds for Snipers


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I tried lethality and I must say I hated not having any burst, and the cover mechanism doesn't really bother me that much. I just wanted to try something new instead of full Marksmanship. Recently I've been trying a 23/16/2 build, and have had a lot of fun with that.

Its nice to have a decent DoT despite being marksmanship. And The burst from explosive probe and ambush is fun. I don't really have fancy gear yet (rank55). What I like is that the build seems to work in PvE as well.




This is the build I've been trying. Do you wise guys have any recommendations of a better build? Is 31/7/3 better?


A lot of the builds I saw different places included the talent "sniper volley". A talent I find absolutly crap since alacrity only really boosts series of shots due to global cooldown.


Also full engineering looks promising, despite the last talent seems bad in PvP. Anyone tried it for PvP, and how was it?


Im looking for a build that works in both PvE and PvP.

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