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Server forums?


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If I can't server transfer my character, why the hell would I want to know who is recruiting off my server? I understand you are trying to have a high amount of moderation but get real, no one wants to waste there time they could be using to play the game to try and navigate the craziness they call the forums now to look for a guild. Plus, how the hell can I communicate with my servers community when the post disappears in no time. I have a feeling you are just going to create more spam on general chat. (which I am sure all the smart people have turned off already anyway.) If you want to kill and MMO quick, make it hard for people to communicate with people they WILL interact with on their server not try and bunch everyone together.




Just my two cents!

Edited by Gillhawk
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Partially, this is because we do not feel we could currently provide the high standard of moderation, oversight, and maintenance in each of them that we aim to provide across the Forums.


How can you not provide the standard of moderation? You've already sold over 2 million copies of SWTOR at 50$ a pop and you're projected to sell over $3.5 million by the end of the year.

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Lol you don't even have to pay moderators, there are so many fanboy's in this game.


You did just piss off a whole mountain of trolls to I'm guessing. Everybody was gearing up to make "@SoandSo" posts soon!



In all reality, we do need server forums, and you're already showing the community that


Money Factory > Features



Pony up

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Hi everyone! We wanted to explain a little more about why there aren't currently server forums:


While we absolutely agree that there are some useful threads and discussions that come from server forums, we have decided to not include them in our launch Forums lineup. Partially, this is because we do not feel we could currently provide the high standard of moderation, oversight, and maintenance in each of them that we aim to provide across the Forums.


Another factor is that, after observing server forums for other games, we feel that we can provide places on the Forums for the constructive content that typically comes from them while working to eliminate the extreme negativity of player callouts and other undesirable forum activity that can occur in them.


We now have several areas for guild recruitment and community discussion and organization, which we feel are excellent things that typically end up in server-specific forums. We encourage you to make use of all the Community Forums (especially the Server Event and Check-ins forums) as well as our expanded Guild Hall forums. Though the search feature is currently disabled, once it is restored it will be easy to search for guilds recruiting on your server (and we apologize for the inconvenience in the meantime).


Obviously, this is a decision we can re-evaluate as we receive community feedback, but we do encourage you to try out the sub-forums that we currently have to see if they meet your needs and desires for meeting other players. In the future, we may add additional sub-forums for various topics that require more space. We're always reading feedback and evaluating the needs of the community, and will continue to do so, so please do let us know what suggestions you have to improve the Forums!


Terrible decision. It is absolutely asinine to expect to be able to find your friends from other games without knowing their TOR forum names to look them up without server forums. Case in point. 2 major guilds from Lord of the Rings Online on my server got assigned to the Swiftsure, I joined one of them, but would like to keep in contact with my friends from the other, I can't find them because of several reasons:


1. No server forums

2. Lumping all servers into one "community" forum is a joke, the place is a mess.

3. Cannot add names to friends list unless they are currently online, even if you know what name they are using.

4. Cannot /who search by guild

5. The Who list is a mess all of itself, only displaying 100 results and does not display guilds on it.

6. No global chat channel


So basically the only way to reconnect with friends from other games is to either have all their info like SWTOR forum name and character names/facebooks ahead of time before they jumped the sinking ship that is LotRO, or, use the name you used on the other game (which honestly, does not make sense in this because the names I used on that game are in Tolkien's Elven languages, not very Star Warsy) and hope they see me talking in a planet's general chat if they happen to be on at the same time on the same planet.


Totally jacked up.

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Well, guess I take back what I was saying to folks about giving it a couple weeks. Here I figured it was just that the server list was not set yet. That's what I get for trying to give people the benefit of the doubt.


You really expect people to wade through a hundred server's worth of guild recruitment posts to find one just for their server? That's... mind bogglingly anti-user. Not to mention the difficulty of organizing or advertising a multi-guild or cross-faction event.


Guess it's time to launch a new website for our server's community...

Edited by Aydrien
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This is by far the most retarded thing I've seen. How do you expect to build a server community without server forums? This will hurt community building way way way more than having a dungeon finder would.


Give each server its own forum.

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Not having server forums is detrimental to the community. You can't build a community without a common way for people to interact. The "mass forum" idea is pointless mostly because you can't coordinate with each other very well... you can't say, "Meet you in game" or "Need help with X" without each of you rolling a character on each other's server... we know that's not feasible.


Server forums are NEEDED and NECESSARY for a strong community.

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Server forums are vital for building communities.


They need only be lightly moderated, there is no need for a strong staff presence as there is on CS or Tech forums.


Negativity is part of being in a community. Building a reputation, be it good or bad, as a result of your actions is part of the fun of mmos. Not to mention the difficulty in coordinating rp events, pvp battles, trades, etc.


Is it really expected that we are to coordinate these things on a forum shared by 50 (hypothetical number) other servers? I don't want to wade through events, trades, guild recruitment, and shoutouts from people I've never heard of and will never meet. I want to do those things with the people I will be grouping with or killing on my own realm.


I strongly urge that this decision be reconsidered.

Edited by qqemokitty
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Server forums are absolutely necessary on PvP servers to establish friendly rivalries and challenge open world objectives.



This is needed to build a community. They talked about how they wanted to establish server communities but then leave out a means to talk to that community? This is backwards thinking and I hope they change their minds.

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Another factor is that, after observing server forums for other games, we feel that we can provide places on the Forums for the constructive content that typically comes from them while working to eliminate the extreme negativity of player callouts and other undesirable forum activity that can occur in them.


We now have several areas for guild recruitment and community discussion and organization, which we feel are excellent things that typically end up in server-specific forums. We encourage you to make use of all the Community Forums (especially the Server Event and Check-ins forums) as well as our expanded Guild Hall forums. Though the search feature is currently disabled, once it is restored it will be easy to search for guilds recruiting on your server (and we apologize for the inconvenience in the meantime).


I agree that server forums are mostly a **** heap but your recruitment section you mention is useless.


Best solution would be to turn on the guild building feature you had before and link them to current guild. At least that way it would be possible people to advertise that they were recruiting and people could search for what they want.

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So let me get this straight.....the game I love makes it almost impossible to join a guild?


Let me tell you a short story about how I have gone about getting into a guild in the past. First, I would get my character to max level. Second, I would go to my servers forums and check the "PvE Progression thread." (I know you PvPers might disagree but if you are in a TOP PvE guild you will find GOOD PvPers to pvp with.) I would also browse through the "XXX Guild is recruiting" threads on the server forums. From there, I would usually visit the guilds websites (found in the Progression thread) to verify the information I found on the forums and usually learn more about what the guild is about and what is involved in joining beyond the forum posts. After some deductive reasoning I would make a decision and apply.


Now, so far for SWTOR, I can either, spend 2-3 hours searching the forums to find guilds that that suit my needs, are at the level of play I want AND is recruiting on MY SERVER, Which, by the way, is the only way to get my main into a guild because I can not server transfer. Or someone might say, "Why don't you post yourself and have someone pick you up?" Lets be honest, your not going to get the best job you can get by just plain posting your resume on monster. What makes you think the guild that is going to best suit me will be found BY them. Granted, I can't say its impossible, but I think we can all agree its improbable.


Please, make server forums. It would make my life a whole lot easier.

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Ok, as +1 is not allowed I will reply with arguments and thus repeat what others have said (wich is the whole reason people do say +1 and /signed, all arguments are clear).


I normally stay clear of these discussions as I - as a former Community Manager for decently big webbased games - understand both positions. However, this is bizar... how on earth should people go trough all the stuff that is not for them? I make you an offer, you do that for a day and then make a decision. If you honestly feel it should stay like this, fine, I just don't believe you will...

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As a game that supposedly claims to be in favour of Community building(See: Developer reasoning for no LFD tool) this is doing the opposite.


One of the most efficient ways of creating, maintaining and expanding a Server Community is by having a dedicated place for issues that directly affect that Server. Without specific forums this game will suffer.


I find it amusing as EA/Bioware hired a whole bunch of fools from Mythic and put them to work here, on this game. Did not a single one of them mention how WAR lacked Forums of any kind, claiming the same reasons as yourselves, but they eventually relented when they finally removed their heads from their collective backsides and/or clouds and figured out that dedicated places for discussion between Server Communities were what the paying customers wanted.

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LOL, this is hilarious. Its one thing to be working on a good server forum system. Its another entirely to say that you arent even planning on having them. all this is really doing is hurting the guilds out there because nobody is going to know who you are.
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so instead of subforums for people to develop better communities, we'll end up with threads like this in the community forum?


[title]The Harbinger - Huttball 12/20/2011


Awesome_rebel, dude, that was totally awesome how we went back and forth during the match, we were the star of the match. hope to see you more in game, what guild are you from, since the SWTOR /who function won't tell me guild names?






what about the people who rolled on RP servers? what if they wanted to arrange a RP event? community forum? one that EVERY server is funneled into? because that won't get lost in the noise 5 minutes after posting?


this is an absolutely terrible decision.

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Server forums are required for any mmo. Re-Think this bioware, your making a mistake that will end up costing you money. People are drawn to MMO's with flashy content, but the reason most stay are community, guilds, and friendships. The guild forums you have right now are a nightmare, and adding the search function back will not make it any easier to promote or find a guild. Ditto for your events forum, another nightmare. Furthermore servers need forums to build community. Has the people who made this call ever played an MMO?


Give us server forums, we need them, we want them, what else is there to say? The pros of server forums vastly outweigh the cons, by light years....

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