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Server forums?


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It might be useful to note that no all MMORPG's have had server forums.


DCUO didn't have them and there was a huge outcry from the community begging for them. The folks at SOE stubbornly refused to add them and said so, citing some of the same reasons that Bioware has cited.


The result was that DCUO slowly died as people had no way of forming groups and relationships outside the guild structure. People would log in, play for a half hour, while looking for someone to play with, and then just get tired of it and log off. There were no events scheduled because the tools to do it didn't exist.


Of course, DCUO's problems were all solved, when eventually their subscriptions shrunk to the point where they had to just consolidate everyone onto the same server. Hopefully Bioware can learn from the failures of others and answer this problem before it causes them irreversible damage.

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Hey guys, I setup a forum which is dedicated just for swtor servers -




So far there are only US servers, but should have all the european servers added tonight. I guess it could be a temporary solution until they decide to setup server forums here.



I am also in a process of adding subcategories to each server... but there are so many of them... a bit of a pain. Plan is to have one subcategory for Sith and one for Republic... can add more such as guild recruitment. Let me know if you have any suggestions.

Edited by ApathyMad
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This is a fricking joke... they placed my guild on Dark Reaper and this is the crap i have to deal with. I have never been so pissed off at game. I mean it was a bear to get BF3 working normal, but this game you cant even play. Just because im in a 900+ Q time, i hate each and every one of you. :mad:
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Server forums create the community that keep people playing long after the content has been played through.


Great for a little smack talking, recruiting, making new friends or complimenting a good fight with an enemy. You also get a feel for server balance, so those of us willing would make the switch and help out.


Server forums allow the vocal minority and the silent majority to get a feel for whats going on. It also allows us to get the hell away from the cesspool of the rather anonymous and hostile general forums and holds people more accountable for what they say when on server forums.

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A Helm of Graush forum has been started by some of the players on the server(apparently enough people were sick of the lack of server forums here, so they formed their own). Just came up today. Please stop by and help it thrive.




Edited by Snackshack
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Pretty sure this boils down to them not having a clear number how many servers there will be when the dust settles and not being able to spare the manpower to provide moderation while all hands are on deck to manage wait times and start-up issues as the holiday approaches. Forum servers would be nice to have but, they are not an immediate have to have sort of feature.
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I am actually amazed that someone thought no server forums was a good idea and thought that a couple of forums where millions of players will post and get their messages lost in the heard was a good idea. I love Bioware and I like the game, but there are many times your decisions remind me that you are very new and at times very naive about how important some features are to mom players.....imho....btw /signed and +1 Edited by drdog
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It would be amazing for the server communities, just to have a more direct way of meeting your fellow players from your server. Especially since there is no LFG cross server option, it becomes even more crucial for us to know others in our community.


I seldom post or read the forums here now, I actually find them cluttered and a lot of unneeded forums have been added. Not only that, but the people that usually post here I will never meet, they arent part of my TOR experience, just players from a galaxy far, far away.

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quote from the bioware employee that posted in this thread:

"Another factor is that, after observing server forums for other games, we feel that we can provide places on the Forums for the constructive content that typically comes from them while working to eliminate the extreme negativity of player callouts and other undesirable forum activity that can occur in them."


Excuse me.... some of us enjoy forum pvp and lively discussion regarding exicting fights and battles and who pwned who's face.


Come on, server forums are a must!

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While I do agree for the need in sever forums to promote community. The more forums you have the more staff and servers you need .Many MMOs - Warhammer and Guild Wars 2 for example have no official forums at all and rely on the community to come up with their own things.


If there is enough demand we may get server forums from Bioware but for now we need to make do. They have many other things right now that are their primary focus.


Due to this demand from the community we (Fragworld) have made unofficial server forums for all the North American Servers Here



We will also be making server forums for EU community as well.

Feel free to use those as much as you like and make suggestions for anythig else we can do for you.



Here is a blog post that explains further.



We will soon (when things settle a bit for Bioware) be doing a live Q&A event with Bioware. We will be putting up polls for top suggestions for improvements prior to that meeting.

I encourage you to make your opinions known there as well as continue to post here and other places. Bioware gets feedback from many places and is active in many other fansite communities as well. They love to lurk and observe and do value your feedback.

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I will also add my 2c here and saying that every MMO game that I have played that had specific server forums hosted by the company, always made the actual game better. It was easier to stay informed, check up on events, find a guild and just get to know people while you are at work waiting to play the game again when you get home.


Come on Bioware, get the people you need hired, and give us some server forums.


Shoot, hire me, I have run forums for 15 years now, I'll be glad to come run the server forums team :D


Thank you.

Edited by Xunekaath
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So, let's say if I want to put up a recruitment thread.... I gotta put it in a centralized forum so it cannot be seen amongst the masses of recruitment thread from the many servers that are up?


That's just lazy.


Please put them up, this is easily my 2nd biggest pet peeve beyond server queues.

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This game lacks community in a huge way and it could be the reason I seek out another game. I also feel the press will pick up on this quite soon enough. Below are reasons why I wanted a server forum...


I was so looking forward to informing my server that I was going to crush the Republic in a tounge in cheek way, make a few joke and introduce myself.


My guild seems dead. GM and officers seem to have quit or rerolled and so I need a new guild for end game. The best place to look for a guild is your server forum.


Specail crafters can be listed.


Call outs... Big deal, they help create a community and memorys. Look at any MMO they all had villens and heros. I saw an interview with SWTOR designer Rich Vogel where he looked back fondly to those "bad guys" GIVE YOUR GAME A PERSONALITY

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We need server forums, the sooner the better!


This is how MMO communities are formed. We get to know each other, find out who's who, find out what different guilds are doing. We learn who RP's and as what and can work together. We can announce events large and small.


We need this ESPECIALLY in this game with no global chat, and no communicating with the other side.

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